Xumi, Jingshan Palace.

After listening to the words of the light screen, Nasida also imagined the environment in her mind.

First, go to the Rock Abyss with the traveler to find the sealed elemental life.

Then, go to the Grass Dragon Apep together.

I don’t know what accident happened during this period, which made it impossible to save it successfully later.

In such a situation, what choice would she make?

Nacida frowned and thought for a moment.

If you find yourself in a panic, you may actually choose to sacrifice yourself.

As a person involved, you may not think about it in detail.

Do whatever comes to your mind.

But now from a third-party perspective, she suddenly felt that there was something wrong with this decision!

And the problem is huge!

This is completely different from the situation when King Daci Shu died!

If she hadn’t been dissuaded by Ying, Xumi might really get into trouble again!

Thinking of Guangmu’s serious instructions and the advice of good friends around her,

Nasida lowered her head and looked a little ashamed.

My ears drooped involuntarily.

“Ying, Paimon, I’m sorry!”

“��I was wrong!”

“I bear the responsibility of a country!”

“You shouldn’t be so impulsive in sacrificing yourself!”

“Nor should I entrust you with the responsibility of Xumi!”

Looking at Nacida who lowered her head to admit her mistake, Yingmei and Paimon looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.


It’s okay, it’s okay~

It seems that Nacida still listened to the advice!

But it’s normal!

If you really have to be stubborn all the time Iron, that is not worthy of the name of the God of Wisdom!

“Just know you are wrong!”

“When you go to save the grass dragon later, you must……”

“Forget it, I’d better go with you!”

The younger sister hugged her arms.

It’s about her good friend, so she can’t be careless!

She has to keep a close eye on her!

“And I!”

Paimon also patted Hungry at this time.

Nasita raised her head and looked at Yingmei and Paimon who looked like they recognized”Zero Six Seven”. She was extremely moved.

“Hey, Paimon, thank you!”

“Hee hee, Nasita, you are too polite!”

“that is! I am your first sage! Don’t care who do you care about?”


The atmosphere became hilarious again

… villa.

Luo Chen continued at this time

“Taken together, Nasida’s merits outweigh her faults!”

“Unlike other gods, Little Lucky Grass King Nasida has a complete growth trajectory!”

“In the previous review, we have witnessed her entire process as a ‘child god’, from birth, growth, transformation, to the rule of the Seven Gods!”

“After experiencing all this, she is no longer an ignorant, humble and powerless child!”

“But the God of decisive and persevering wisdom!”

“Her compassion is by no means cowardly, nor is it a Virgin bitch-like self-impression!”

“It is about caring for life and taking practical actions to bring happiness to the sad!”

“Even if the power is weak, we must try our best to save every citizen!”

“Although Nasita is the reincarnation of the Great Merciful Tree King, she is not that great god!”

“Just like Huazhai Palace is not in Huazhai Palace!”

“Nacida’s fate is extended by her own choices!”

“Because of her own experience, she showed a completely different trajectory from that of King Daci Shu!”

“Nacida chose to let go of the past, not to completely cut off from the past, but to embrace the past!”

“Looking to the future!”

“At this moment, Nasida was no longer the moon!”

“But a rising sun!”

“She rises slowly from the horizon like the morning sun!”

“Although the new sun is still very young, it already exudes warmth and hope.”

“That day, Nacida had a long, long dream.”

“She dreamed of people holding hands and circling around her”

“Sages and fools, dancers and warriors, dolls and idols……”

“Everyone’s cheers contain everything in the universe”

“Life has always been the goal, and wisdom is the means!”

“Finally, both the Great Merciful Tree King and Nasida are both compassionate and great gods!”

“The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!”

Originally, although the light curtain told a lot about the Little Grass God, everyone’s understanding was still somewhat fragmented.

At this time, after seeing the complete summary and comments of the Little Grass God, they, especially the Sumeru people, suddenly became enlightened.

It turns out that this man, like the Great Ci Tree King, is also a gentle and great god!

Although he has been imprisoned for five hundred years, he still loves Xumi deeply!

Unknowingly, he had done so many things for Xumi!

Although there are still some shortcomings, although there are still some impulses, this is not her fault, but the fault of the Sumeru people themselves!

Just as Light Screen said, if you give her some time, this little grass god will definitely become a god who can rival or even surpass the Great Merciful Tree King!

【General chat group】

【Dina Zedai: Mr. Grass God, you don’t have to feel inferior or belittle yourself! You are already very good!】

【Lana: Yes! Everything is the fault of the Teaching Council and our Sumeru!】

【Rahman: There is the Big Charming Tree King in the front and the Little Lucky Grass King in the back! Xumi is lucky to have such two wise gods! (Sigh.jpg)】

【Dina Zedai: We are willing to follow Lord Grass God forever!】

【Dina Zedai: The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!】

【Zhila: The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!】

【Shirin: The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!】

【Tuman: The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!】


The three countries of Mondstadt, Liyue and Daozhu all have slogans of people’s belief in gods!

Such as:

Let the wind lead, and listen to the wind’s singing!

Thousands of rocks are solid, and the mountains will never move!

Always magnificent, the God is eternal!

But Xumi didn’t!

There is only one slogan that is not a slogan: May I be able to listen to the voice of God’s wisdom!

But this sentence is obviously inappropriate.

And not impressive enough!

Look at how the people from Mondstadt, Liyue, and Daoqi were shouting slogans in the chat group.

How impressive!

Xumi people are also extremely envious.

Just when they were thinking secretly in their hearts, at this moment, the light curtain sent an assist.

After hearing the last sentence, their eyes suddenly lit up

【The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever! 】

This sentence perfectly contains the characters of the Great Ci Tree King and the Little Grass God!

It couldn’t be more appropriate!

So the Sumeru people decided to use this sentence as their slogan to the gods in the future!

Then, under the leadership of Dina Zedai, the chat group started to flood the screen one after another!

It also shows their people’s faith in Lord Grass God!

Not only in the group, but gradually spread to reality.

Soon, loud slogans began to resound throughout Xumi.


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Wendy: She was betrayed twice, but she didn’t feel resentful. Instead, she loved her even more! Externally, eliminate the God of Opportunity, weaken the Doctor’s strength, and save Apep, the Dragon of Grass!】

【Wendy: Although she is young, she is already a very good god~ (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, it is impossible to do all this without great wisdom! (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Zhen: Although I felt a little inferior in the early stage and a little impulsive later on, it’s understandable! It’s amazing that he can still do this after being imprisoned for five hundred years! (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Shadow: Much better than me!】

【Shadow: I appreciate your humility, Nasida. Humility is indeed the virtue of a wise man! And your power should be able to do many things beyond imagination, but you only use it to correct and protect.】

【Shadow: What a gentle god~ (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Fonina: Great! I see in you a different will from King Daci Shu! Given time, I believe you will become a great god comparable to or even surpassing the Great Ci Tree King! (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Navilet: Whether it’s too focused or too doting, although there are flaws in his behavior, I recognize Little Lucky Grass King’s sense of responsibility as the Sumeru God! (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Navilet: But the youngest god can still do this, but a certain hysterical guy… (sigh.jpg)】

【Tvarin: Indeed! The little grass god is powerful, dedicated and serious, not like a fisherman! (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Ruotuo Dragon King: That’s right! Much better than a certain old man! (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Funina:? ? ?】

【Wendy: Hey~】


In the eyes of people in the chat group, although Xiaocao Shen is a god, he has always been a good student who studies hard in the group.

Every time when I comment on the senior gods, I will learn from them with an open mind.���Summarize.

Thinking about learning how to become a qualified god!

Now when they see her being praised and affirmed by all the gods and bosses in the group, many people are very happy.

【Yingmei: Wow, first the light curtain recognized it, then the Five Gods and Three Dragon Kings, oh no, it was the Six Gods and Three Dragon Kings! There is also the approval of King Daci Shu!】

【Yingmei: Our Nasida is so awesome! (Thumbs up.jpg)】

【Paimon: Hee hee, Lightscreen and everyone are looking after you, Nasita~】

【Nilu: Mr. Little Lucky Grass King has finally been recognized~ (Cheers.jpg)】

【Charlotte: Your Excellency Xiaocao Shen, you are recognized by the light curtain and the seniors. How do you feel now?】

【Nacida: Thank you! Thank you Light Curtain and all seniors for your recognition!】

【Nasida: I will definitely continue to work hard and never let down the expectations of Light Screen and my seniors! (Seriously.jpg)]

Nasida is really happy now!

She has always felt low self-esteem because she was disliked by the people.

So I keep learning!

Thinking about how to become a qualified god!

Thinking about becoming a great god like the idol Daci Shuwang!

Now, her wish finally came true!

She was recognized by the Five Gods, Three Dragon Kings and eight seniors!

Recognized by the idol Daci Shuwang!

Recognized by the great light curtain!

Everyone agrees that she is a qualified and excellent god!

Nasida felt that her efforts had paid off……….. very nice~

【Alice: Not bad~! Congratulations to the little grass god! It doesn’t matter whether you are the sun or the moon, because I also have an escaped sun here.~】

【Kelly: Hee hee, congratulations Nasida~】

【Qin: Ahem, that’s true!】

【Qin: Congratulations to Your Excellency Xiaocao Shen, Mond sent you a congratulatory message!】

【Ningguang: Congratulations to Your Excellency Xiaocao Shen, Liyue sent a congratulatory message!】

【Yae Shenzi: Congratulations to His Excellency Xiaocao Shen, Ina Wife sent a congratulatory message!】

【Clolinde: Congratulations to Your Excellency Xiaocao Shen, Fontaine sent a congratulatory message!】

【Sai Nuo: In the past, the Teaching Council paid more attention to the deceased Great Ci Tree King and ignored the Little Lucky Grass King. I have always been influenced by their ideas】

【Seno: It is a bit presumptuous for me to evaluate gods, but I still want to express my current views.】

【Sainuo: After the review of the light curtain, I witnessed with my own eyes the wisdom, courage and determination of Mr. Little Jixiang Grass King.】

【Sainuo: Little Lucky Grass King is indeed an excellent and respectable god!】

【Elhaysen: Indeed! Everything the Little Lucky Grass King has done for Xumi deserves everyone’s respect!】

【Nilu: I am very excited now and don’t know what to say.】

【Nilu: But there is one sentence that can completely sum up my feelings, that is,】

【Nilu: The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!】

【Tinari: It really suits you!】

【Tinari: The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!】

【Kelai: The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!】

【Fa Lushan: The grass and trees are in spring, and their wisdom is like the sand of Hengsha. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!】

【Disiya: The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!】

【Kawei: The grass and trees are in spring, and the wisdom is like the eternal sand. God loves the world, and the gate will last forever!】


Seeing this scene, Nasida’s eyes filled with tears. finally!

Finally, she was recognized by the people of Xumi!

At this moment, she felt that all the efforts she had made in the past were worth it!

But it’s much more than that.

If Nasida knew the situation outside Jingshan Palace at this time.

I’m afraid I’ll jump for joy~

Because this scene flooded the screen, the atmosphere in the chat group suddenly became very lively.

After a while, Yingmei suddenly thought of something and spoke in the group

【Yingmei: By the way, I remember that the light curtain mentioned a”person who was betrayed three times”. Who is this person?】

【Barbara: Being betrayed three times…how terrifying……】

【Gan Yu: Yes! The two betrayals of His Excellency Xiaocao Shen were already terrifying. Wouldn’t the three times……】

【Yae Shenzi: No, no, no~”Betrayal” also has levels! Everyone like Mr. Xiaocao Shen is rare in the world!】

【Navia: Compared with His Excellency Xiaocao Shen, the Light Curtain Theory is a stand-alone decision! What’s the meaning?】

【Alice: Oh, maybe it’s darkened! (dog head.jpg)】

【Alice: Youdao is three points weaker when you are white, and ten times stronger when you are black! If he had really turned dark, he must be very strong now!】

【Kaia: Oh? It seems that he may be one of the fools!】

【Diluc: With the blessing of the evil eye, 4.6 can indeed improve your strength!】

【Yingmei: Oh~ It turns out to be the fools! Maybe he is still a fool among the executives! (dog head. expression)】

【Paimon: So the question is, who is the one who was betrayed three times? (dog head. expression)】

【Lady: No, I don’t! It has nothing to do with me!】

【Lady: Well, only twice at most, and once was related to Skirmisher!】

【Dadalia: Then I’ll do it once! It was the lady who tricked me that time!】


There are twelve executive officers in total.

But only the lady and Dadalia came out to speak.

The other ten Fool Executives remained silent.

This left others confused.

I don’t know who exactly the light curtain refers to.

But the Doctor knows!

After all, one layer of betrayal was given by him himself!

But he was not interested in saying it in the group.

On the contrary, I am looking forward to the news about the light curtain one day!

I believe it will be wonderful!~


Rice Wife, somewhere.

The skirmishers looked at the speculation in the group with a gloomy expression.

My family knows my own business!

He is the one who was betrayed three times and then turned evil!

Seeing this, he couldn’t help but recall the memory of being betrayed three times in his mind!

In an instant, the suppressed anger suddenly burst out from the Hungarian accent.

“Damn it, damn it!”

In the rage, the skirmisher forgot that he was still running away, and shouted loudly.

This shout exposed him instantly���His traces.

A figure in the sky quickly locked onto this place.

The next second, with a flash of purple lightning, the figure came behind the skirmisher.

Looking at the familiar figure’s back, Ying showed an inexplicable smile.

“Skirmishers, oh no, the country collapses!”

“finally found you~!”.

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