Castle tower.

At this time, Yingmei and Paimon were both shocked.

They thought that the black and white three-color dumplings were already a masterpiece!

I never thought there would be something even more ruthless!

Keep a little of the original flavor of the large intestine… isn’t this operation too outrageous?

Look at Xiang Ling’s expression in the light curtain.

If Fan Ying were a little weaker, he would probably be beaten up!

For a moment, the two looked at Ying~ with strange eyes.

On the side, Shenzi looked at his friend and was speechless.

This guy’s cooking skills really refreshed her knowledge time and time again!

Seeing the other party’s thoughtful look, she couldn’t help but said

“Shadow, don’t you have anything to say?”

Hearing the words of the Son of God, Ying also came back to his senses at this time.

He said with a surprised look on his face.

“say what?”

“I feel like I did nothing wrong in the light curtain!”

“Isn’t it the right thing to preserve the original taste of food?”

Son of God:”……”



The three of them were stunned at this time.

Damn it?

Are there really people in this world with such outrageous thinking?

Why do you feel like your mind is not in the same world?

It seems that this person’s problem is no longer just that he doesn’t know how to cook!

But there is a fundamental cognitive problem when it comes to cooking!

It’s hopeless~!

The Son of God held his forehead and sighed, feeling helpless.

Faced with this situation, she no longer even thought about joking.

Because we can’t even talk about going together.

Your joking words may seem to the other party as complimenting her…

As for Yingmei and Paimon, after they looked at each other, Yingmei finally said something weird.

“So you ate the large intestine yourself and felt fine?”

“You know, there are things like that in the unwashed large intestine.……”

“Of course not……”

Shadow nodded subconsciously.

However, she suddenly stopped when the words reached her mouth.

Because she reacted suddenly at this moment.

What else is there in the unwashed large intestine?

Isn’t that… thinking of this, Ying’s eyes suddenly widened.

Inexplicably, she felt sick to her stomach.

It was as if something was about to pour out.

Shadow felt like she couldn’t bear it anymore.

The figure immediately moved.

The next second, he disappeared directly into the castle tower.

The three girls were left looking at each other in confusion.

【Extraordinary chat group】

【Barbara: Is this… is this General Thunder’s cooking skills? Too… too……】

【Gan Yu: Deliberately retaining a little of the original flavor of the large intestine… This is the first time I have heard of such a practice in thousands of years.……】

【Kamisato Ayaka: What the shogun did was really unique! (Can’t laugh or cry.jpg)】

【Nilu: It’s more than unique. Normal people can’t figure out this operation.……】

【Alice: Hey, the intestines are ruined and the gods are eternal~ (dog head. expression)】

【Yingmei: 6! Now I can’t even look at the original slogan! (cover face.jpg)】

【Kujo Sora: Ahem, the general must have a reason for doing this!】

【Wendy: Hey, that’s true! Just ask if you think of the ingredients themselves when you eat them! (dog head. expression)】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, Barbatos is right! This impression is not ordinary and profound! (Serious.jpg)】

【Nasida: Hey, I got it! We are on the first floor, but Senior Balzeb is on the second floor! (dog head. expression)】

【Funina: Hehe, it’s just that the price is a bit high.~】

【Hutao: Xiangling: How virtuous and capable am I? In order for me to eat it, Thor actually ate a piece himself! (dog head. expression)】

【Yan Fei: Let General Thunder and Lightning pay such a price, Xiang Ling will make a lot of money! (dog head. expression)】

【Yae Shenzi: To make such a chef have to eat, the shadow blood will be earned! (bad smile.jpg)】

【Yingmei: Oh, let us respect these two warriors~】

【Paimon: Cheers~】



Seeing that the two of them were silent, the chat group was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

At this time, Xiang Ling seemed to have thought of something and quickly said

【Xiang Ling: @yingmei, you lied to me! It’s obvious that General Raiden’s cooking skills are so… so unique, yet you still agree!】

【Xiangling: It’s a shame that I invited you to dinner, but you actually want to trick me into eating such a large intestine! (depressed.jpg)】

【Barbara: Yes, yes, that’s what happened! Wait! I remember when we asked the traveler why she didn’t send a picture, she said she had finished eating!】

【Barbara: Now it seems that we have finished eating. Obviously I can’t get the pictures!】

【Alice: Even if you are unlucky, you still want to drag others into trouble! Those who serve their sentences are dishonest~!】

【Alice: And you! @八重神子@九条裟罗@Paimon, you are all accomplices! (Eating melon. Expression)]

Being called out by name like this, Yingmei and others felt a little embarrassed.

At the same time, he was a little helpless.

This light curtain does not respect martial ethics!

How can anyone reveal their secrets as soon as they have deceived others?

It’s embarrassing now~

【Shadow: Ahem, it’s not their fault! Mainly because I want to learn cooking skills from Miss Xiangling】

【Shadow: I wonder if Chef Xiangling will have time to visit Dao Wife later.】

【Film: Think of it as an exchange of food and culture between the two countries.】

【Xiangling: No problem! As long as it’s not a nine-turn large intestine, everything is easy to say! 】

Xiang Ling agreed immediately.

The gods have requested this, so how can she not give him face?

And she was so uncomfortable now.

Just take this opportunity to go out and relax.

Stop by Inazuma to see if there are any special ingredients.

If so, maybe a lot of new dishes can be created.

When Xiangling agreed, Ying was extremely happy.

【Shadow: That’s great! Linghua, pick up Miss Xiangling later.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, General! 】

Seeing this, everyone’s expressions became strange.

I never thought it would end like this!

Xiang Ling teaches General Thunder how to cook?

Is this really okay?

Thinking of the confident operation of Thunder God Honey in the light curtain, many people are skeptical about it.

I’m afraid he might not have performed another magical operation similar to the nine-turn large intestine in the end.


If that were the case, wouldn’t it be more exciting?

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly began to look forward to it.

Well, it’s decided~

I’ll pay more attention in the chat group later.~

… villa

“Ying learns cooking from Xiang Ling?”

Seeing the conspicuous barrage in the live broadcast room, Luo Chen looked weird.

It reminded him of a second-generation video of someone mouthing Chinese quintessence.

But it shouldn’t be like this in reality, right…?

But inexplicably, he I still have some small expectations in my heart~

But this is all for later.

I still have to continue to comment now.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen said directly

“Through the previous video, I think you all got to see Balzeb’s cooking skills!”

“Well, it’s unique in the whole of Teyvat!”

Hearing this, people in the chat group also laughed secretly in their hearts.

Isn’t this the only one?

How can a normal person think of such an outrageous operation?

At this time, Luo Chen continued

“Okay, let’s continue with the non-serious review”

“The fourth and final item of the informal review – the daily life of a home girl!”

“Previously I talked about Jiu Mengzi’s fishing life and Gai Liuzi’s retirement life.”

“Now let’s comment on Balzeb’s daily life as a homebody!”


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Yingmei: What is the daily life of a home girl? Hehe, is this a big move coming? (bad smile.jpg)】

【Paimon: I don’t know about the film at the moment, but the singer and Zhongli are indeed very good at each other! (dog head. expression)】

【Nacida: I remember that Barbatos-senpai’s fishing life was to steal wives and dogs, and even Tevalin and Paimon were beaten! (dog head. expression)】


【Wendy: Hey, it’s not as exciting as the old man! But he didn’t pay for the meal, and he danced the 200 dance with Villette, and it was Zhong Li’s! (dog head. expression)】

【Funina: That’s right! That”200 Dances” really makes me laugh every time I watch it, hahaha~】



【Alice: Hehe, the singers and streetwalkers are so exciting, surely the otaku girls are not bad either?】

【Yae Kamiko: It’s probably like this: The otaku girl was so angry that she couldn’t read light novels and eat rice dumplings and milk at the same time. She was so angry that she felt so pitiful.~】


You fox, you keep repeating this sentence over and over all day long… can’t you change the sentence structure?

After complaining silently, she felt a little uneasy again.

“Home girl life?”

“Does it mean my life in the pure land of one mind?”

“But it shouldn’t be too outrageous for me to just meditate there, right?”

But when she thought of Barbatos stealing the dog and Morax dancing, the luck in Ying’s heart suddenly disappeared.

With an uneasy mood, she looked at the light curtain again.

The same goes for everyone else!

But they were just watching for fun. of~

…… villa.

Luochen seemed to sense the audience’s impatientness, so he didn’t delay.

Smiled and said

“As usual, let’s watch the video”

“After watching this, you should be able to understand the daily life of Balzebul as a homegirl~”

After saying that, he picked up the mouse and started to control it.

This is a video composed of two clips.

Soon, the video began to play in the light The scene started to play.

Fragment 1: Kage’s ordinary daily life as a home girl ~

The background is the castle tower.

Under a burst of relaxed and cheerful background music, a cute scene appeared on the screen.

I saw Kage lying on his side and holding his arms. The pillow has one eye closed and the other eye blinking.

It looks very cute.

Especially this shadow, which is not the shadow of a royal sister or married woman, but looks like a child.

At first glance It looked like I wanted to go over and hold him in my arms and give him a good rub.

Seeing this scene, many people’s eyes lit up.


Is this the otaku movie?

Although it is not as domineering as”cutting into the statue of a god”, it is extremely cute~!

Many people’s hearts melted!

In the light curtain, the picture continues.

The otaku Yingbao blinked her eyes and realized that it was dawn.

So he stood up and sat next to him to eat something.

A bowl of rice, a fried egg, and a miso soup.

Then start eating directly.

Although you can only see the profile of the face, the chewing sound of”bah bah bah” makes people laugh.

Then, the scene changed.

The otaku Yingbao lay on her side on the bed, holding her head with one hand and flipping through a light novel with the other.

One short leg would rub the other short leg from time to time.

It looks very comfortable.

Judging from the angle of the sunlight and the changes in color, it was obvious that I had been watching it all day.

After that, the screen changed again.

It was getting dark at this time.

The otaku Yingbao lay on her back on the bed and fell asleep.

I saw her body leaning on the bed, her left hand naturally lying flat, her right hand lifting her clothes and touching her vagina.

No sleeping position at all.

But what was even more outrageous was that there were waves of shocking snoring.

It was like someone was sawing trees loudly in the castle tower

Seeing this, the people in the chat group couldn’t hold back.

Everyone is dying of laughter.

How cute it was in front, but how silly it is here!

It turns out that gods also snore while sleeping!

Not only was he beaten, he was also beaten loudly!

The person involved’s face turned dark.

However, the light curtain was not over yet, so they continued to watch while laughing.

In the light curtain, the picture continues.

It seemed that the snoring had disturbed others.

At this time, a figure with only feet visible came over.

Then he kicked the otaku Yingbao over.

Leaving behind a loud snoring sound.

At this point, the clip ends.

Then comes the second clip: How can General Raiden be so cute~

The background is the castle tower.

At this time, the puppet general and Yae Shenzi were face to face, and it seemed that they had something to discuss.

Faced with the puppet general’s indifference, Yae Kamiko suddenly took out a bag of three-color dumplings


The puppet general remained expressionless.

But the otaku Ying Bao inside is restless.

His eyes were widened and he was drooling.

Apparently seduced.

At this time, a burst of exciting music began to play.

Then the scene changed, and the otaku Yingbao came out and took the food directly.

Then he took a bunch of three-color dumplings in each hand, one on the left and one on the right, and started to eat them.

After one gulp, the three three-color dumplings on my left hand were gone.

After another bite, the three three-color dumplings on my right hand were gone.

Then he closed his eyes, raised his head and raised his chest, and began to enjoy it happily.

On the side, Tan Hu secretly laughed after seeing it.

Seeing that the other party finished eating, he handed over another bottle of dumpling milk.

The otaku girl Ying Bao didn’t care when she saw this, she just picked her up and began to drink.

After the fox smiled secretly again, he handed over a few more light novels.

The otaku Yingbao took it over again.

Then he put on the quilt and started to read seriously.

When Chunhu saw this, he was extremely satisfied.

Start repeating the operation!

Just add the three-color dumplings, dumpling milk, and light novels!

The otaku Yingbao also accepts all orders!

Since then, I started to repeat the process of eating three-color dumplings, drinking dumpling milk, and staying up late to read light novels.

But she also enjoys it.

Until… the arrival of Traveler and Paimon!

Perhaps sensing the embarrassment of this scene, the background music suddenly became weird.

At this time, the otaku Yingbao, because she ate too much, changed from a normal figure to a chubby girl~ who looked like a ball of lightning!

Yingmei looked at the picture of the beautiful and domineering General Thunderbolt in her hand, and then looked at the chubby otaku Yingbao lying on the ground opposite.

She was numb~

Paimon on the side was too!

At this moment, the two finally realized what”pictures are for reference only, please refer to the actual product”!

At this time, the background music changed again and returned to the previous exciting rhythm!

The otaku Yingbao seemed to have reacted.

He waved his hands vigorously on the ground and began to accuse.

Tell us about the fox’s conspiracy!

Seeing this scene, the dumbfounded look on Yingmei’s face disappeared.

A hint of disdain began to appear at the corner of his mouth.

So cute~

This is the end of the video


After watching it, the Teyvat audience in front of the light curtain did not come back to their senses for a long time.

At this time, the expressions on their faces were extremely wonderful.

This one is different from the previous two gods.

Among the two previous ones,

Fengshen lives a fishing life without doing anything serious!

Although it was outrageous, I felt relieved when I thought about the other person’s character.

And Iwagami’s retirement life is a waste!

Each one is extremely abstract!

Completely subverting Iwagami’s serious and old-fashioned image!

And the current Thor… compared to the previous two, he hasn’t done anything serious at all.

Stay in the castle tower the whole time.

If I’m not sleeping, I’m eating three-colored dumplings.

Either drink dango milk or read light novels.

Just like the title of the light curtain review, the daily life of a home girl.

But the problem is that the contrast with the image of the mighty and domineering General Thunder is too great!

At the same time, the image of the otaku Yingbao in the video is too cute!

It’s the chewing of the food, the snoring, the three-color dumplings with pride , the light novels wrapped in quilts, and finally the chubby otaku Yingbao!

It made everyone laugh until their stomachs ached, and at the same time they also shouted that they couldn’t stand it.

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