【Extraordinary chat group】.

【Wendy: Ahem, Balzebul, it’s boring for you to think like this! Maybe there will be a special support fund from the gods after you retire.~】

【Zhongli: According to universal rationality, this is the truth! (Serious.jpg)】

【Shadow: OK! That’s not even an external force! It’s all up to you!】

【Shadow: I have no money and no job, and I have to find a way to buy fried tofu for Shenzi, so I am in debt!】

【Ying: You won’t let me, a debtor, pay the bills, right? (dog head. expression)】

【Zhongli: Ahem, my situation has been mentioned before, it’s also a debt!】

【Zhongli: So I shouldn’t be the one to pay the bill!】

【Alice: Alright! The situation has become obvious! Homegirls and streetwalkers are both liabilities! Just wine Mengzi can make money! So from now on, Wendy’s will pay the bills! (dog head. expression)】

【Wendy:? ? ? 】

what’s going on?

Why is he the only one paying the bill?

Although he could make some money, he spent all of it buying wine!

Where is the Mora?


They are all in debt, right?

【Wendy: Ahem, to be honest with you, I often drink in Mondstadt without paying, so I am also in debt.】

【Wendy: Let me see, we poor guys should stop fighting! Why not find a rich god to help!】

【Wendy: Hey, how about the little grass god? (dog head.jpg)】

【Nasida: Huh? 】

The little grass god was dumbfounded.

Why did she get involved?

But paying is not impossible.

But the key is that she doesn’t have it either!

When Nasida didn’t know what to do, I took action!

【Yingmei:? ? ?】

【Yingmei: Not to mention Nasida has been imprisoned for so many years, does she have any money on her?】

【Yingmei: Just talk about age!】

【Yingmei: You seniors who are thousands of years old have the nerve to ask juniors who are five hundred years old to pay the bill? ?】

【Paimon: That’s right! It should be you who take the initiative to pay Nasida’s bill! Even give her a red envelope!】

【Zhongli: Ahem, that’s what the traveler said! But this is all Barbatos’ idea and has nothing to do with us!】

【Shadow: Morax is right! Even if I starve to death, I can’t make the little grass god pay!】


Didn’t I think of a way to pay our bills?


I did the bad guy!

You are the good guys~

Thinking of this, Wendy couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

But he didn’t give up.

Since the little grass god can’t do it, let’s go to the next one!

Thinking of the next person, his eyes suddenly lit up

【Wendy: Ahem, Teyvat’s most popular star! The most righteous god of justice in Teyvat, I wonder if you would be willing to donate generously and provide a little support to our gathering of gods? 】

Seeing this statement, Zhongli and Ying’s God 730 moved.

This one seems to be able to do it~

Although he is not very old, he is rich!

He is currently recognized as the richest god in the chat group!

If she is brought into the team, won’t the bill problem be solved directly?

Thinking of this, they all agreed one by one.

【Zhongli: Ahem, big star, we are all your fans! I guess big stars wouldn’t let their fans pay the bills, right?】

【Shadow: Ahem, that’s right! And as elders, we can also treat you to dinner, but you just have to pay the bill!】

【Nasida: Well, the three seniors are right! (dog head. expression)】


Funina was confused.

What’s going on?

Isn’t she a melon eater?

Why was it suddenly her turn to pay the bill?

At this moment, she finally understood the mood of Dadalia, the executive officer of the Fools.

But Funina is different from Dadalia and Nasida.

She is really rich!

Coupled with the fact that these people were fans and spoke so nicely, she suddenly felt a little carried away~

Who could have four gods as fans?

Only she, Funina! then,

【Funina: Why don’t you treat us to dinner? What a joke!】

【Funina: I will pay all the bills for future parties! (Photograph.jpg)]

Seeing this, Wendy and others’ eyes lit up.

It’s done~!

【Wendy: Wow, thank you boss, he is so generous!】

【Zhongli: Thank you boss, he is very generous!】

【Shadow: Thank you boss, he is very generous!】

【Nasida: Thank you boss, the boss is very generous!】

【Funina: Hahaha, small things, small things~】

“Hahaha, Villette, look!”

“Not even saying they are my fans, they all call me boss~”

Funina said with a smile.

Then Villette:”……”

Other gods were thinking of not paying, so their own gods joined in…

With the spending power of these gods, Ms. Funina was probably going to bleed heavily in the future…

But seeing Funina’s happy look, Nawei Wright didn’t say anything in the end.

He just sighed helplessly in his heart.

That’s it~!

If you are taken advantage of, let’s take advantage of you~!

As long as Ms. Funina is happy!

At this point, the drama about who pays for the gathering of gods is finally over!

But no one expected the final result!

Not Wendy, Zhongli, or Ying, but the melon-eating water goddess Funina!

This made everyone in the chat group who had been watching the show dumbfounded!


These three can still play!

Although it was a bit unexpected, the result was still very interesting ~ everyone was very satisfied!

Among them, Dadalia was even more excited!

With this water god, he will no longer have to use it as a wallet!

God’s eyes are open~

However, his idea is destined to fail…

After all, who would want to lose a wallet?

…… villa.

Luochen’s expression became strange after seeing the prominent barrage in the live broadcast room.

These three old fried dough sticks can do it!

I demeaned myself just because I didn’t pay the bill.

They even started looking for foreign aid.

Nacida escaped.

Poor Fufu~

“Sure enough, gods still cannot have money~”

“Otherwise, you will be targeted by other people who have no money!”

After sighing for a moment, Luo Chen shook his head and didn’t think about it any more.

Then he continued to speak.

“I think you have all seen the interesting scene of the gathering of the three gods!”

“But this is not the end!”

“There will be gatherings of the Four Gods and the Five Gods in the follow-up!”

“Stay tuned~”

“Next, let’s continue with the non-serious review!”

“The third item of the unorthodox review – cooking demonstration, nine turns of large intestine!”


Castle tower.

Although the previous discussion about Mora paying the bill was just a joke.

But Ying’s character is so strong.

So when she saw that she succeeded in getting others to pay the bill, she was extremely happy.

However, after hearing what Guang Mu said at this time, the smile on her face froze.


Cooking show?


Isn’t this a public execution?

In contrast to Ying’s embarrassment, Yingmei, Paimon, and Danfox laughed.

Apart from Kujo Sora, the three of them are the only ones who know Kage’s cooking skills best!

They have all suffered in this regard!

Now that they can see Ying suffering from this, they are looking forward to it!

At this time, Yingmei suddenly thought of something and said curiously

“Hey, wait!”

“What is the nine-turn large intestine that the light curtain talks about?”

“Is it the one on the desk?”

As she said that, she pointed to the dark food in the corner of the desk.

“No, that’s three-color dumplings!”

Ying shook his head.



The two of them looked at the shadow, then looked down at the food on the table, and then were dumbfounded.

I go?

Are you sure this black thing is a three-color dumpling?

Where’s Cai?

It was funny to see the shocked look of the two of them.

But thinking of the other party’s doubts, he couldn’t help but look at Ying.

“Ying, according to Light Screen, do you have a hidden cooking skill?”


“I don’t remember making this dish?”

Ying frowned slightly, with a bit of confusion in her eyes.

The only three-color dumpling she can make at the moment is one.

But for some reason, she has a bad feeling in her heart.

After all, this is not a serious review.!

Maybe there will be some naughty operation!

Thinking of this, Ying looked at the light screen with anxious eyes.

Yingmei, Paimon, and Danfox also looked over!

But their eyes were full of expectation.~


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Barbara: Huh? It’s General Raiden’s cooking skills!】

【Keqing: There was a discussion about General Raiden’s cooking skills before, but I didn’t expect to see it so soon!】

【Xiangling: Hehe, it’s good to see it in advance!】

【Wendy: Hey, by the way, didn’t you realize anything was wrong? (dog head. expression)】

【Gan Yu: Huh? What’s wrong?】

【Zhongli: Based on common rationality, if your cooking skills are good, it should be included in serious reviews, but now it is not a serious review!】

【Hutao: Is this nothing? The light curtain is just talking about one dish! Just like Xiangling’s”Qingxin Fried Slime Condensate”!】

【Funina: Hahaha, Hutao, you really don’t like this dish! I see you keep complaining!】

【Hutao: You will know if you try it next time. (dog head. expression)】

【Alice: Damn, just ask the relevant person directly!】

【Alice: @影@八重神子@蒿梅@Paimon@九条裟罗, what do you think? 】

After seeing the news in the group, several people felt a little guilty.

If the other party didn’t know about it before, they could still fool them.

But now the light curtain is exposed!

How to do this?

So everyone fell silent and pretended to be dead.

Seeing that these people did not respond, the people in the chat group felt that something was wrong. what’s the situation?

Didn’t I say that General Raiden’s cooking skills are very good?

Why don’t any of them speak?

Could it be that you deceived them before?

In fact, General Raiden’s cooking skills are not only bad, but also terrible? ?

Thinking of this, everyone’s mood suddenly became subtle.

Immediately, I thought about continuing@.

But seeing movement in the light curtain, they temporarily gave up this plan.

He turned to look at the light curtain.

I believe you will find the answers they want here!

…… villa.

Luochen also knew the mood of the Teyvat people, so he didn’t show off.

Directly control the mouse to start playing.

Soon, a new video appeared in the light curtain.

The background is Manmin Hall.

At this time, a narration began to sound

“Entering the pressure game is different from the previous carelessness.、”

“Today, Balzeb showed an unprecedented serious effort!”

“Can she achieve the perfect unity of speed and quality?”

After the words fell, Ying came to the judge Xiang Ling with a bowl of nine-turn large intestine.

On the second floor beside him, Wendy, Zhongli, Nasida, Yingmei and others were watching.

Seeing this, the people in the chat group also knew what was going on.

This video is a food competition!

The contestants include the God of Wind, God of Rock, God of Thunder, God of Grass, and Traveler!

The judge is Chef Xiang Ling!

Now the contestant, General Leiden, takes his work to the judge Xiang Ling to taste.

After clearing their minds, they looked at the delicious food in Thor’s hand.

After seeing it clearly, everyone was stunned.

Damn it?

If they remember correctly, the food they are going to cook should be nine-turn large intestine, right?

But why is the food in this bowl purple?

There’s even lightning flashing on it?

Are you sure this thing is edible?

Xiang Ling, one of the parties involved, swallowed subconsciously at this time.

Not greedy, but panic!

But there’s nothing she can do now.

I can only mourn for myself in the light curtain

In the light curtain.

Xiang Ling glanced at the dishes placed on the table, then looked up at Ying Dao

“Have you tasted it yourself?”

“Tasted a piece.”

Ying said honestly.

“how do you feel?”

Xiang Ling continued to ask with a smile.

“I removed most of the fishy smell from the intestines”

“But I kept some of it”

“I think it retains part of the taste of intestines, so I know that what you are eating is large intestine!”

Ying looked confident.

“So did you keep it on purpose? Xiang

Ling asked again

“That’s right!”

“It was during the cleaning process that I specially left a part behind!”

Ying’s tone was very certain.

“Was it intentional or accidental? Xiang

Ling asked again

“Yes, on purpose!”

Ying raised her head straight, her expression full of confidence in her food!

When Xiangling saw this, her expression froze.

After a long silence, she tremblingly picked up a piece with her chopsticks.

Then she put it in her mouth and tasted it.

Next For a second, Xiangling’s eyes widened.

As if she had eaten something terrifying, her expression suddenly became distorted.

After quickly picking up a piece of cloth and spitting it out, she looked at Ying and gritted her teeth.

At this point, the video ends.


After reading it, all the Teyvat spectators in front of the light curtain were dumbfounded.

They thought it would be scary to make the large intestine into a purple large intestine with lightning!

I never thought that what’s inside the large intestine is the focus!

Is it okay to retain part of the taste of the large intestine?

Is this something a normal brain circuit can think of?

What’s inside is…

Thinking of certain scenes, people who have eaten large intestines and are currently feeling nauseated.

He even vomited directly.

It seems that I am afraid that I will not dare to touch the large intestine again in a short time.

Just one dish makes such a huge impact!

On the continent of Teyvat, who else is the shadow?


Manmin Hall.

Others are just spectators at best.

And Xiangling is the one who really experienced it to a certain extent!

The moment she saw what she was eating in the light curtain, she ran directly to the yard and vomited.

It’s so uncomfortable to vomit!

I immediately vomited out everything I ate for lunch.

But still there is no stopping.

At this time, Master Mao also rushed over.

When he saw his daughter’s uncomfortable look, he quickly said with concern

“Xiangling, are you okay?”

Xiang Ling didn’t speak, just waved her hand.

After a moment of relief, she almost vomited.

Then she sat down on the ground next to her.

Regardless of her pale look, she shook her head at her father.

“Dad, I’ll leave the intestines in the store to you for the time being.”

“I…I won’t touch it anymore……”

Master Mao can also understand this.

The large intestine was not completely washed…

Although I didn’t actually eat it, it was almost like eating it.

If it were him, he would have vomited for a while.

Then I will definitely not touch it again in the short term!

My daughter is really miserable~

Thinking of this, he nodded and said

“Just take a good rest.”

“As for the large intestine, we won’t be doing it again for a while.”

Master Mao estimates that many people are worried about large intestine now.

So we might as well temporarily remove this dish from the shelves.”


“Thanks dad!”

After Xiangling heard this, she felt relieved.

It would be great if she could not touch the large intestine at all. However, when she thought of the scene of herself eating in the light screen, her appetite suddenly surged again. Then she quickly got up and started again.

He started vomiting.

When Master Mao and Guo Ba saw this, they looked helpless.

Hey, what happened… was a disaster~

I can only say that the cooking skills of the God of Thunder were terrible.

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