Ask, which country has the greatest impact on the unorthodox comments about gods?

Answer, of course they are the people of the corresponding country!

People from other countries just watch it for fun, but the citizens of this country are the most religious people!.So when I saw my own god making unfair comments, I was the most shocked!

Just like when the people of Mondstadt saw Barbatos as not doing anything serious!

Also, the people of Liyue watched Morax’s life and retirement!

At this time, the people of Inazuma were also the group with the biggest reaction!

Compared to the enjoyment of the people from other countries, at this time, they all looked at each other.

【General chat group】

【Ogura Mio: In my impression, the General is majestic! is worthy of our awe, but now……】

【Hotaru Inagi: But the image of the shogun in my mind right now is all about a chubby man who eats three-color dumplings, drinks dumpling milk, and reads light novels… (Can’t laugh or cry.jpg)】

【Hotaru Daocheng: Oh yes, and that magical nine-turn large intestine! (dog head. expression)】

【Sachiko: Now I can’t tell which one is the general in my mind! (cover face.jpg)】

【Nanako: Impossible, absolutely impossible! Why is my Lord General like this! Ah, I must not have slept well! I’ll go get some sleep first!】

【Kano Nana: Ah, General, please forgive my offense! But you look so cute in the light curtain! Ah, I’m dead~】

【Tianmu Fifteen: Although it is not as abstract as Mond and Liyue, the image of the general has been completely destroyed… (wry smile.jpg)】

【Lawrence: Hahaha, under the screen of light, all living beings are equal, so I know you rice wife gods can’t escape either!】

【Master Mao: Hehe, I asked you to tease our gods earlier, what about now? Are you still joking now?】

【Tian Tiezui: Hahaha, the video in the light curtain is so funny, why don’t you laugh? (dog head. expression)】

【Dina Zedai: That’s right, let’s have fun together~ (dog head. expression)】

【Rice wife:…”Three or four zero””…】

Sure enough,”doing bad things” has consequences!

Previously, he teased Mond and Liyue about how cheerful they were.

How helpless it is to be laughed at and joked about now.

But there is no way.

I can only bear with it.

When the light screen reviewed other countries later, they would joke and laugh back!


Mondstadt, somewhere in the abyss.

At this time, the place fell into a happy atmosphere again.

Every member of the Abyss Cult was amused by the video in the light curtain.

“I thought that the God of Wind and the God of Rock were already extremely abstract, but I didn’t expect that the God of Thunder was no less impressive!”

“If you encounter Thor or her men in the future, just throw this video at them and it will definitely break their will!”

“Hahaha, the images of Jiu Mengzi, Street Slut, and Home Girl~these Seven Gods are completely gone.~”

“Great job on the light curtain! It is recommended to increase efforts, hehehehe~”

“That’s right! Let them disgrace themselves all over Teyvat!”


As enemies, their greatest pleasure is their enemies’ crookedness~!

The members of the Abyss Cult couldn’t be happier to see it!

On the throne.

Seeing the excitement of his men, Brother Kong nodded with satisfaction.


It can not only damage the opponent’s image, but also condense the fighting spirit of the Abyss Order!

Kill two birds with one stone!

Light Screen did a great job with this unscrupulous review!

But look at it, serious things still need to be done!

So he stood up from the throne, coughed twice, and said

“Laugh it off, but don’t forget the important point!”

“Although Light Screen didn’t say it explicitly, judging from the content of this unseemly review,”

“Three-color dumplings, dumpling milk, and light novels are Thor’s weaknesses!”

“That fox has given us a good demonstration of this!”

“So you all please remember this!”

“Next, just like the cats and seafood before, prepare some for me!”

“Do you understand?”

“Yes, Your Highness the Prince!”

All the members of the Abyss Cult responded one after another.

Thinking that they had a”deterrence” against the three gods in their hands, they looked at each other and laughed sinisterly.

“Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie~”

…… rice wife, street


“This…is this General? ?”

Kujo Sora was on her way to Tomoki’s food stall.

She was going to buy her beloved dumpling milk for the general.

However, after seeing this video in the light screen, she was dumbfounded.


My mighty and domineering aura Where is the general?

How did he become such a naive, chubby otaku?

This huge contrast made Kujo Sora a little unable to react for a while.

But a cook is a cook!

As long as it is anything about the general, she can I like it!

After coming back to her senses, Kujo Sora looked at the light curtain again.

Although this image was completely beyond her imagination, I have to say that it is really cute~

Looking at it, her face showed A hint of aunt’s smile

“The General is too cute~”

But suddenly, she also reacted.

So she confessed again and again

“Your Majesty the General, Shanluo has absolutely no intention of disrespecting the Lord General.”

But after he finished speaking, he looked at the light screen uncontrollably.

Then the aunt’s smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

The protagonist is dishonest in words, but very honest in body~

But it’s not her fault~

After all, which movie chef can resist What a cute little shadow.~


Castle tower.

Ying had also returned to the castle tower at this time.

After seeing this video in the light screen, my eyes widened.

“This…this is me?”

Although she had expected it before and knew that there would be something outrageous.

But she didn’t expect it to be so weird!

Except that the place is a castle tower and she likes to eat three-color dumplings and drink dumpling milk, everything else is the same?

Her appearance is obviously that of a woman. How could she be that chubby and silly person in the light screen?

Also, she used to be in the Pure Land. Where has she read light novels?

Not to mention that… He was snoring!

When he saw that scene, Ying wanted to die!

It was embarrassing, so embarrassing!

The image of a majestic god was completely gone…

At this moment, Ying finally realized what Barbatos had felt before It’s the psychology of Morax.

Oh no, it’s the psychology of Morax!

Because Barbatos is a person with that kind of personality!

This thing cannot be understood without personal experience!

Shadow can’t wait to find a place to get in directly.

Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of the Pure Land.

The puppet general seemed to be aware of Ying’s thoughts, so he quickly conveyed her will.

“Those deeds were done by you and have nothing to do with me!”

“Don’t think about hiding in a pure land”

“This body, meditate here!”

Although the puppet general doesn’t understand humans very well, he obviously understands the abstraction of these deeds.

She has her own will and doesn’t want to take the blame for Shadow.


This guy!

Previously I was thinking of competing with her for her body.

Now that I have a chance, I can run faster than anyone else.

For a moment, Ying felt extremely depressed.

Thinking of her chubby self in the light screen, she couldn’t help but cover her face.

I really don’t have the shame to see anyone~

On the side, Tan Hu was laughing so hard when he saw this scene.

“Hi, Ying, I didn’t expect your homegirl life to be quite interesting.~”

“And the image is much cuter than you look now~”

Yingmei and Paimon nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Just like them in the light screen.

Although they feel a little inconsistent with the picture, I have to say, chubby The otaku girl Ying is really too cute~

Just looking at it makes me want to hold her in my arms and give her a good rub~

Hearing the joke of the fox, Ying couldn’t bear it anymore. He immediately took off his hand and faced the pink fox” shouted angrily

“dare you laugh?”

“It’s all your fault!”

“If it weren’t for your temptation, how could I be tempted by three-color dumplings, dumpling milk, and light novels?”

“It’s fine now, my image has completely collapsed~!”

“From now on, the image of General Thunderbolt to others will no longer be that of majesty, but that of a chubby otaku!”

Ying didn’t dare to complain to the light screen, so she had no choice but to catch Shenzi and lecture him!

But this is not an injustice to the other party!

Because based on her understanding of the other party, this fox can really do this!

Look! Seeing Ying’s depressed look, the smile on Chunhu’s face became even brighter

“Okay, okay, this is mine!”

“What about the snoring in front?”

“That snoring sound, as if you were clinging to a tree in the castle tower, was definitely not my fault, right?”

As she said that, she shrugged.

A snoring sound like sawing a tree?

Hearing this vivid metaphor, Yingmei and Paimon both suppressed their laughter.

As expected of you, Danfox!

This metaphor is quite appropriate!

And film,Σ(△|||)︴

She was numb~

She wanted to refute, but she couldn’t say a word.

Because she herself found the image surprising!

Thinking of this, Ying Quan felt bad.

But she didn’t give up either.

My little brain started spinning, and I quickly thought of a breakthrough point.

“Then why did you kick me?”

“Are the feet whose faces you can’t see clearly in the video belong to you?”

“How dare you do that to me in full view of everyone?”

“Where can I put my reputation as a god?”

As he said that, Ying put his hands on his hips and became aggressive again.

Hearing this, Dan Hu rolled his eyes angrily.

“Can you blame me?”

“It’s you who snores too loudly!”

“They all made a noise right up to Narukami Taisha Shrine!”

“So, it’s still your fault!” film:(ー〃)

Seeing Yingwan’s defeat, Yingmei and Paimon couldn’t hold back any longer and burst out laughing.

The fox also laughed until his stomach hurt.

But the figure in front of her looked confused, and she couldn’t help but feel comforted.

“Okay, aren’t you just a home girl?~”

“it’s nothing!”

“Compared to Barbatos and Morax, you are already much better!”

“If you don’t believe it, ask Traveler and Paimon!”

When Ying saw this, he subconsciously looked at the two people who were laughing.

Looking at Ying’s eyes, Yingmei and Paimon nodded repeatedly.

“Yes, it is indeed so!”

The main reason for this irregularity of the film is that it is too different from the original image of the majestic Thunder and Lightning General!

But in terms of abstractness and rawness, the first two are better!

It is estimated that it will be difficult for anyone to break it in the future!

But it is not necessarily!

Maybe! The little grass god can!

After all, this is the grass god – the god of sex~ (dog head. expression)

“Is that so?”

Ying felt a little uncertain in his heart…….

At this time, Chuanhu saw this and spoke seriously again.

“Moreover, although this otaku video is a little funny, it has unexpected magical effects!”

“Weren’t you worried that the people were too afraid of you and didn’t dare to contact you?”

“It will be much better with this video!”

“They discovered, oh, it turns out that the General has such a cute side”

“Naturally, I won’t be too afraid of you!”

“On the contrary, I will respect and love you even more!”

“Look, doesn’t this bring about a relationship?”

After hearing these words, Ying blinked.


Does it still have this effect?

But it seems to make sense!

If this is the case, then to a certain extent, it is still profitable!

Thinking of this, Ying’s mood began to improve. Get up.

Seeing this scene, a hint of cunning flashed in the fox’s eyes.

Yingmei and Paimon looked strange.

This pink fox is unreasonable~

It doesn’t mention the consequences of the character’s collapse~

It’s pitiful The shadow was deceived again~


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Alice: Eating with a squeaking sound, the sound of thunder was like sawing a tree, proudly eating three-color dumplings, drinking dumpling milk, staying up late reading light novels with a quilt wrapped around her body, and looking chubby~】

【Alice: Hahaha, I didn’t expect General Stinky to have such a career as a homebody!】

【Wendy: Hey, no wonder Balzebul stayed in the Pure Land for five hundred years and never came out. If it were me, I wouldn’t come out either! (dog head. expression)】

【Zhongli: Got it! It turns out that this is the real”eternity” that Balzebul pursues! (Serious.jpg)】

【Nacida: I want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and drink it with me, and laugh at my old friend who has become a fat ball! (dog head. expression)】

【Funina: Ball lightning, right? (dog head. expression)】

【Son of the Eightfold God: Shadow (×) Keiko (√) (bad smile.jpg)】

【Barbara: Ahem, Miss Shenzi’s metaphor is too vivid.……】

【Nilu: No wonder the Doll General won’t let Lord Thor use this concrete body! So that’s it! (dog head. expression)】

【Lord Liuyun Jiefeng: Ahem, this scene with Lord Thunder God reminds me of what Gan Yu looked like when she was a child. She was also so chubby and cute at that time!】

【Keqing: Yes, if they met together when they were young, they must have had many topics to talk about, right? (dog head. expression)】

【Gan Yu:……】

【Gan Yu: How about we still discuss Mr. Thunder God!】


Shadow’s mood just improved.

After seeing the content in the group, I felt numb again.

However, this topic continues

【Alice: I didn’t understand why Rice Wife had so many thunders before, but now I understand!】

【Alice: It turns out it’s the General with a bad face who is snoring! (bad smile.jpg)】

【Yingmei: Rice wife: Ah, today is another day shrouded in lightning ~ (dog head. expression)]


【Paimon: The Son of God is still awesome! One kick solved the thunder for the people of Daozhu! (dog head. expression)】

【Tevalin: This one is really powerful! Completely grasped Lord Thor!】

【Ruotuo Dragon King: Yes, the poor Thunderbolt General was played by this fox in the middle of applause!】

【Navilet: I suggest changing it to”Early Video of the Son of the Eightfold God Training the Thunderbolt General” (serious.jpg)】

【Fonina: The domesticated life of a god? Hahaha, Villette, it’s okay!】

【film:? ? ?】

【Wendy: Hey, so what bargaining chips were needed at that time? Just let the travelers take the three-color dumplings, dumpling milk, and light novels into the Pure Land.】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, this is indeed the case! (Serious.jpg)】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: That’s right! This is much easier than the resistance! (dog head.jpg)】

【Yingmei: No!】

【Yingmei: If the movie really looked like this, I would have surrendered to the enemy on the spot!】

【Yingmei: ah ah ruarua shadow treasure, so cute~!】

【Yingmei: Don’t begrudge me, build me into the statue~】


When other people saw this scene, they burst out laughing!

So disdainful~!

As expected of you, the prisoner!

At this time, Kujo Sora couldn’t stand it anymore and decided to defend the general. No, I wanted to explain.

【Kujo Sora: In fact, the meaning of Shogun-sama is to guard Inazuma! In the absence of a catastrophe like five hundred years, ahem, it is normal to live like a stay-at-home girl!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Ahem, you’re right!】

【Xiaogong: That’s right! Indeed it is!】

【Yae Kamiko: Hey, it’s not important~! Just cute! I also want ruarua Yingbao, so cute~!】


【Shadow: Don’t worry, we’ll be here soon! (Smile.jpg)].

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