As for the unseemly comment that the gods”do not have Mora”…

Barbatos and Morax needless to say.

As for Balzebul, the previous [Legendary Quest] has already shown some results.

So everyone has a certain understanding of this.

But without the three gods of Mora gathering together… this is a path that they have never thought of~

Thinking of that scene, many people’s eyes lit up.

So they all looked at the light curtain expectantly

Under Luo Chen’s control, the light curtain soon began to move.

The background was in an open space.

At this time, there were three strange prairie dogs in the clearing.

Among them, two prairie dogs were fighting.

A groundhog stood nearby to break up the fight.

The reason why I say strange is because the heads of the two prairie dogs fighting are Wendy and Zhongli.

The head of the groundhog trying to stop the fight next to him is a shadow.

Seeing this, Wendy, Zhongli, and Ying turned pale.

What the fuck?

Can we still have such a party?

The other people in the chat group were all laughing.

Is the groundhog version of God okay?

For a time, we were even more looking forward to the content that followed.

In the light curtain.

At this time, the groundhog (Wendy) began to push and quarrel with the groundhog (Zhongli).

“what do you mean?”

“Morax without Mora?”

The groundhog (Wendy) said with a dissatisfied look on her face.

“This is not a question of whether there is Mora or not!”

The groundhog (Zhongli) fought back and explained seriously.

When the groundhog (shadow) saw this, he looked helpless.

He could only start to break up the fight.

“Don’t make any noise, don’t make any noise, just keep talking!”

At this time, the groundhog (Zhongli) spoke again

“It has nothing to do with Maura, it’s your treat as promised!”

“I said I was treating, but I didn’t say I was paying~”

The groundhog (Wendy) looked surprised.

This tone directly made the groundhog (Zhongli) angry.

“How can you treat someone without paying?”

So the fight between the two groundhogs became more intense.

The groundhog (shadow) became anxious after seeing it

“Stop fighting, stop fighting”

“Calm down, calm down!”

But it didn’t work.

Instead, the noise of the fight became louder and louder!

“Liyue is a vast land with abundant resources. Prince Yan can’t even afford food, right?”

“In the Free City of Mondstadt, their god just cheated and drank like this?”

“No, just go and ask the young master to pay, stop fighting!”

… prison.

Dadalia was watching happily.

Even though he was in hell, it still didn’t stop him from having fun.

He couldn’t stop laughing when he saw the funny way these three fought.

But after hearing the last sentence, the smile on his face solidified

“Isn’t it?”

“Can this all be mentioned to me?”

“Is it really impossible to wash away the title of co-author of my ‘wallet’? ?”

Thinking that the Seven Gods might ask him for money in future gatherings, Dadalia couldn’t stand it anymore.~

In the light curtain.

At this time, a prairie dog with a head of Xiangling passed by the three of them.

“Excuse me, everyone, I’m going to the kitchen!”

After the chaos, she ran to the side to study her own recipes.

“For fire slime, which one is better, salt and pepper or garlic?”

The three of them still had some respect for the”God of Food”.

So they stopped one after another.

After it passed, the three prairie dogs continued their previous funny fights and quarrels.

“My money is all my hard-earned money, who cheated me to eat and drink?”

“You not only tricked others into eating and drinking, but also tricked others into stealing things!”

“It was also broken, who doesn’t know what happened?”

“That’s almost it! Hello! Morax… Barbatos, stop it!”

“Better than you! Do you call that retirement?”

“Holding your own funeral, is there something wrong with you?”

The groundhog (shadow) saw that he was ineffective in trying to stop the fight, so he could only sigh helplessly on the sidelines.

“The scenery of the floating world has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and wear and tear is a terrible thing!”

But the other two still continued their funny and cute fight!

“What happened to the ritual of retirement? Barbarians!”

“It’s better than having someone take out the heart of God!”

The Tubo rat (shadow) saw this, sighed, and continued to join in.

“You can’t beat anyone to death like this, so don’t beat them on the street!”

“Old antique, pretentious!”

“Little liar, ignorant!”

“How about you guys go to the dance studio? It’s embarrassing to fight in the street. 」!”

“Prodigal dragon, are you scolding me again?”

“Fish monster, can you have a better attitude?”

“Damn god!”

“You suck!”

Seeing that he refused to listen again and again, the groundhog (shadow) finally got angry.

“Stop talking!”

“Everyone sucks!”

Hearing this, the groundhog (Wendy) and the groundhog (Zhongli) finally stopped.

Then they looked at the groundhog (Shadow)

“what did you just say?”

The groundhog (Wendy) said in a bad tone.

When the groundhog (Shadow) saw this, he looked stunned for a moment.

Then he subconsciously said

“Then…what, everyone…is poor?”

As if being stung by these words, the groundhog (Wendy) began to gesture at the groundhog (Shadow).

“Who are you calling poor? Fat house?

On the side, the groundhog (Zhongli) saw this and hurried over to start a fight.”

“Hey, hey, Wendy, don’t tell the truth!”

The groundhog (shadow) was already angry enough.

After seeing such a provocation, he couldn’t bear it.

“I will build you into a statue of God!”

So, after a flash of lightning, the groundhog (Wendy) and the groundhog (Zhongli) were directly built into the statue of the Thousand Arms and Hundred Eyes!

At this point, the video ends

After reading it, except for some cooks, such as Barbara, Mandrill, and Kujo Sora, everyone in the chat group had wonderful expressions.

Darling, isn’t this too funny?

Another funny fight in the form of marmots!

Another quarrel and shortcoming like a common citizen!

Plus the identities of their respective gods!

This video is amazing~

It’s worthy of being a light curtain!

Everyone said that they were very satisfied with the melon.

The previous heavy heart due to Ina Wife’s sadness was instantly wiped away~!

However, the moods of the protagonists in the video are a bit subtle.~

Hall of Rebirth

“Hahaha, the mighty Fengshen and Yanshen actually got into a fight because they didn’t have Mora!”

“Hahaha, this hall master is laughing so hard.~!”

“Now everyone in Tiwat knows about it~”

Hutao sat on the chair, holding her stomach and laughing.

It’s true that weird things happen every year, especially this year~

She felt that sooner or later she would die of laughter due to the light curtain.

On the side, After hearing this, Tevarin and Ruoduo Dragon King were dumbfounded.

After a moment, Tevarin put away his smile and sighed.

“Barbatos is such a person who doesn’t do anything serious.”

“Ruo Tuo, I made you laugh!”

“Damn, what are you talking about?”

After Ruotuo Dragon King waved his hand casually, he also looked helpless.

“I didn’t expect that Morax would become such a person after not seeing each other for a thousand years!”

“Hey, it’s such an embarrassment to our relatives to have such a god show up!”

“Isn’t it?”

Tvarin is convinced.

“Forget it, forget about those two groundhogs, we two have a great time!”

“That makes sense, come on!”


Noticing this scene, Wendy and Zhongli twitched their mouths.

Honestly, what does this have to do with them?

They are obviously the victims!

“First it was me, then you, and this time it’s our turn directly with Balzeb!”

“Damn it, old man, I feel like this unfair comment can’t be tolerated.”

“When I comment on other gods later, they will probably be taken out and whipped~”

Wendy looked helpless.

After hearing this, Zhongli also sighed.


“But Barbatos, this is all your fault!”

“If you hadn’t had any mora, how could you have brought Balzeb and I to this persecution~”

Hearing this, Wendy raised her eyebrows

“Hey hey hey, old man, that’s not what you said!”

“What’s wrong with a bard like me who has no money?”

“Isn’t this normal?”

“But you, old man, Morax without Mora, is the most outrageous no matter how you look at it, right?”

“You cheated on eating and drinking!”

“You don’t pay for meals!”

“Your divine heart has been ripped out!”

“You even gave me the heart of God!”

“Haha, what does that have to do with me, Zhongli?”

“Then Barbatos has nothing to do with me!”




For a while, the two old men began to”fight” each other.

Hutao, Tevalin, and Ruotuo Dragon King’s eyes widened when they saw this.


The unserious comments are indeed based on reality.~

… castle tower

“Fat house~”

After watching the video in the light screen, Yingmei and Paimeng looked strange.

Wendy and Zhongli, these two guys are really capable of causing trouble! They actually said such words to women… and were built into the statues There is really no injustice~

At this time, Dan Fox couldn’t help but laugh directly

“Hi, my old friend, no one listened to his good intentions, but instead he was criticized as a fat nerd.~”

“In the end, I can only become angry from shame~”

“Woohoo, so pitiful~”

“After joking for a while, the pink-furred fox seemed to find it satisfying, so he added another sentence with a bright smile.

“Oops, not like me~”

“He’s just an ordinary Yaegongsi-sama who values both beauty and intelligence~”

Ying Zai’s face darkened after hearing this.

“Beauty and intelligence are equally important?”

“When you were a kid, you could only act cute!”

“It’s okay, at least he’s not a fat nerd~”

Tan Hu said with a smile.

“You were teased by Alice until you cried and made a fuss!”

“It’s okay, I’m not a fat nerd after all.~”

“You…you are just a silly fox who is easily tempted by fried tofu!”

“It’s okay, a silly fox is better than a fat house~”


After hearing this series of answers, Ying immediately broke through his defense.

You fox knows the word”fat house”, right? hateful!

If Yingmei and Paimon hadn’t been there, she would have taught this fox a lesson no matter what!

The smile on Chuan Hu’s face became even brighter.


It’s really fun to tease Ah Ying~


【Extraordinary chat group】

【Alice: Darling, is this the scene of the gathering of the three gods? Haha, I was laughing so hard~】

【Yingmei: Hahaha, this was a party to bond over, but unexpectedly we got into a fight because we had no money to pay the bill!】

【Paimon: Still in prairie dog form! (funny.expression)】

【Nacida: The defeated demon:”I lost to these things back then”? (dog head. expression)】

【Funina: I have given up my studies, and I will not pay for treats in the future! Do not ask! Asking is from Mondstadt! (dog head. expression)】

【Barbara: Ahem, Lord Barbatos must have a reason for doing this!】

【Wendy: Hey, there’s no law that says you have to pay for a treat, right? (dog head. expression)】

【Zhongli: Huh, if you don’t have money, just say so! If this happens in the future, you don’t have to call me when you eat! (dog head. expression)】

【Shadow: Hey, hey, I remember Morax, you did this too, right? There is no Mora in the light curtain, but he still wants to treat the travelers to dinner!】

【Yingmei: That’s right! I can testify! You just want me to pay!】


【Mandrill: Ahem, the emperor must have his reasons for doing this!】

【Zhongli: Ahem, actually, it would be fine if Balzebul paid directly! (Serious.jpg)】

【Wendy: Hey, the old man is right! Agree! (dog head. expression)】

【Balzebul:? ? ?】

【Balzebul: Since Xiangling is here, the location should be in Liyue! In addition, Barbatos is treating a guest, and you ask me to pay as a guest?】

【Yae Shenzi: Translate it, that is”.¨ I don’t have any money either, and there’s nothing you can do to me.”~】


【Kujo Sora: Ahem, the General must have had great foresight to do this! 】

Seeing the scene of the three gods”fighting” each other in the chat group, everyone was very happy.

Although it is not as good as the groundhog version of the light screen, this is reality!

It’s interesting.

The three gods couldn’t come up with a mora, but it was okay.

Seeing that the group couldn’t come to a conclusion, at this time,

【Alice: Stop arguing, let me tell you, it has nothing to do with you! It’s all Dadalia’s fault!】

【Alice: If he hadn’t been in jail, how could you have no money to pay the bill? (dog head. expression)】

【Wendy: Ahem, that makes sense. Ms. Alice is right! (dog head. expression)】

【Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, this is indeed the case! (Serious.jpg)】

【Shadow: Got it! Let Dadalia out next time you eat. After paying the bill, lock it in again】

【Dadalia:? ? ? ]

Dadalia was confused again at this time.

Isn’t it?

Come again?

When he was arrested yesterday, it was outrageous enough that he was sentenced to death by the Water God because he had no money to pay the bill at Wanmintang!

Now he’s in jail.

Just don’t let it go? ?

Even let him come out when paying the bill, and then lock him in after paying the bill? ? ?

Gosh, be a human being.~!

“Heaven, earth~”

“I obviously didn’t do anything,”

“Why are you being persecuted all the time?……”

Dadalia was about to cry but had no tears.

If God could give him another chance, he would never come to Liyue!

Whoever wants to come will come!

Although Alice borrowed Dadalia to resolve the”dispute” about who paid the bill this time.

But the matter is not completely over.

At this time, Yingmei’s eyes rolled, as if she thought of something interesting.

So he quickly spoke

【Yingmei: Ahem, although the”culprit” has been found this time, such problems may arise again in the future. So the necessary solutions still have to be there!】

【Yingmei: If you want me to see, why not see who among you is the richest! Whoever has the money should pay the bill! (dog head. expression)】

【Paimon: That’s right! Although they are all poor, there must still be a distinction between high and low!】

【Alice: So who among the three of you is the richest and who is the poorest? (bad smile.jpg)】

【Wendy: Ahem, Traveler, you know me! I’m just a poor bard! Not a single mola!】

【Wendy: One of them has a”wallet” and the other has a castle tower to pay for, so they must be richer than me! (dog head. expression)】

【Zhongli: No, no, no, the money in the”wallet” is not mine, it is borrowed to some extent! You can return it in other ways later! And I don’t understand the concept of money, so I often spend a lot of money. So it is already in debt!】

【Zhongli: Barbatos has a job. As long as he drinks less, he can save some money! Needless to say about Balzebul! He is as rich as a country and has no shortage of money! (serious expression)】

【film:? ? ? 】

Ying directly made people stupid.

Why did these two guys have the nerve to reveal their numbers?

In this case, don’t blame her for being rude!

【Shadow: Am I rich enough to rival the country? Impossible, that money belongs to Mrs. Dao and has nothing to do with me! I don’t have a single mola myself!】

【Shadow: But Barbatos and Morax… Judging from the information in the previous group chat, Mondstadt and Liyue now have special support funds from the gods, so they are definitely richer than me!】

【Wendy: Ah this……】


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