Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2583

A huge silhouette appeared in front of Su Hao, three words naturally appeared in Su Hao's mind: Ox Demon King!

Twelve Ancient God, tenth, Ox Demon King!

The breath suppressed everything, but Su Hao was not afraid at this time, the breath of the Ox Demon King, the twelve Ancient Gods that stimulated his chest to tremble, merged with that breath.

"Very good!"

Su Hao looked overjoyed and swishly moved forward. With such a terrifying aura, he was naturally more powerful when integrated into the twelve Ancient God orders.

But also more dangerous.

However, it's not enough if he doesn't merge now. If his breath doesn't merge, he won't be able to get rid of the current crisis.

As Su Hao moved forward, the illusory shadow of the Ox Demon King gradually melted away and became a torrent that plunged into Su Hao's chest.

Suddenly, Su Hao felt that a great force was affecting his whole body, his cultivation base, flesh and blood, Dao Heart, all erupted at a very fast speed.

sword heart, help him reach 3rd-layer, baptism, complete a sublimation!

Ancient God Ox Demon King, stimulated again, he completed the second burst, the second baptism, and the second sublimation.


Around Su Hao, the void of the abyss was exploding, setting off terrifying waves. Su Hao stood in the center of the explosion, looking extremely stalwart.

During his absorption, Ye Xiu's consciousness recovered. Seeing this scene, his expression was shocked. He was excited, but also worried.

Deep worry.

Twelve Ancient Gods are not easy to mess with, and now Su Hao has got the tenth...

"no! ”

Suddenly, he looks very big Change, with the disappearance of the illusory shadow of the Ox Demon King, the abyss exploded, and a void Ancient Road was opened.

At the end of the road, a terrifying mountain appeared, dark and tall, like a magic mountain, emitting a dangerous atmosphere.

On the top of the mountain, stood a tall stone tablet with three big characters: Zuwu Mountain!

Zuwu Mountain!

And on the stone tablet, under the three characters of Zuwu Mountain, is a carved image, sheep's head!

The 11th Way of Ancient God!

A terrifying aura opened up from the vastness, it seemed to open up the sky, connecting those three days!

Su Hao's eyes widened. In the pill furnace of Nishang, what he saw was also the information of Zuwu Mountain. There was no specific information. Didn't expect, Zuwu Mountain is here.

No, to be precise, the projection of Zuwu Mountain came here, opened an Ancient Road, and induced Su Hao to go forward.

The 11th Way of Ancient God!

"Su Hao, be careful!" Ye Xiu reminded that if Su Hao absorbed the Ancient God there, it would definitely be more terrifying, but if he absorbed it completely, then he...

Ten Second, Ancient God is not easy to mess with. After a complete recovery, Su Hao is a cauldron, absorbed by Ancient God and becoming a victim.

Moreover, the two Ancient Gods, coming together seamlessly, things are definitely not simple.

Su Hao seems to have touched something.

"I didn't absorb it, I also felt it. The twelve Ancient Gods in my chest were shaking. My vitality was passing much faster. Time didn't allow it."

Su Hao squinted. Squinting, then striding forward, this road has long been doomed, he can't change it at all, the twelve Ancient Gods must be complete.


One step, two steps, he stepped on the void Ancient Road, and as he stepped, as he approached the sheep's head, the abyss trembled again.

As a matter of fact, it's not just the place that trembles, the outside world is trembling too.

People outside the abyss felt a huge shake, as if Heaven and Earth were turning upside down, and everyone had a strong shock on their faces.

"What happened?"

"There seems to be a big earthquake in the abyss?"

Shock and panic covered everyone's face, even That Lin Jun and Ji Ruyue also had strong unexpected expressions on their faces.

Su Hao entered and seemed to have offended something.

In fact, this is not the end, the entire Secret Realm is trembling, the Spiritual God tomb is galloping, and the top ten dísciple are all a little shocked.

On the outside, Elder and others in the outer courtyard also noticed that the vast aura was suddenly suppressed.




Also in this brief moment, the great bell It sounded like the roar of the avenue, coming from the direction of the inner courtyard, in a hurry, causing the dean of the outer courtyard and others to change their colors collectively and look there.

In the sky above the inner courtyard, ten terrifying silhouettes appeared, which were impressively the top ten Supremes in the inner courtyard. All of them appeared.

The Supreme old man in the center, who is also the direct controller of this most holy Dao Palace, took a step forward.

"The three-day grand competition will open tomorrow, and the three-day Ancient Road will open soon!"

His voice was thunderous, blasting through the entire Holy Dao Palace.

Suddenly, whether it was the inner courtyard or the outer courtyard, the expressions of all elders and dísciples changed drastically, and the grand competition was about to start for the next three days.

The next three days, the virtual God World, the Ancient God domain, and the mysterious God World.

And this grand competition has started. It is necessary to open the Ancient Road in the third day of the middle school, and invite excellent dísciple to enter the third day of the middle school.

"What happened? It stands to reason that the three-day grand competition will not be held for at least ten years. Why did it start suddenly?"

"It must have happened. Some major events that we don't know about, we noticed a huge change in the middle of the three days and opened the Ancient Road directly."

"The three-day grand competition, the outer court and the inner court dísciple can participate, and take the top position in the grand competition If you are ranked in the top ten, you will definitely enter the third day of the middle school, and even if you lose the battle, you will have the opportunity to enter the third day of the middle school."

"The third day of the middle school, the most important thing is the potential!"

Then, Those dísciples, fiercely clenched their fists again, entering the middle three days is the biggest wish of every dísciple in the next three days.

The inner courtyard is also boiling. Those powerful disciples, even reaching the Spiritual God level, all have intense fiery eyes.

I thought it would take another ten years. didn't expect , this time opportunity came so fast!

In the corner not far from those powerful dísciples, stood a woman with silver hair, her breath was extremely cold, but her appearance was Unparalleled.

"Su Hao, where are you? Am I going to the Middle School for three days?" The woman was Bing Qinger, and her cultivation base at this time was actually close to Spiritual God!

"Qing'er, this is an opportunity for you. After entering the third day of middle school, your physique can be better suppressed, and at the same time, more terrifying potential can be erupted."

One The old woman approached, looked at Bing Qinger and said: "Your physique, unique and unmatched, but also extremely dangerous, completely suppressed, completely awakened, even in the future, becoming the top three Heavenly Supreme, there is still great hope. "

"Master, I've been able to get here all because of you. Without your help, my physique can't be suppressed, and I've already fallen."

Bing Qinger thanked him, because He was brought into the inner courtyard by this Master and blessed with countless dive medicines, which allowed the Heartless Dao body to be suppressed and awakened normally.

Suppression, devouring the power of heart and soul for Heartless Dao, so that Bing Qinger will not forget everything, cold and ruthless.

Awakening is to open up the terrifying innate talent of the Heartless Dao body, its potential, and it is powerful at a speed several times that of Heaven's Chosen.

Nowadays, this normal awakening has only opened a gap, and Bing Qinger has come close to Spiritual God.

"But, I, I'm waiting for someone. He's still in the future. If I leave, I'm afraid that he won't be able to find me." Bing Qinger said suddenly.

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