Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2582

In the pitch-black abyss of the void, as Su Hao stepped into it, he looked around, but he could not see his fingers, but fortunately, he took out a dragon ball to illuminate the way forward.

"Su Hao, are you sure? I feel the danger here is very obvious. If we are not careful, we may completely turn over."

Ye Xiu's voice , resounded in Su Hao's mind.

"If I don't come in, is there a chance? That Ji Ruyue came at a wrong time. If I kill Lin Jun and do my best to her, there is still the possibility of escaping. Facing both of them at the same time, I will almost certainly die! "

Su Hao is arrogant, but he is not a fool. He knows better than anyone that he can fight desperately under any circumstances and avoid the edge for a while.

He wouldn't give up his life in vain if he couldn't get half an advantage with his life.

"So, if you're not sure, have we sent us to death?" Ye Xiu was worried. In this abyss, the sense of danger was too strong.

It's like entering the forbidden area of life.

In this virtual God World, there are also several forbidden areas for life, such as the Immemorial Divine Mountain. If you enter it, there will be nine deaths and still alive.

There is also the "God's Tomb" at the junction of the next three days, which is also an extremely dangerous place. He once felt it on the periphery.

At this point, it feels a bit similar.

"It's all dead inside and out. We might as well be buried here. It's better than being killed and giving them treasures." Su Hao's reasons are very good.

Died outside, all the treasures on her body made wedding dresses for others.

Besides, Su Hao didn't feel that he was going to die when he entered here.

In fact, when he chased and killed Lin Jun outside the abyss, he already had a feeling in his heart that there was something he needed in the abyss.

Twelve Ancient Gods!


Expressing congeals, Su Hao speeded up and moved forward according to his feeling, and at the same time, he also realized the terrifying in this abyss more.

In the abyss, there are countless void cracks, and from them, there is a sense of terrifying crisis after another.

The way of God is strong, the void is stable, and the void is turbulent, and it is not something Su Hao can resist.

Furthermore, as we moved forward, some broken corpses, huge white bones, blood bones, and heads appeared in the rift in the void.

It seems that there was a terrifying battle here, which resulted in the tragic death of countless lives.

There are people, monsters, and weird creatures.

And those creatures died, leaving behind a vast aura, obviously not a simple existence during their lifetime.

Absolutely Spiritual God!

"Su Hao, be careful, if you take one wrong step, we will be doomed." Ye Xiu scared witless, every step Su Hao took, it gave him enormous pressure.

If you step on the void blasting place, it's game over.

It can be said that they are now walking a tightrope on the cliff, accidentally, but they are smashed to pieces.

However, as if he was afraid of something, what was coming, Su Hao stepped on it, and the void suddenly exploded under his feet, and his body couldn't help sinking.

"What the hell!" Old Ye Xiu couldn't help but swear. If he could see his face now, he would definitely be pale.

In fact, Su Hao's complexion changed all at once, and his entire body suddenly tightened.

He felt it, it wasn't a void crack, it was...

"White Bone Claw!"

He bowed his head, under that foot In the void, a White Bone Claw protruded, grabbed his ankle, and pulled downward fiercely.

This White Bone Claw is so powerful that Su Hao can't get rid of it with his supernatural power. His body continues downwards, feeling the pain of terrifying.

The flesh on the soles of the feet seems to be disappearing quickly.


Ye Xiu yelled, taking control of the Killing God Sword, fiercely moved towards the bottom and killed, and the sword edge slashed on the White Bone Claw.

In this brief moment, I can only do my best.


A harsh metal clash sounded, sparks rippling, however, the White Bone Claw didn't deal half a cent of damage.

"The hard terrifying can't be shaken at all!" Ye Xiu shouted and chopped it off again, but it was still the same. This was definitely the skeleton of the Spiritual God that terrifying.

It's tough.

"Go, move forward!"

At the critical moment, Su Hao hit the palm of his hand, and the Killing God Sword immediately moved forward: "Keep moving forward, there is an aura that I perceive there , the only hope!"

Ye Xiu understood what it meant, and plunged into the darkness at a fast speed, but he was Sword Soul and had a contract with Su Hao, and they could communicate with each other.


Su Hao was pulled down by the White Bone Claw, and the entire sole of the foot was deeply immersed in it, and more pain came, and the flesh was fast. disappears.

"Go ahead, right side, stab past!"

Su Hao shouted, looked pale, his body trembled, it seemed that he was racing against death, his body sank, the only one Hope is a similar breath of the Twelve Ancient Gods.

However, it is still unknown whether that thing can be shaken, and it is even more unclear whether it can save him.

Even, he wasn't sure whether it was really the breath of the Twelve Ancient Gods.

But now it's just a gamble!


Ye Xiu completely followed Su Hao's explanation. In fact, he relied on Su Hao's feeling to stab him in the Dark Land ahead, fiercely.


The void seemed to be unstoppable, but as the assassination went on, it was like opening a terrifying dam, from which rushed out. A boundless breath.

In Ye Xiu's senses, this aura seemed to be the resurrection of a ten thousand-year-old ominous beast, exuding boundless hideousness, if it wanted to devour the world.

Under this terrifying feeling, he was actually deaf and blind, unable to detect anything, suppressed so tightly that he couldn't even move.

The entire abyss seems to be enveloped by a vast aura.

But under this terrifying breath, the bones under Su Hao's feet seemed to be afraid, and suddenly loosened, disappeared without a trace.

Not only the White Bone Claw, but some weird bones suspended in the abyss, all disappeared at this moment, as if they encountered a huge terror and panicked.

Su Hao pulled the soles of his feet upward, and the pain flooded his body again. His foot, the flesh and blood, had been completely lost, and only the bones remained.

There are rows of tooth marks on the bones.

Appears to be eaten by something.

A cold feeling spread all over the body, and Su Hao was also horrified. He was almost eaten by something unknown.

But now, he obviously didn't have time to think about it. Under the terrifying aura, his speed was like electricity, and he rushed straight towards the source of the breath.

As he got closer, Su Hao could feel the terrifying of this breath more clearly. It was stronger than anything he encountered!

As they approached completely, in front of them, in the dark void, there was a blurry image, a huge image.

Su Hao swept it hurriedly, and three big words naturally appeared in his mind: Ox Demon King!

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