Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2584

Bing Qinger looked at the sky, she was waiting for that person, she would definitely come to find her, if she entered the middle three days...

old woman shook the head, although not She knew who the person Bing Qinger was waiting for was, but she knew that it was a man.

Bing Qinger has an unparalleled beauty, since she brought her to the inner courtyard, the people who pursue her don't know geometry, even the most terrifying Divine Physique and Saint Physique in the inner courtyard show a strong sense of beauty. of admiration.

Privately calls Bing Qinger Bingxue Goddess.

However, Bing Qing'er didn't say anything to those people, and didn't even look straight at them.

She has been waiting for someone, that person, more terrifying than those Divine Physique, Saint Physique?

"Alas." The old woman sighed, when the time comes, love is also the biggest obstacle.

If Bing Qinger can be completely recovered, she will definitely be able to devote herself to cultivation, and it will be infinitely powerful.

cultivation speed will be dozens of times that of others.

But then, can he still be considered a normal person?

"Forget it, consider all of this for yourself, Master will not embarrass you." The old woman shook the head, seeming to understand Bing Qinger's mood.

When she was young, she also worried about this, but unfortunately, that person abandoned her and logged in for three days for the future.

At this time, Bing Qinger is willing to give up the opportunity and stick to the persistence in her heart. To be honest, she is envious.

"Then I, wait for him! Wait for him to come, and go to middle school together for three days." Bing Qinger said firmly in her heart, she believed that with that person's excellence, she would soon be able to find this place and walk through the outer courtyard , enter the inner courtyard.

She had a good idea, and there was a smile on her face, and that smile was caught by those dísciples not far away, and she was shocked.

"She, laughs, my God, I thought Snow Goddess couldn't laugh?"

"I've seen her so many times, never She showed a half-smile, today is definitely the first time unprecedented."

"It seems that Goddess is also looking forward to the three days of middle school. ”

discuss spiritedly, those inner courtyard dísciple, all showing amazing colors.

Even in the inner courtyard, several women who claimed to be the peerless Heaven's Chosen showed strong jealousy and envy.

This Bing Qinger, I don't know where she came from, but since she came, she has attracted the attention of the entire inner courtyard.

Moreover, they also admitted that Bing Qinger's glamorous face and temperament are really not something that ordinary people can resist.

Especially, her innate talent is very terrifying, almost every day is a new change, and cultivation seems to be flying.

And when they were jealous, the smiling Bing Qinger in front of him suddenly changed his aura, and an extremely cold aura swept away.

And when this aura opened, a blue dive rune appeared between Bingqing'er's eyebrows, exuding a mysterious light, in an instant, making her temperament even more of dust.

With the appearance of this dive rune, Bingqing'er's breath was violent, and she actually broke through the last step and stepped directly into Spiritual God!


"This is too casual, right?"

"I know why Goddess laughed, it turned out to be a breakthrough Now..."

Those people were shocked, after all, Bing Qinger didn't enter the inner courtyard for a long time, and when she first arrived, her cultivation base was not strong.

And now... Spiritual God?

Want to step into Spiritual God, even the son of Heaven's Chosen, who wasn't conceived for several decades, and this one, with a smile, is done.

It's really, domineering!

At this time, with Bing Qing'er's breakthrough, above the sky, there are various divide lights blooming, and the divide lights are surging like colorful flowers blooming in the sky.

Flowers of the Avenue!

Heaven Descending Natural Phenomenon!

"Not simple, there must be her for the three-day quota at this time." Among the top ten Supremes, someone secretly praised.

"It's really not simple." Nishang nodded, and gave Bing Qing'er one more look.

"It's the same as what you had back then." Ling Xiao said with a smile.

"hmph!" coldly snorted, turned around, and ignored the man.

Ling Xiao didn't say much, stepped down and appeared in front of Bing Qing'er, but he didn't directly approve.

He looked at the old woman there, held a cup one fist in the other hand, and said, "Senior Hua, can I chat with Qinger?"

His attitude Very humble, it seems that the old woman's status is not simple, so he is also afraid.

nodded, the old woman glanced at Bing Qinger and said, "Go back early."

Ling Xiao waited for the old woman to walk away, then approached, showing a warm smile: "Your Heartless Dao body has infinite potential. I have a pill here that can help you better suppress your ruthless heart..."

"Many thanks, but I don't need it. "Bing Qing'er nodded, turned around and followed the old woman in front of her who had not completely disappeared.

She doesn't have half a cent of favor towards this Ling Xiao Supreme.

"It's interesting, but the only women I liked by Ling Xiao are you and Nishang who have never been caught, but I believe it's just a matter of time."

Ling Xiao is not embarrassed, Faintly smiled, as if confident.


At this time, in the abyss, the breath is still surging, Su Hao's figure, step by step along the Ancient Road, log in to the peak projection .

Although this is a projection, when Su Hao stepped on it, he felt down-to-earth. This mountain is very real, not like an illusion.

As he climbed the mountain, Su Hao even saw strange flowers and plants on the mountain peak, and could even smell the special fragrance of the flowers and plants.

This scene is weird.

But Su Hao was not in the mood to think too much, lifts the head, looked towards the top of the mountain, where the engraved tablet is the 11th Ancient God.

Now, Ox Demon King has been completely absorbed, the cultivation base is booming, and the innate talent is skyrocketing.

After winning the 11th Ancient God, he is afraid that he will immediately break through the next realm.

In addition, the two Ancient Gods are absorbed almost seamlessly, and his innate talent has skyrocketed, which is unimaginable.

cultivation speed is beyond description.

"Although I am getting closer and closer to danger, as I get closer, the terrifying I can bloom surpasses all." Su Hao twitched his mouth, no longer worried, but showed a bright smile.

Even if this is the last moment, he will bloom with the most dazzling brilliance!

It's near.

He stepped onto the top of the mountain step by step, standing in front of the stone tablet, and even felt the breath of Ancient God on it.

Even, after absorbing a trace, Su Hao's breath was a turbulent surge.

Cultivation base is broken in the blink of an eye!

He Dao, 4th Layer!

"It seems that it is more terrifying than I imagined. The breakthrough of the cultivation base is already a trivial meaning, and there is a greater achievement."

"Then... What kind of terrifying growth will my innate talent be?"

Su Hao's eyes are shining, compared to the breakthrough of the cultivation base, the surge of innate talent is terrifying.

Innate talent has soared to a certain point, and it is not impossible to say that breathing becomes stronger!

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