Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 2581

The front is dark and deep, conveying a terrifying terrifying, stepping into it, it seems to have entered a terrifying abyss.

In it, the Great Desolate Giant Beast, which seems to be trapped and terrifying, is scared witless at first glance, and the cold feeling spreads all over the body.

"Burying Shenyuan!"

Lin Jun's face is extremely ugly. He is in the top ten and has some relationship with the top ten Supreme Ling Xiao in the inner court, so he got some inside information.

In this tomb of Spiritual God, there are some unfathomable dangerous land, which cannot be easily stepped on.

The Buried Shenyuan in front of me is one of them.

It is very dangerous.

According to the information given by Ling Xiao, even if Spiritual God enters it, there are nine deaths and still alive!

Lin Jun is proud and arrogant, with strong luck, but compared with Spiritual God, he thinks he is a lot worse than Spiritual God, and it is not at the same level at all.


While he hesitated here, the sound of shouting to kill sounded behind him, Su Hao turned into a Divine Sword, with a terrifying murderous intention, and stabbed straight.

Lin Jun gritted his teeth, he was seriously injured, unable to sustain himself, and could not stop Su Hao at all.

But the danger ahead, he can't guarantee that he can resist it.

In fact, it is extremely slim!

It can even be said that there is no chance at all.

It's just...

"Fight!" The complexion changed, he stepped out of the abyss and entered it, there was still an unknown opportunity.

And facing the people behind him, his chances are almost impossible.

He knew very well in his heart that he was going to kill Su Hao, and now that they had a chance, gained the upper hand, it was absolutely impossible to give him a half-point chance.

Moreover, he is a top ten expert, the Crown Prince of God, even if he dies, he will not die in the hands of Su Hao, he would rather be buried in the abyss!



The sky exploded, and on the sky outside the abyss, a phoenix chime sounded suddenly, and a woman quickly landed from it.

Suddenly, Lin Jun was overjoyed.

Eighth, Ji Ruyue!


In the already hopeless heart, a light suddenly shone, and Lin Jun put away the soles of his feet towards the abyss. At this last moment, he waited. hope.

Back from the dead!

fiercely gritted his teeth, his body turned sharply, and once again played Sovereign Dao Wuji Gong against Su Hao's Divine Sword.

At the same time, Ji Ruyue descended from the sky, her body burst out with holy divine light, and a Phoenix with a bright moon above her head shot out and went straight to Su Hao.

The two great experts joined forces, and the Divine Sword and sword light that had been pierced were suppressed immediately. Next moment, it exploded with a bang.

Su Hao has already squeezed his potential against Lin Jun, plus Ji Ruyue is not something he can resist now.

It is impossible to give everything!

"Very good, very good!" Lin Jun was overjoyed, with a grim expression on his face, stared at Su Hao again, and said, "Today is your funeral!"

Ji As the moon falls, the moon ling Phoenix is suspended behind him, looking extremely holy, but the breath it exudes is also vast, giving people an incomparable oppression.

Phoenix, an ancient creature, bloodline terrifying, ranks among the top ten ominous beasts.

Although her bloodline is not pure enough, even just a trace, but in this outer court, she has already reached the eighth.

"It's over, here comes another great expert, the eighth Ji Ruyue, this woman is more terrifying than Lin Jun."

"She is a sideline of the Ji Family, but inherits the moon Ling Phoenix bloodline, the battle strength is at least twice as strong as Lin Jun, it seems that Su Hao still has no way to survive."

The people who followed behind, looked forward, shook their heads again, Su Hao Really terrifying, terrifying beyond imagination.

But now that the two powers are together, and they are working together, even if Su Hao is terrifying, it will be for nothing.

"Kill him!"

Lin Jun doesn't want to wait, the extraordinary shame and humiliation he received at Su Hao's hands must be paid back ten times and a hundred times, he wants Su Hao Pay the price in blood!

"The moment Supreme wants you to die, your end is already doomed." Ji Ruyue's voice was sweet, but at this time it gave people a cold feeling.

The two great experts approached forward, but Su Hao continued to move forward without any scruples, pressing the potential again, and slaying the heavens with one sword.

The huge and sharp sword light went straight to the two great experts, but it seemed that the accuracy was a bit poor, and it penetrated directly and appeared behind the two of them.

This scene made the people behind him shake their heads again. Facing the two great experts in front of him, Su Hao seemed to be in a panic, unable to exert his normal strength.

Actually, this is normal.

The pressure on him at this time is absolutely enormous.

After all, with those two people together, it was almost doomed to his death, and the chance of surviving was extremely slim.

In this case, he couldn't keep calm, and there must be fear in his heart.

In fact, Lin Jun and Ji Ruyue thought the same way, Su Hao was already in a panic, a big fear arose in his heart, and his sword was smashed crookedly.

They didn't pay anything at all and avoided the past with no difficulty.

“Hahaha, Su Hao, the shame you gave me, I want you to repay a little bit now, I want you to realize what is fear and what is despair!”

Lin Jun raised his head and laughed loudly, with a wicked joy, and was extremely proud.

However, Su Hao's sword passed through, but it didn't stop at all. Without hesitation, he plunged directly into the abyss ahead.

It was pitch black as ink, and as Su Hao plunged into it, his figure disappeared instantly and entered the abyss of the buried god hidden in the void.

"What?" Lin Jun complexion changed, Su Hao's sword was not a crooked attack, or was deliberately slapped, his purpose was to enter the abyss!

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous, this kid is ridiculous!" Then, he couldn't help laughing again, and his laughter was very public.

"Su Hao, Su Hao, I thought you were so powerful, didn't expect you to be so simple, I stayed for a long time and dared not step into it, is there no reason?"

"Or, do you think that you can escape our execution and survive by entering it?"

"hmph, enter there, you are almost dead! That is the abyss of buried gods , Spiritual God entered it, all nine deaths and still alive!"

Ji Ruyue also shook her head, the only reason was that Su Hao was afraid and could not feel any hope of fighting the two of them, so Want to use the abyss to get rid of them.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the abyss terrifying, according to the information given by Ling Xiao, in the abyss, Spiritual God could be killed!

The name of the funeral god, hence the name.

"Su Hao made the wrong choice, but he seems to have no other choice now. If he doesn't get in there, he doesn't even have a chance."

"Yes, it's my words. , it is estimated that I will not choose the abyss in the face of two great experts, after all, there is still a ray of hope."

Those who followed behind looked at the abyss from a distance and noticed the huge The horror, Su Hao plunged into it, looking for that faint hope, very slim!

Almost none!

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