Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1906

Su Hao walked at a moderate pace without looking behind him at all. If those few people didn't follow, it wouldn't be worth his continued training.

However, after a while, with the air-splitting sound behind her, Lin Xiyao was the first to catch up, stepping on the clouds where Su Hao was, and said, "Master, dísciple follow, no matter when, I'm all your dísciple!"

"We're here too."

The Mojia sisters, holding Qing'er with one hand, landed on Su Hao's clouds, her face Filled with bright smiles.

Since I have already worshipped Su Hao as my teacher, I choose to believe.

In addition, after a brief acquaintance with Su Hao, he has created several miracles in a row, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of several women.

Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, and the speed of the clouds under his feet suddenly accelerated, turning into a long rainbow thread, rushing towards the horizon.

Below, Jin Tianhong and Zhuo Feng looked there with solemn expressions in their eyes.

"Elder Jin, we really don't follow, that place is not a place that ordinary people can go to, in case..." Zhuo Feng's tone was full of worry.

"Don't worry, he is more savvy than me. He must have a trump card if he dares to go there. We don't understand this person at all." Jin Tianhong waved his hand, turned and walked into the palace. Hao didn't think about it anymore, and he didn't understand.

Wait and see.

After the two entered the palace, not far down the mountain, two figures were exposed, one of which was the handsome and handsome Chang Qingyun.

At this moment, he held a paper fan in his hand, glanced in the direction where Su Hao disappeared, and the corner of his mouth evoked a secret smile.

A man was also following him. At this time, the whole person was covered in the black running, and he couldn't see his original appearance at all.

"It's time for you to take revenge, my law, let your cultivation base reappear, and be stronger than before, and even give full play, maybe not weaker than me, will It's not a problem at all!"

Chang Qingyun's voice was flat, even with such vicious words, there was still no fluctuation.

This person is very deep.

“many thanks, big brother Chang for giving me a chance, I am now living a new life, and I will never waste this opportunity!”

“The good news that big brother Chang is waiting for me is that I I must kill him, get the map, and dedicate it to you."

The black robed man's voice was hoarse, and then he suddenly rose up and turned into a black tornado, following the direction where Su Hao and the others disappeared. Quickly followed along.

Until he disappeared completely, the corner of Chang Qingyun's mouth twitched. At a moderate pace, he followed behind Su Hao and black robed man. He liked to put himself in an absolutely safe position.


It took three hours for Su Hao and the others to enter a vast mountain range. In the depths of the mountain range, the sound of crash-bang flowed. Dangling in the forest.

As I approached, I just discovered that it was a big river mixed between cliffs. The river was fast and the space on the river was extremely unstable.

This place is Xuanyin Stream.

"Master, in front of you is the Xuanyin Stream. There is a terrifying monster beast at the bottom of the river. In the unstable void on the river surface, it may also be the cave of the monster beast."

"Entering this ravine, we must raise our spirits. The elders of the Immortal King Ninth Layer have all fallen into it, and skeleton doesn't exist."

Lin Xiyao reminded solemnly.

The Mo family sisters and Qinger were on full alert, as if they were facing a great enemy.

Su Hao smiled and said, "Let's take a tour around this area first. I don't plan to go in right now. I'll talk about it when I'm interested."

Fourth The girl was stunned, the Master came in such a hurry, and he really arrived at the place, why is he not in a hurry?

Could it be that they sensed the danger here and retreated?

That's fine, after all, that Xuanyin Stream is famous for its fierce reputation, and it would be best not to enter it.

The scenery of the mountains and forests outside the Xuanyin Stream is quite good, and the spirit is sufficient, which leads to the occasional encounter with a rare Immortal Medicine.

apart from this, in the forest, Su Hao also found a few exotic animals, these are all rich ingredients.

Until night, Su Hao set up a big pill furnace and boiled a soup full of pill furnace, so that the four girls couldn't get their tongues into their stomachs.

They are never expected, Su Hao is not only powerful, but also has superb cooking skills. In their hearts, it is simply the first under the heavens.

In this way, Su Hao stayed in the periphery for two days and two nights, and sometimes went for a walk outside the Xuanyin River, and did not do anything special, except to pick some Immortal Medicine and hunt some strange animals. The beast, in a different way, makes delicious food for the four women.

The four women enjoyed their meals and felt that they had gained weight.

But in the face of Su Hao's food, even if they get fat again, they are absolutely reluctant to give up.

It was delicious.

However, the black robed man hiding in the dark was extremely depressed.

He originally planned to wait until Su Hao and the others entered the Xuanyin Stream and at the critical moment of the battle with monster beast, to launch a fatal blow, so that the chance of success would be high.

However, for two days and two nights in a row, Su Hao had no plans to act, and he seriously suspected that the kid had given up on entering.

Especially, for the past two days and two nights, he hid in the mud, closed his breath, and watched the few people talking and laughing enjoying there.

The important thing is that the soup that the kid boiled and the roasted meat had an intoxicating aroma, but the aroma continued to spread towards him, and his saliva was already flowing.

This is simply torment, torture, making him want to scold his mother loudly.

"I can't stand it anymore, I really can't stand it anymore, why don't I just kill it. I'm very powerful now, comparable to Chang's big brother, so killing him shouldn't be a problem."

The black clothed person weighed in his heart, and couldn't help but move, the soil on his body made a rustling sound, and a fallen branch that was about to dry up, creak disconnected.

Although her voice was clear and crisp, Lin Xiyao and the others, in this mountain forest, were always in high spirits, almost immediately noticed.


Lin Xiyao turned her head abruptly, a small scarlet sword in her hand, like a scarlet lightning, rushing out, heading straight for the source of the sound .

The little sword was exquisite and small, only one foot long, but as it got closer to the source of the sound, a three-zhang-high flame rose up and became extremely hot.

Before it fell completely, the dense vegetation, messy rocks, and muddy soil where the black clothed person was, disappeared in an instant.

As a result, the black clothed person couldn't dodge even if he wanted to. He jumped up abruptly, and black lights erupted from his body, colliding with Scarlet's small sword.

The black light seemed to be deadly, and when it came into contact with Scarlet's little sword, even the flame went out, and the little sword itself made a screeching sound, like being splashed with acid.


Lin Xiyao's expression suddenly condensed, and their spirits became even more tense. There were people hiding beside them, which was too dangerous.

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