Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1907

Chi-la-la, chi-la-la...

The sound of acid corrosion came from the small sword, the scarlet's small sword was rapidly corroded, and in the end, it was completely broken and turned into fly ash and fell to the ground .

This scene made Lin Xiyao's complexion greatly changed. That sword was an Immortal King weapon, and it was so simple that it was completely corroded.

This is incredible.

The black mist is too terrifying.

In fact, the terrifying one is still behind, the black robed man jumped up from the ground, like a whirlwind of black swept over, making a hoarse roar at the same time, the mist of black, like a big wave of black, Flush forward.

Lin Xiyao's four daughters, the cultivation bases are all powerful to varying degrees, but under the wash of the black mist, they flew away without any resistance.

Even, the exposed skin came into contact with the mist of black a little, and suddenly felt severe pain, and the corroded flesh was blurred.


The four daughters turned pale in fright. This is definitely death energy. Although the death energy of terrifying is not as good as that of the three corpse slaves, it also has the same effect of terrifying.


black clothed person spit out a hoarse voice, carrying a terrifying murderous aura, carrying a billowing black mist, and appeared in front of Lin Xiyao and the four of them, fists violently. hit out.

His fist was like a big wave of black. The big wave was as fierce as a dragon, and the roar made the void tremble.

There was a terrifying power in the fist, and the aura of death exuded by the aura of death made the faces of the four of Lin Xiyao look terrified and could not be resisted at all.

Not a grade!

The little pride in their hearts was dispelled again, there is Person beyond the Person, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, much stronger than them.

Even though Lin Xiyao broke through, she realized at this time that she was nothing.

It is not worth being complacent.


The punch was completely smashed, and the fist style had made the four girls extremely depressed. However, after waiting for a long time, there was no pain.

Not even the gloomy feeling of being shrouded in death.

They lifted the head in astonishment, and after seeing the purple-haired silhouette with her back turned to them, they felt more secure after being stunned for a while.

Su Hao, who was three kilometers away, actually stood in front of them at a critical moment, blocking the death punch.

"Go back."

Su Hao's voice was majestic.

"Master, be careful."

The four girls didn't hesitate at all, this person is not something they can deal with, and staying here is just the drag of the Master.

"Boy, your time of death is coming, and I want you to pay back ten times and a hundred times for all the pain you've inflicted on me." The black robed man roared angrily.

Su Hao stared at the black robed man, shook his head lightly, and said, "You shouldn't come."

He was not surprised at the appearance of the black robed man. In fact, Not long after he arrived at this Xuanyin Stream, he noticed the person's breath.

And, well, know who he is.

Therefore, Su Hao did not directly enter the Xuanyin Stream, but chose to wait here for two days.

"nonsense, your time of death is up, but don't worry, I won't kill you directly, I will torture you, it's better to die, I said I want you to regret coming to this world, now Let you bear it."

Black robed man's resentment was even more, his fist raised again, moved towards Su Hao fiercely smashing, shouted in his mouth: "Fist of Death!"

Su Hao glanced at him, body flashed, like a gust of wind, dodged the explosive punch, shook his head lightly: "You can't kill me, you're already half-dead, why don't you stop and enjoy your last life ."


black robed man roared again, under the stimulation of endless resentment, he did not believe even a word of Su Hao's words, and kept attacking and killing. go with.

Su Hao's eyes moved, this person was nothing in his eyes, even if he worked hard, he had a way to suppress him.

It's just, totally unnecessary, if Su Hao doesn't make a move, he will die too!

Moreover, there must be a secret hand behind this person, Su Hao cares about that person.

Thinking like this, Su Hao didn't dodge the black clothed person's fist, but simply resisted, and then flew out with blood.


The four of Lin Xiyao turned pale in fright. In their eyes, Su Hao was not as good as a black robed man, unable to stop the opponent's attack, so he retreated.

It even spit out blood.

black robed man let out a hearty laugh, stared at his fist, and said: "See, this is my current strength, I kill you like crushing a chicken and a dog, you are not powerful. Aren't you abolishing my cultivation base, come on, continue?"

He was arrogant, his terrifying fist smashed down again, Su Hao flew upside down again, even more embarrassed, not only spits out blood, look Going up and looking pale like paper, it seems that there is no strength to resist at all, and it is decided.

This made the black clothed person no longer have any scruples, and was arrogant to the extreme: "You merely this, I can play with you at will now."

Even, in such arrogance He stopped hiding and pulled the big black robe on his body, completely exposing it to Su Hao's eyes.

Exactly, Chunan!

He offended Su Hao and was abolished by his elder brother Chu Bei as the cultivation base. The resentment towards Su Hao in his heart was boundless, and he wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood raw.

With the help of Chang Qingyun, the cultivation base was recreated, much stronger than before, and even felt that he was stronger than the former Alliance Leader Lang Kong.

This powerful feeling, he had never experienced before, and now experimenting with Su Hao, it feels really good.

"Are you surprised or surprised? Didn't expect that I survived the disaster and have a stronger cultivation base?" Chu Nan had a smug smile on his face.

"You're going to die." Su Hao spit out four words lightly.

"You're the one who's going to die!" Chu Nan sneered, the whole person rushed forward, and even felt Su Hao's bones explode while his fist slammed down.

This feeling made him even more excited. The ashes of the battle was extremely powerful, and he kept attacking, causing Su Hao to fly backwards again and again.

Under such a brave front, like a hot knife through butter, his spirit is in a state of high excitement. Even Lang Kong can kill people who are weak like a rookie under his hands.

He felt aloof and remote.

The future is extremely brilliant.

The attack is more violent.

But he didn't notice that within his body, a mysterious force had spread quietly.

He was "healed" by Su Hao in Trading City, but only has three days to live!

Today is the third day!

"I have succeeded in Chunan. No one will say that I rely on my big brother. Now, I am much stronger than my big brother, and even I am comparable to the Five Great Influences Alliance Leader."

"Hahaha, eat my ultimate punch!"

Laughing up to the sky three times, Chu Nan punched his last punch with a whole body, terrifying force, causing the void to burst open, Under Su Hao's fist, blood was spit out from his mouth like boiled water without money.

Even while flying upside down, it seemed that he couldn't stabilize his body, so he leaned on a big rock and barely stood proudly.

The breath of the whole person is extremely sluggish.

The mountains and rivers are exhausted!

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