Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1905

Zhuo Feng's face is extremely serious, even Jin Tianhong is very solemn, Yellow Springs means to open Yinluomen, even if he is not sure to fight against Mu Xuankun.

The guy is so hidden, he has only exposed this method once, but at that time, he only showed the First Layer.

didn't expect, it has been thoroughly practiced in secret.

"I see."

In response, Su Hao replied indifferently with four words, and then walked out, as if these things were only loose to him usually.

Jin Tianhong and Zhuo Feng were stunned at the same time, what a big deal, why are you not in a hurry at all, are you really not afraid of death?

next moment, they quickly caught up, Jin Tianhong earned and well-meant advised: "Elder Su, this matter is no trivial matter, in the Life and Death Battle after half a month, you bode ill rather than well."

Su Hao smiled faintly, without saying a word.

“Elder Su, we know that your extraordinary natural talent is unprecedented, but the current problems cannot be solved by innate talent. How far can you achieve in half a month?”


Zhuo Feng also said urgently.

In their hearts, Su Hao is at an absolute disadvantage. The Life and Death Battle after half a month, said to be nine deaths and still alive, is actually a high-profile.

According to my thoughts, that is... ten deaths without life!

"So what can I do? Life and Death Battle has been signed, should I go to someone else to get it back? Even if I do, can he let me go?"

Su Hao stopped and asked rhetorically.

Jin Tianhong and Zhuo Feng were silent, yes, the matter has gotten to this point, even if Elder Su is gone now, what can he do?

With Mu Xuankun's character, it is absolutely impossible to leave troubles for himself.

Elder Su's innate talent, half a month can't catch up with him, but one year, three years, five years... can quickly crush it.

In this case, if it is them, maybe will not give the slightest chance.

"Since I can't do anything, I'm sad and scared, so what can I do?" Su Hao said with a smile: "Take a step, take a look."

"It's better..." Jin Tianhong hesitated for a moment, wanting to say, it is better to leave here and be a deserter, at least he can live.

Su Hao now also has his life at stake, and it is in his best interest to survive.

However, before he finished speaking, a few people walked quickly outside the hall. It was Lin Xiyao, the Mo family sisters, and Qing'er who gave off a feeling of tranquility.

"Master, my injury is healed, many thanks to the Extreme Yin spirit mist from Master." Lin Xiyao red light across the whole face, her tone was excited, and her spirit was much better than before.

"It's one step away." Su Hao walked to Lin Xiyao, next moment, under the shocked gaze of everyone, he opened his mouth and leaned forward.

"My God."

The Mo sisters were shocked.

Qing'er also widened her eyes, her face blushing like a big apple.

Jin Tianhong and Zhuo Feng were completely stunned, stunned!

This is too direct, and, in public, is this okay?

As for the person involved, Lin Xiyao, she was frightened and frightened, her face was flushed and hot, like a fire, and in addition to her fright, she was secretly delighted.

Instinctively, she didn't move.

Even, I slowly closed my eyes.

At the same time as her eyes were closed, a mouthful of slightly hot air, assaults the senses, made Lin Xiyao's spirit suddenly tense. Are you going to start?

The hot air splashed on her face, and between them, it penetrated through the pores and flowed all over her body, making Lin Xiyao feel numb all over her body and almost unable to stand up.

She was nervous and uneasy, and had some vague expectations. Is this about to start?

However, under such nervous and anticipatory waiting, it was Su Hao's indifferent voice, which came slowly: "Okay, open your eyes."

Lin Xiyao paused, is it over?

Why don't you feel it?

She slowly opened her eyes in surprise, only to find that Su Hao was half a meter away from her, and never got closer.

"Feel it." Su Hao smiled.

Lin Xiyao was stunned again, next moment, her whole body trembled suddenly.

At the next moment, her eyes widened, she felt extremely comfortable, the internal injury in her body completely disappeared, and her breath brought it up a level...Immortal King Seventh Layer!

"My internal injury is all healed. I broke through the Immortal King Seventh Layer?" Lin Xiyao exclaimed in incredible exclamation.

Originally, she absorbed the Extreme Yin spiritual mist, which caused the toxins in her body to be completely removed, but the wounds left in the past could not be removed in a short time.

This requires a slow rest.

And until these injuries are completely recovered, she has absolutely no chance to break through the Immortal King Seventh Layer.

It will take at least one to three years if she wants to come.

And now, the Master solves it for her instantly.

"That tone, so that's how it is." Thinking of this, Lin Xiyao blushed, it seemed that she was thinking too much, thinking too much.

And the Mo family sisters, Qinger, and even Jin Tianhong and Zhuo Feng, went from inconceivable to shocking, and the waves were stormy in their minds.

They witnessed the whole process, Su Hao took a breath, which made Lin Xiyao's breath rise a lot!

What terrifying power is this?

How incredible?

He is not only strong himself, but also makes others strong in an instant!

"Master, we are all your dísciple, you can't favor one over the other, can you?" Mo Yun said, a little shyly: "People want it too."

She pouted The ruddy mouth looks like I want it too.

The same is true of Mo Xiu, and even moved towards Su Hao, the charming fragrance spreads towards Su Hao.

Even the most shy and introverted Qinger has this idea.

Even, Jin Tianhong and Zhuo Feng are very envious, be eager to have a try, if it is not inappropriate here, they also want to say, I want it!

"Lin Xiyao's cultivation base, if it wasn't for her injuries, it would have been a breakthrough. I'm just helping her, and you guys are still a little short."

"But , since you have become my dísciple, within ten days, I will let you all break through."

The Mo family sisters, and Qing'er, then dispelled the thoughts in their hearts and returned to their normal expressions, said with a smile: "many thanks Master."

"Let's go."

"Where to go?" Several people asked.

"I'm going to the Xuanyin River for my teacher, and I'm just taking you to the experience, so that you can break through in the experience, so as to lay a solid foundation and not affect the future development." Su Hao said.

"Xuan Yin Stream?" Lin Xiyao, Mo Xiu, Mo Yun, and Qing'er all changed their expressions.

"That's a dangerous place, even called a forbidden area for life." Jin Tianhong's face was solemn again, and even he didn't dare to set foot there easily.

In fact, in history, Extreme Yin Church died tragically in the Elder and dísciple of Xuanyin Stream, and countless Immortal King Ninth Layer had fallen in it.

There, in the hearts of everyone at Extreme Yin Church, is a restricted area! Untouchable life forbidden zone!

"Cultivation, transcending the calamity and getting good fortune, transcending the great calamity and getting a great fortune, if you don't go into danger and danger, how can you get blessings and blessings?" Su Hao said in a heavy tone: "If you are afraid, stay here. Here, being a teacher is not a requirement."

The voice fell, and he didn't look at it much. As soon as the soles of his feet stepped on the ground, his figure had already rushed out of the great hall, soared to the clouds, and drove away... …

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