Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1893

As soon as the high price of 300 million was released, the Boss was directly stimulated to vomit blood and fell down. Even in a coma, he was still dreaming.

Three hundred million is too heavy for him.

This is really taking immortal gold and selling it like a lump.

The people around also let out bursts of amazement and cast extremely jealous eyes at Su Hao.

Three hundred million is a crazy number for ordinary dísciple and even Elder.

However, under the fiery gaze of the old man who offered the price, Su Hao looked at the head and said, "I will sell you half of this item at most."

The voice sounded At the same time, Su Hao turned around and walked in front of Lin Xiyao, handed her half of the wood, and said, "Absorb the smoke on it, your Coiling Dragon Root, fused with this thing, can make Coiling Dragon Root positive. Being neutralized a lot, it can help heal your injuries."

Lin Xiyao trembled all over, with a strong surprise in her eyes, it turned out that the Master knew about her injuries for a long time.

Also, the smoke on this half of the wood is worth 150 million, and the Master gave it to her without blinking an eye?

In Extreme Yin Church, even between the master and the disciple, the interests are the most important. Generally, the dísciple of the master should give the master enough benefits.

If you want to get the Master's guidance, you have to make various sacrifices.

Even, many elders recruit a large number of dísciple, not for teaching, but just want to get enough benefits from the dísciple.

And her Master, who didn't want anything, directly gave her a benefit of 150 million.

I have to say, in this brief moment, Lin Xiyao was so moved that she almost burst into tears.

She originally respected and feared Su Hao, because his ability was too incredible, and at this time, all that was not important.

She followed Su Hao and found a more suitable "excuse", thank you!

"many thanks Master." Lin Xiyao said four words solemnly, looking at Su Hao's eyes with a determination.

No matter when, anywhere, no matter what the future holds, a Master is a Master for a lifetime!

Su Hao smiled nodded lightly, and explained that the Mojia sisters and Qing'er left together with Lin Xiyao to protect her and remove the poison in her body.

Watching the four girls leave, Su Hao turned around and looked at the old man who offered the price.

The remaining Extreme Yin Lingwu is not very useful for him to stay, it is better to exchange it for 150 million immortal jade.

However, just as the old man was about to speak, there was another loud voice in the crowd: "I want this thing."

As the voice sounded, A tall man, surrounded by several people, walked out from the crowd.

He is different from others in that he does not hide his appearance, but is just and honorable, and as soon as he appears, he immediately makes people around him feel jealous.

Some people even backed away uncontrollably, obviously out of fear.

Even the old man who planned to open his mouth to buy it tightly closed his mouth.

"Extreme Yin Spirit Mist is indeed a rare good thing. I have some dark diseases on my body. This thing can be cured. One hundred and fifty million, I want it."

The tall man at the head stared at Su Hao and said in an arrogant tone: "Bring the things, immortal jade will not miss you."

"Your injury is indeed not simple, but this Extreme Yin spiritual fog can only relieve, not completely cure, even..." Su Hao glanced at it, clearly understood everything.

Extreme Yin Spirit Mist, even if it can relieve this person's injury, it needs special refining techniques, otherwise, it will actually promote the outbreak of the injury.

When the time comes, if you are not careful, you will lose your life.

"You don't have to worry about it, I'll give you 200 million for the things!" The tall man glanced at Su Hao casually, his tone even more arrogant, even cold.

His injury, he had already consulted Almighty, and this Extreme Yin Spirit Mist was one of the solutions. Therefore, he did not believe Su Hao's words snort disdainfully at all.

In his opinion, Su Hao did this just to make more money.

In this regard, he is also "not stingy", let alone two hundred million, even if the other party wants one billion, he dares to say it.

Su Hao shook the head lightly, the words have come to this point, since people don't believe it, it's useless for him to say more, the two are not related, so Su Hao doesn't need to worry about others.

Raising his hand and throwing it, the half of the black wood fell into the hands of the tall man, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of the latter's mouth.

Anything else, he spreads his cultivation technique, and while breathing, the Extreme Yin spiritual mist on the black wood is inhaled into the body along his nose and mouth.

And with the inhalation, the man's face showed a fascinated expression, and the whole person seemed to be floating and very comfortable.

"Okay, very good!"

The man laughed, the effect of the Extreme Yin spirit mist was really extraordinary, and the effect was immediate, he felt that his intractable injury had completely disappeared. recover completely.

"Let's go."

After absorbing it completely, he flicked his sleeves and took a few people around him to leave.

Su Hao complexion sank, said coldly, "Stop."

"Are you calling me?" The tall man turned around, the smile on his face was full of playfulness, There was even more contempt in his eyes, as if he was looking at ants.

"You seem to have forgotten something?" Su Hao said again.

"Two hundred million? I don't remember, I didn't carry it with me. I owe this account first, and I'll send it to you another day." The tall man said something casually, and turned around again.

"My things, do you want to take them for nothing?"

Now, how can Su Hao not know what the other party thinks, but what he has Su Hao is what you want to take away Can you take it?

"Boy, I advise you, don't mess with me." The tall man turned his back to Su Hao, his voice was cold and full of threats.

And after his voice fell, the people around him also looked at Su Hao with pity. Those two hundred million are simply impossible to get.

This thing is considered a wedding dress for others.

In fact, many people had already guessed the ending when this person appeared, and things like this have happened to this guy many times.

"Youngster, take a step back, this person can't be provoked." An old man looked at Su Hao and reminded him.

In response, Su Hao's face was completely cold, and he said: "If you don't give two hundred million, I want... one billion! One point less, I promise, you will not be well. Die!"


When the voice fell, it made the people around him feel as if there was a thunderbolt in their minds, and their expressions changed drastically.

Not only did not step back, but a billion?

"Hahaha, you are really interesting, well, one billion, I promise you, owe it first." The tall man sneered, owed, there is no date.

The few people around him looked at Su Hao and sneered and sneered. This kid's head was bubbling.

If you don't give two hundred million to you, do you think you can take away one billion?

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