Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1892

The smugness on the old man's face became more and more intense. At the same time, he began to pack up his booth while humming a little song.

After two accidents in a row, he can't even think about having any more business today, but he's earning almost as much as he should, so it's no pity.

In fact, today is much better than usual. Zifa alone has contributed 20 million immortal jade to him.

It can be said to be a bumper harvest.

And the next time he came, he changed his face again and went to another part of the city to deceive, and no one could find him, still leisurely.

Extreme Yin Church will not interfere with these things, no matter what aspect here, it reflects four words: weak are prey to the strong!

If you don't have the ability, you can only be pitted and slaughtered by others.

Who asked you to come?

"You shameless bastard!" A light, but icy voice sounded with anger.

It's Qinger.

She has a pretty good character. According to Su Hao's judgment, she is very similar to Bai Ling, but at this time, her face was ashen.

Even she was like this, one can imagine how unbearable Lin Xiyao, Mo Xiu, and Mo Yun were.

I can't wait to bite my silver teeth.

But so what?

The more angry they are, the more proud the old man is, the more unscrupulous he smiles, and he has a sense of achievement in his heart.

The four girls looked at Su Hao, originally with bitter helplessness, but when they saw the smile on Su Hao's face, they were full of doubts.

Master can still laugh?

"Actually, this thing is much better than Xuanluo black mulberry. I bought it for 20 million trifling, and I made a lot of money, even more than ten times!"


Su Hao said calmly.

As soon as the voice fell, the old man's laughter became even more unscrupulous, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, and his tears were about to flow down.

"More than ten times? What do you mean, or old fogey, I'm clumsy and sold it as a lump of gold?" The old man's face was full of playfulness.

"No, you are not clumsy, you are blind." Su Hao commented rudely.

"hmph, deceive yourself!" The old man extremely angry laughed back and said, "old fogey, I have been in this trading city for a hundred years, and when I punched my eyes, no more than ten times, when I was here and there. , you still don't know where to get milk."


The voice fell, and a crisp crack sounded.

As the voice sounded, a special gloomy and cold aura came over.

This gloomy and cold aura is extremely terrifying, but I don't know why, when it comes into contact with the fleshy body, it becomes cool and comfortable, and it does no harm to the human body.

Accidentally, he suddenly moved his eyes towards Su Hao, and the crisp sound was that Su Hao broke the piece of black wood.

As he looked, his eyes narrowed suddenly, revealing a hint of surprise.

It wasn't just him, Lin Xiyao's four daughters also noticed it. As they looked, they became a little surprised and shocked.

Actually, after the gloomy aura spread, many people around couldn't help moving towards Su Hao here.

Accurately speaking, he looked at the broken black wood in his hand.

In the place where the wood was broken, there was actually a wisp of white smoke.

This smoke is Extreme Yin.

That gloomy cold made the surrounding air condense out ice crystals.

But once this glowy and cold aura comes into contact with the fleshy body, the feeling of freezing will disappear, and instead, it will make people's fleshy body, Divine Soul, and even the mind, all give birth to a joy a feeling of.

It's as if, in the hot summer, I was scorched by the scorching sun, sweating profusely, and even the skin was cracked, and I was immersed in the cool lake water.

That feeling is more than a cool word.

"This is...Extreme Yin, Spirit Mist!"

Among the crowd, a white-haired old man stared, and couldn't help making a shocked voice: "Really? It's that kind of Supreme Treasure, Extreme Yin Spirit Mist!"

As his voice sounded, a few people walked out of the crowd, and their eyes were full of fiery, even uncontrollable greed.

Extreme Yin Lingwu, a rare Supreme Treasure.

Extreme Yin, representing the place where this thing was born, must be in an extremely cold and cold place. The Yin River of Extreme Yin Church can meet the requirements, but it is also "possible" to appear at the bottom of the Yin River.

Not one hundred percent.

Even, only percent forty-fifty probability.

But that's not enough, Land of Extreme Yin, it's just a request, apart from this, but also to meet the requirements of the birth of the mist.

This spiritual fog, the generated opportunity, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, there is no fixed condition at all, the right time and place are indispensable.

A variety of rare Immortal Medicine and even giant poisonous substances are needed. Under special circumstances, they can be combined with Extreme Yin Qi to produce some mysterious changes, so that there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of birth.

One in ten thousand.

How low is the probability?

The value of this thing is terrifying incomparably, and a strand is priceless.

Boss complexion greatly changed, when he heard the words Extreme Yin Lingwu, he was already fiercely trembling, and then his heart was like a drop of blood.

The smile on that face, carefree, has long been disappeared without a trace.

"No, it's mine. I won't sell it anymore. I won't sell it."

You can even double or even double the price if you meet someone in special need.

Su Hao's statement of ten times more is not a joke.


At the same time as he approached, Lin Xiyao's four daughters directly stepped forward, blocking his path, proudly saying: "The money and goods are clear, No refunds!"

The eight words completely spit out the depression in their hearts.

The Boss' previous stimulation made them hate so much, and the joy in their hearts at this time was so intense that even Qing'er almost laughed out loud.

There is nowhere to go, every cloud has a silver lining!

As for Boss, he fully realized what heartache is, and the bitterness on his face cannot be described in words.

In fact, this is not the end, in the crowd, an old man looked at Su Hao and loudly said: "Little friend, I am willing to spend 80 million on this thing to buy one third, how about it? "

one third 80 million, the value of this thing has exceeded ten times.

Boss's head rumbled loudly, tears streaming down his face, and with extreme remorse in his heart, he fell weakly to the ground.

This is not the end, as the old man spoke, a middle-aged man who looked rich and imposing loudly said: "Sell all this to me, I am willing to pay 300 million!"

The pain in the Boss' heart was even greater. In the piercing heart, he spurted a mouthful of blood in his mouth, and when his eyes went black, he fainted.

And after he completely lost consciousness, he still repeated the number in his mouth like a dream: three hundred million!

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