Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1894

have a big laughter, from the mouths of the tall men, spit it out unscrupulously, the sound is extremely harsh.

At the same time, they looked at Su Hao one by one, as if looking at two fools, and seriously felt that there was something wrong with the stimulated nerves of this kid.

It's not just them, even bystanders are shaking their heads and sighing.

"Boy, you'd better not talk nonsense in front of me, otherwise, I promise, you must be the one who won't die!" The tall man threatened again in a cold voice.

"Then let's see." Su Hao's face completely calmed down.

The tall man turned his back to Su Hao, waved his sleeve robe, and with a piercing laughter, he strode into the distance.

It's just that after he took the next step, there was a slight tingling in his heart. When he stepped down the Second Step, the stinging pain was suddenly severe, like a needle stick, and his body trembled faintly.

There was an accident in his eyes, but the tall man didn't care, and continued to step down the Third Step. At this time, the color changed greatly!


At the same time as the Third Step landed, the pain in his heart suddenly became severe, like a flood that destroyed a dam and released it unscrupulously.

While he let out a miserable howl, his forehead was covered in sweat, and his entire face was extremely pale.

The pain in my heart is like a thousand needles.

Fourth Step couldn't move, his body trembled violently, and under extreme pain, he fell directly to the ground, howling miserably in his mouth, and spit it out. .

"It hurts, it hurts so much..."

This scene made the faces of the people around him change immediately, and their eyes showed a strong disbelief, and they immediately stepped forward to help them. Tall man.

"Get off, get off, don't touch me, ah, it hurts, it hurts so much, I can't take it anymore." The tall man started to roll all over the ground while howling miserably.

The people around were also shocked.

Well, why did it suddenly become like this?

Suddenly, an old man's eyes flashed, and then he looked towards Su Hao. Sure enough, he saw the sneer at the corner of his mouth, and immediately, heart startled.

Is it him?

Not only the old man, but the people around the tall man also thought of this possibility. One after another, angry eyes like fire-breathing suddenly fell on Su Hao.

If eyes can kill people, Su Hao must have been riddled with holes at this time, even broken to pieces, skeleton doesn't exist.

"Boy, what the hell did you do?"

"Get out the antidote immediately, otherwise, I want you to die!"

Those People coldly threatened.

Su Hao calmed and collected, and said, "I said long ago that the Extreme Yin spirit mist can relieve his injuries, but it cannot cure his injuries at all."

"Even, he The way of absorbing it is wrong, the Extreme Yin spirit mist actually caused his injury to explode."

"Wait, after a quarter of an hour, he will not be in pain."

"A quarter of an hour." Those people let out a sigh of relief.

Although the pain was severe, the tall man in the shriek was not unbearable for a quarter of an hour.

It's just that before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Su Hao said again: "When a person dies, there will be no more pain."

What he meant, tall man, only had a quarter of an hour Life!


The voice fell, the tall man, as if was struck by lightning, then let out a more miserable howl, the courage in his heart completely disappeared, and he could not even resist the pain. Can't do it.

He thoroughly realized what life is better than death.

And, under such fear, he felt a tingling pain in his heart, which began to spread to his whole body, and even penetrated into his mind.

This made him recognize Su Hao's words even more, and felt that he was going to die.

"No, I can't die, please, save me, I'll give you two hundred million immediately." The tall man knelt down to Su Hao and pleaded.

While pleading, he was still stinging and shaking violently.

"I said, if I don't give two hundred million, I want one billion!" Su Hao's tone was very calm, as if he was sitting on the top of a mountain, controlling everything.

"You... let me tell you, I'm Chu Nan, my big brother is Chu Bei, and Chu Bei from ASEAN. If you offend me, I promise you won't be able to stay here."


"However, if you save me immediately, not only will I not blame you, but I will also recommend you to enter ASEAN for aloof and remote in the future."

He hit the stick and gave him another sweet date.

"Boy, the forces of ASEAN, you should know that our Alliance Leader Lang Kong is even more powerful. You'd better not provoke it."

"Chu Senior Brother Nan's Big brother, Chu Bei, in ASEAN, except for the Vice Alliance Lord, he can be said to be the person with the most power, he said, it would be hard for you to die!"

Those around Chu Nan , said sharply.

"ASEAN?" Su Hao stared at the startled, and then showed a playful smile, it's really enemies on a narrow road, ah, so soon encountered this group of unsightly.

"Are you afraid? Why don't you get over here quickly and treat Chu Senior Brother Nan."

Su Hao's dazed expression made those people feel afraid. In case they speak ASEAN, provoke their dísciple, they will immediately fear.

Even some Elders are afraid.

After all, their Alliance Leader, Lang Kong, is stronger than many Elders.

Not only them, but the people around them also shook their heads again. They are afraid of these people because of ASEAN, or Lang Kong.

This force is indeed not simple in the middle reaches, and the prestige of Lang Kong will shock all directions.

"Come here immediately, don't hesitate any more, I promise you won't end well!" Those people's threatening words were even more arrogant, thinking that Su Hao was already trembling.

To provoke them, isn't it courting death?

Just when everyone thought Su Hao had surrendered, they found out that he Faintly smiled and said, "Sorry, I just swept your ASEAN base, you ASEAN, it's over. "

The voice was soft.

But, like thunder!

Noisy scene, momentary silence, absolute silence.

In just a moment, those people lifted the head one after another, their eyes fell on Su Hao, and then they burst into laughter and roared.

Everyone looked at Su Hao like a fool.

Even the miserable Chunan could not help but sarcastically.

He seriously suspects this kid is a lunatic.

A total lunatic.

You, sweep ASEAN?

what are you?

And in the midst of such ridicule, Su Hao did not change the slightest color and continued: "Not only that, I also killed Lang Kong."




The laughter was thunderous.


Everyone in the audience was ridiculing, this is simply a fantasy story.

What is your cultivation base, what identity, swept across ASEAN, and killed Lang Kong?

This joke is definitely the first of the year.

But, I have to say, just for this sentence, Zi Fa has already gotten into trouble in the sky, and there is no place for him in the middle.

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