Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1867

Mu Xuankun smiled proudly. Nine times out of ten, the accident was very low in his heart, even negligible.

In this way, he has regarded the blood essence as his own, and even began to speculate about the progress of Heavenly Pill.

If this pill is refined, his cultivation base will be further improved, and his status will be higher than it is now.

After all, that kind of medicine pill is very important to the sect, and it can cultivate a lot of experts.

"Elder Jin." After Mu Xuankun's voice fell, Wulan stepped forward and explained everything downstream, and gnashing teeth said again: "He killed my Adopted Daughter, even more deceitful. To me, humiliating this Elder is simply a heinous crime, die without regret."

"Having eyes but no pearls." Jin Tianhong said with a sneer.

Ulan lowered his head and said, "I am blind, but what he did is heinous, and I hope Elder Jin will give it to me to take back."

After her , Yu Qing of senile cried and continued: "Elder Jin, he has done far more than that, in the Hidden Treasure Pavilion, because of him, I abolished my grandson..."

She will The humiliation, depression, and even the deep-seated resentment in my heart, I said it with added content, and I only hope that Jin Tianhong will be successful and hand over his purple hair.

And these words made all the dísciples around them widen their eyes, Wulan, Yu Qing, it was too miserable, and it was too stupid, right?

Just believe that purple hair?

Of course, some people secretly cursed purple hair, this kid really has a bit of ability to fool these two elders around.

"Hey, it's really die without regret."

"What's more, I think chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, the two elders are not relieved."

"hmph, in short, he's finished today, these people will definitely let him know what it means to be dead, especially, Mu Elder is here in person."

Finally One word is the point, and Elder Mu came in person.

This person's face, presumably Jin Tianhong will also give some.

Especially, that purple hair, which has now been confirmed, has no status at all, and is just cheating the world. For this person, Jin Tianhong It shouldn't be rejecting Mu Xuankun.

Under such circumstances, purple hair cannot escape today.

In fact, Mu Xuankun couldn't wait, and regarded this as inevitable.

Even Wulan and Yu Qing thought so, secretly clenched their fists and gritted their teeth fiercely. The shame in their hearts should be repaid thousands of times.

Peeling, cramping, knocking off the bones of the kid's body one by one, crushing any of his flesh and blood cells by the way.

In this way, if he tortures his soul again, his soul will make him long for death in the future!

Even the humiliated Long Xing, who bowed his head, temporarily suppressed his hatred for Elder Jin and longed to see that purple hair.

Under such expectations.

Elder Jin finally spoke.

But the three words that were spit out made the noisy scene instantly silent, and those who were looking forward to it, even when it was inevitable, were stunned.

My body trembled uncontrollably!

"I refuse!"

Jin Tianhong's three words, said decisively.

Almost no room for negotiation.

In other words, no drama at all!

“Elder Jin, are you a little dissatisfied with my request? In this way, I can agree that the two medicine pills belong to you, how about that?” Mu Xuankun said with a flash of eyes.

Jin Tianhong shook his head.

Mu Xuankun's face was a little heavy, and he continued: "Three medicine pills, and, after the incident, I can promise to refine three immortal essence pills for you."

" Guaranteed Top Grade!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sound of suck in a cold breath from the crowd, Mu Xuankun is the No. 1 Pill Refinement Master in the middle reaches, and can refine Grade 8 Immortal King Pill!

Also, his Immortal Yuan Dan is a unique skill, which is of great benefit to cultivators, even for Elder Jin.

The average person is hard to find a piece of gold.

Even if the Elder comes, it's hard to get it.

Nowadays, Mu Xuankun is willing to take out three.

The benefits are endless!

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over, when Zifa was about to be miserable, they found that Jin Tianhong looked dull and called the head for the second time.

Another rejection!

Under the shock of the people around, Mu Xuankun's face was extremely low, and his tone was a little cold, and said: "Elder Jin is too greedy? For a deceiver, you want to Are we screwing up our relationship completely?"

In his heart, Jin Tianhong refused, there was only one possibility.

Not enough benefits.

This made him extremely annoyed. After all, in his heart, he came here to help Jin Tianhong. Without him, Jin Tianhong was also deceived.

Shouldn't he be grateful to himself?

Now, he is not grateful and even offered huge benefits, Jin Tianhong is still not satisfied?

"I think your head is blistered." While shaking his head for the third time, Jin Tianhong spat out a sentence that made Mu Xuankun almost crazy.

If the average Elder, or even a few other people among the six leaders, said something like this, he would explode immediately.

But Jin Tianhong had no choice but to grit his teeth and endure the success of his medicine pill.

Only, it seemed that he was deliberately stimulating him to break out. After Jin Tianhong's voice fell, he added: "There is still a lot of bubbles."

"Elder Jin!"

Mu Xuankun's eyes shot cold glow, completely annoyed, scolded: "I respect you, I respect you, but I'm not afraid of you, between you and me, there is no one who is superior or inferior."

"You better be polite when you talk to me!"

"Also, that kid is not from the Earth Grade Elder, and the one who offended the Earth Grade Elder Immortal King to death, you Do you think it would do any good to cover him up?"

"If these words come into the ears of Wuyou Immortal King, I'm afraid you won't be able to be kind."

"You are threatening Me?" Jin Tianhong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Worry-free Immortal King, ascending to the skies with a single leap is indeed enviable, but really, in Extreme Yin Church, he is Junior!"

"Although my ability, Jin Tianhong, is not great, I still have some connections in the upstream. My words have some weight."

"You think I'm afraid?"

" What exactly do you want?" Mu Xuankun gnashing teeth.

"It seems that you not only have bubbles in your head, but also to the extent that your IQ has been seriously affected." Jin Tianhong looked at him with contempt and said, "You think that I am still the same. Because of your so-called benefits?"

"In a simple sentence, it is impossible for me to hand over your lord! Besides, whoever of you dares to target him is against me, and I, Jin Tianhong, will never tolerate it!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Jin Tianhong is not good, and he calls Zifa an adult?

You know, this guy even dared to offend the Earth Grade Elder, so he even called that deceitful guy an adult?

Are they wrong?

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