Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1868

This ending is really unexpected, and almost everyone is shocked to the point of being dumbfounded.

Jin Tianhong calls Zifa an adult?

Isn't that guy cheating on the world?

Is everyone wrong?

Even Mu Xuankun had such thoughts, he turned his head in shock, looked towards the white robed old man who inquired about the news, with a strong question in his eyes.

You, did you make a mistake?

Actually, the Elder was also stunned, logically speaking, but according to Jin Tianhong's performance, it seemed to be wrong.

He wasn't sure.

"That kid is indeed deceiving the world!"

Amid everyone's surprise, another old shout rang out, and a dark cloud came swiftly from the upstream direction.

The dark clouds were rolling, emitting a terrifying Death Aura. As it approached, the Death Aura made the surrounding plants wither quickly, countless dísciples, and even the Elder, felt a wave of have one's hair stand on end .

In such an atmosphere of fear, a black robed old man fell from the dark cloud.

This old man is not human.

Not a demon either.

Not even a ghost.

However, he has a human appearance, a demon body, and a ghost!

"Three Corpse Slaves!" Mu Xuankun expressed congeals, this person is a corpse, and it is a combination of three corpses, a human head, a demon body, and a ghost soul.

But also has its own spiritual wisdom.

This is the secret technique of Extreme Yin Church.

However, the three corpse slaves, which are only found in the upstream, act as slaves of the upstream Elder.

"I am a worry-free Immortal King, sitting down as an old slave. The master is now in retreat, but before retreating, he told me to explain everything."

"That man, It has nothing to do with him, and even has nothing to do with anyone upstream, you can do whatever you want, but you must leave his life."

"Worry-free Immortal King, will kill him personally!"

The voice of the three corpse slaves fell, which completely broke everyone's doubts.

And that Mu Xuankun, Wulan, Yu Qing, Lang Xing and the others couldn't help showing smug smiles. This time, it was completely confirmed.

"Elder Jin, now, you should believe our words, right?" Mu Xuankun stood up and stared at Jin Tianhong with a playful look.

Who's got a blister?

I've already said this, but you still don't believe it.

Now that the facts are in front of you, what else do you want?

"Actually, I have never doubted what you said, and what I said to you is clear. These things are all true." Jin Tianhong said with a smile.


Countless people cursed in their hearts, and even Mu Xuankun was contemptuous. Now the ironclad evidence is like a mountain, and there are people from upstream, so you will change your tone and admit the truth?

Why didn't you believe it before?

And call that guy an adult?

Under the disdainful gazes of these people, Jin Tianhong's expression was indifferent, he opened the mouth again and said: "But that doesn't stop me, I respectfully call him an adult."

"Even if he really did those things, he is still an adult."

"Even if he did more than this, he is still an adult. I, Jin Tianhong, still don't allow you to target him! "

Noisy discussion, yet another silence.

And, silent terrifying.

Even weird!

Even the breathing and heartbeat seem to be gone.

The emotions of everyone can no longer be described by surprise.

Up to now, still call adults?

And, desperate maintenance?

Why? what?

"Worry-free Immortal King has an order, as long as he doesn't die, he can do whatever he wants." The three corpse slaves have their own spiritual wisdom, and even their wisdom is no worse than some old monsters.

Moreover, whoever they are given as slaves must be loyal and loyal. In their hearts, the master is God, and it is worth everything they pay for.

They exist to serve their masters.

As long as the master has an order, even if it is broken, they will definitely be satisfied.

More trustworthy than the dead man!

"Elder Jin, Wuyou Immortal King is in the limelight and has great potential. I think you should not refuse him because of his face." Mu Xuankun's tone was cold.

Under normal circumstances, Jin Tianhong would indeed weigh and even fear, but now, he has no way to retreat.

Su Hao is related to his life. If he does not stand in the position of purple hair, he will definitely die. There is no terrifying thing in Jin Tianhong's heart, and Wuyou Immortal King is not qualified.

Immediately, he waved his hand and said, "I don't care who it is, all I know is that who dares to attack the lord today will step on the old man's body!"

When the voice fell, his imposing manner suddenly surged, Elder Zhuo beside him had a murderous intention.

Once they make a move, they will never hesitate.

Mu Xuankun was shocked to the extreme and couldn't understand it. For the purple hair who offended the upper Earth Grade Elder, Jin Tianhong dared to take his life?

The Three Corpse Slaves were also extremely surprised. Based on his wisdom, if he really did it, he wouldn't necessarily get half a cent from Jin Tianhong.

Also, the worry-free Immortal King just asked him to convey an oral message, but did not ask him to take action and fight to the death.

The situation has reached an impasse.

"Elder Jin." At this moment, Lang Xing, who was kneeling down, suddenly stood up and said, "I don't know why you are like this, but that traitor is deceitful and vicious, killing my sister, this debt, I must liquidate, I will challenge him!"

Now, Mu Elder and the three corpse slaves can't get any benefits, and it's not convenient for them to do it, after all, Jin Tianhong's status is not simple.

But Jin Tianhong offended Wuyou Immortal King for this, but it's true.

In this case, he stood up, tantamount to come forward for the worry-free Immortal King.

"I want to challenge!" Long Xing spoke again, avenging his sister and taking the lead for Wuyou Immortal King.

one move, two gains.

Mu Xuankun's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Lang Xing is a dísciple, and Zifa is an Elder. If you reject a dísciple's challenge, it would be a bit too unfavorable, right? What qualifications do you have to be? Elder?"

"Elder, the preacher, if you are afraid of even dísciple, then you might as well get out of the Extreme Yin Church." Sanshinu coldly said.

Jin Tianhong's eyes flickered.

It's hard to say no.

However, Zifa's ability is great, but it is not reflected in the cultivation base. In fact, his current cultivation base is very weak, which is much worse than this Long Xing.

Agreeing to this request is equivalent to pushing purple hair into Fire Pit.

He was in a dilemma.

"Don't dare? Then let him roll down from the elder position, and I, Extreme Yin Church, from the elder position, have no qualifications to become a dísciple, which is equivalent to... being expelled!"

Longxing sneered.

Mu Xuankun, Wulan, Yu Qing, the corners of their mouths are all with evil fun.

No matter how you choose, it is a dead end!

Leaving Extreme Yin Church, is there a way for Zifa to survive?

Jin Tianhong was silent again, with more embarrassment in his eyes.

At this time, there was a sudden movement on the top of the mountain, and a whirlwind swept down the mountain at a very fast speed.

In the whirlwind, a young man was wrapped around him. As he arrived at the foot of the mountain, he strode out, his purple hair dancing with the wind. Before, coldly said: "You want to fight?"

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