Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1866

Jin Tianhong, one of the six leaders in the middle reaches, even among the six leaders, his cultivation base, status, also belongs to the top three existences.

It can be said that with his status and cultivation base, the average Earth Grade Elder is not necessarily qualified to let him kneel and speak, willingly saying the word surrender.

At this time, in front of this purple-haired youngster, he actually put his head on the ground, and he was reverent and fearful, surrendering like an old slave.

And yes, begging for surrender.

It seems that, if someone is a slave to someone, and they are still worried, they will not want him.

This is really shocking!

Especially Mr. Zhuo, who knew Jin Tianhong's temperament and temperament well, felt incredible and even a little terrifying.

The key is that at this moment he also knows the details of Su Hao, the people outside have already fallen out, and it is clear that Zifa is not an Earth Grade Elder at all.

And Elder Jin, should have known about this from Mu Xuankun's jade slip.

As a result, Elder Jin does this, making it even more unpredictable.

Elder Zhuo stepped forward like a walking corpse, stared at Jin Tianhong who was kneeling down, and said with a trembling voice: "Elder Jin, he is not an Earth Grade Elder, and his cultivation base is only Immortal King Third Layer, you are..."

"Zhuo Feng, kneel down, it doesn't matter whether he is an Earth Grade Elder or not, what matters is that he has a great ability that makes people unimaginable!"

Elder Jin said loudly, with deep fear in his eyes.

"Great ability?" Zhuo Lao was even more shocked. Even if the youngster of the Immortal King Third Layer is against the sky, what qualifications can he have to let the Immortal King Eighth Layer, the Elder Jin of the aloof and remote, Call it big ability?

"terrifying, very terrifying ability! unimaginable!"

Elder Jin spoke again, the shock in his eyes, which can also be called fright, is more than Zhuo Feng's .

Su Hao's comprehension of Yin Luo's myriad forms has surprised him to the extreme. After all, it is an existence that is close to the Immortal Sovereign method.

Now, I can see his injury at a glance, as well as the handed down method, extremely subtle.

This method has definitely reached the level of the Immortal Sovereign method. If he comprehends it himself, maybe ten years or a hundred years, it will be difficult for him to clearly understand the slightest.

And this youngster has analyzed it thoroughly, with a slight hint of it, which has already made him see great hope.

Ordinary people, even Earth Grade Elders, even those Earth Grade Peak Elders, may not have this ability.

Purple hair, not a great character, is definitely a descendant of the great character.

In short, he is not simple!

Not simple now, will be more not simple in the future!

Zhuo Feng also bent his knees under the solemn voice of the other party. After all, he would never disobey Elder Jin's orders.

Even if Elder Jin is wrong, he won't go against it.

Jin Tianhong is his life saving benefactor, he has followed it for hundreds of years, and his affection is not understandable to ordinary people.

"Okay, get up, as long as what you do makes me satisfied, I won't let you go." Su Hao's tone was flat.

But Jin Tianhong is grateful. Now his life is completely in the hands of Su Hao. That way can save him, and the curse can make him instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Standing up slowly, he immediately said: "Sir, don't worry, I will deal with those people outside. As long as I am here, even Mu Xuankun will not want to hurt you in the slightest."


After he finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and walked out with Zhuo Feng.

Su Hao smiled and arranged for Zhou Tong to protect the Dharma, while he walked not far away, sat cross-legged, and began to refining the purple mouse head.

This is one of the Twelve Ancient Gods. Although it is not complete, complete refining can also increase his cultivation speed several times.

Even, with the materials he got from the Hidden Treasure Pavilion, he can make the cultivation base and reach the late stage of Immortal King Third Layer.

Even, Fourth Layer!

Under the mountain where the great hall is located, it can be described as a vast crowd, and the identity of Zifa has become a hot topic.

Of course, in that discussion, with a strong sense of sarcasm and sneer, there was someone pretending to be an Earth Grade Elder to swindle in the middle?

It's just daring, tired of living.

With the appearance of Jin Tianhong, the eyes of those people immediately turned away, and Mu Xuankun also smiled immediately.

And behind him, Ulan, Yu Qing, can't wait.

Especially Long Xing stepped forward impatiently and loudly said: "Elder Jin, hand over that kid and let us take it away."


The voice just fell, a silhouette had already appeared in front of him, and Fiercely slapped him in the face.

Under the shocked gaze of the crowd, the void churned, and Lang Xing's face exploded, blood splattered.

His expression changed drastically, with boundless anger in his eyes, but before he could speak, another big slap exploded.

In the complexion greatly changed, he used all the cultivation base to resist, but still was blasted another face, the wound was terrible, drenched with blood.

Zhuo Feng stood in front of him and said in a majestic tone: "You are so bold, trifling dísciple, how dare you ask if Elder Jin refuses to worship?"

"Kneel down!"

His voice rumbled like thunder.

Jin Tianhong walked down from the mountain, hands behind ones back, standing proudly.

Mu Xuankun narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "Lang Xing, you really don't know how to behave, in front of Elder Jin, is it your turn to impudent?"

Lang Xing was angry in his heart The monstrous, humiliating, since he entered the middle reaches, he has never been treated like this. What he suffered today made his anger almost explode in his chest.

But to this day, he is not a simple person. With great perseverance that ordinary people do not have, he forcibly suppressed the anger like a volcano explosion.

Afterwards, he bent his knees, knelt down, faced Jin Tianhong and said, "dísciple doesn't know how serious it is, it bumped into Elder Jin, and I hope you have a lot, don't bother with me."

"You don't have that qualification yet."

Jin Tianhong said casually, but his eyes never looked towards Long Xing, he really didn't have that qualification.

This ignorance, like an ant-like attitude, made Lang Xing feel more shameful, and the eyes that lowered his head were savage like spurting blood.

Damn, terribly terrifying!

"Hahaha, Elder Jin, you are highly respected, why bother with a dísciple." Mu Xuankun laughed, in front of this man, he couldn't help it.

In turn, he went straight to the subject and said: "I gave you the jade slip, you must have received it, and you should know the identity of that person."

"Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise, with the treacherousness of that kid, Elder Jin is afraid that he will also be deceived by him, causing a certain loss."

"The main thing is that it spreads out, It's not good for your reputation. If you are plotted against by someone with a heart, don't you say that you have no eyes? This is not good."

Mu Xuankun smiled and said: "I helped you in this matter. I'm very busy."


Jin Tianhong smiled playfully and said, "Then I don't know, what's the plan of Mu Elder?"

"hahaha, Elder Jin is also a smart person, can you not know what I want? A drop of blood essence can be regarded as repaying this favor, I am not greedy."

"Also, after obtaining blood essence, I promise to refine the medicine. Pill, how about you?"

He finished speaking with pride in his eyes, based on what he knew about Jin Tianhong, Jin Tianhong must agree to this matter, and he took the face very seriously.

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