Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1675

The shock of the audience can no longer be described in words. Su Hao immortal Ninth Layer, and Bing Qianchi ranked first in Heaven's Chosen for a long time, even reached the level of Immortal King Second Layer.

A few hours ago, Bing Qianchi's random attack caused Su Hao to spit back blood, unable to block him in the slightest.

How to look at it, there is as different as heaven and earth between Su Hao and Bingqianchi, and it is not a level at all.

But now that they really fight, it is the complete opposite of what they imagined. Immortal pressed the Immortal King and raised his hand to suppress it, like abusive vegetables.

"Having a son is like Su Hao, what more can a husband ask for?" Yan Nanfeng said solemnly, after all, they still underestimated Su Hao, this guy has no way of guessing.

Every time you think you have seen his limit, but next moment, he will completely surpass the limit you think.

He is infinite!

"With him here, my Taicang Mountain may really become the ultimate Great Influence in this vast Great Immortal world." He said silently in his heart.

Dragon Elephant also widened his eyes and was a little stunned. After a long time, he looked at Lin Yaoyao beside him and spit out two words: "terrifying!"

Lin Yao The corner of the demon's mouth twitched and said: "You think this is the limit of my brother Hao? Look, his terrifying will break all your fantasies, his stalwart will make everyone in the Immortal World feel ashamed, the vast Immortal World , in a battle at the same level, no one can surpass my brother Hao!"

"Even the son of the Immortal Emperor!"

Lin Yaoyao's evaluation of Su Hao is too high Now, if you beat him to death with a stick, no one can compare to Brother Hao in his heart.

And this dragon elephant has doubts again in his heart. Although Lin Yaoyao is a demon, after all, he has been in the mortal world since he was a child. He has not been logged in to Immortal World for a long time, and his potential has not yet been fully developed.

And those Immortal Emperor's sons, who lived in Immortal World for a long time, were guided by Immortal Emperor since childhood, drinking nectar and jade dew, terrifying degree, that is completely impossible to understand with common sense.


While the two were chatting, the ground below trembled again, and for the second time they fell into the ice thousand feet below the ground, and the whole person became crazy.

This time as the time rises, Bing Qianchi's body once again differentiates into a Bing Qianchi, and the two bodies go up.

In addition, the cultivation bases of the two Bingqianchi are both Immortal King Second Layer, breath terrifying, battle strength terrifying, almost exactly the same.

He actually took out the second immortal core, turned it into a second self, and went towards Su Hao together.

That is to say, Su Hao faces two Immortal King Second Layer!

Not only that, the two Bingqianchi bodies continued to gush out blood, and once the dripping blood fell on the ground, the cold air would suddenly freeze in several directions.

"Ice thousand feet sacrifices lifespan, and his body turns into 'Cold Ice Law'. He is now ice bone, ice blood, ice heart, and ice soul. He is completely one with Heaven and Earth Frost Power, and he can mobilize the cold at will. Ice Law." Yan Nanfeng saw the key at once.

The dragon elephant frowned, said: "The current ice thousand feet, I am afraid that it is not weaker than the Immortal King Third Layer."

In fact, compared to him The terrifying of the imagination, Bing Qianchi was completely crazy, unable to defeat Su Hao, and ultimately a death, in this case, then he will fight with his life.

Sacrificing your life to kill!

Two thousand feet of ice charged towards Su Hao, every move with endless power of ice, every move, every style, is a sacrifice of life.

“peng peng peng!”

In a short period of time, the two ice blocks attacked back and forth for thousands of feet, and made thousands of life-changing moves. The formidable power is simply unparalleled. Heaven and Earth is frozen.

"If I go up, I will definitely die!"

Yan Nanfeng sighs that it is not as good as this, even he surpassed him with such an attack.

He is also known as Heaven's Chosen, but he is still a little worse than a crazy guy like Bingqianchi. In the same generation, he will also be suppressed.

In any case, the name of Heaven's Chosen is unshakable, and people really have capital.

Su Hao resisted from the left and right under the siege of two thousand feet of ice. Although it looked dangerous, it never showed any signs of retreating.

However, after tens of thousands of attacks, the two ice thousand feet quickly retreated, each occupying a corner, and then silently recited the ancient incantation.

As the incantation sounded, the air of ice roared out from their bodies.

In an instant, the place in the void where Su Hao stood, the brilliance flashed, and the cold was ten times stronger, turning into four walls of ice, which were combined together.

A prison of ice emerges.

Su Hao face changed, in an instant, he flicked his fingers, spilled a drop of blood, and rushed out of the ice wall.

"The Prison of Law!"

Also in this brief moment, Bing Qianchi spit out four words.

The sound fell, and the cage was completely stable.

Su Hao was suppressed in the center.

He strikes hard, but this ice cage can't be broken at all, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, even taking out Immortal Cauldron, can't shake one bit.

"hmph, I spent almost all my lifespan, turned into a body of law, seduce the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, this cage, completely merged with this void, if you want to break the cage, then smash it This piece of void!" Bing Qianchi gasped, but there was endless murderous intention and madness in his eyes.

He paid a huge price, sacrificing all his lifespan, and only a few years left before condensing this cage.


Glancing at Su Hao coldly, two Bingqianchi mouths spit out a word at the same time, and continue to meditate on the ancient incantation, the wall of ice on all sides , while gathering towards the center.

The ice cage is shrinking, and the void is condensed. When the four walls of the ice cage are completely combined, Su Hao...will be completely crushed!

With a swipe, everyone's attention was focused away, especially when they saw Su Hao great magic power strikes, but they couldn't shake the cage, they all became anxious.

"The cage is indeed completely united with the void. It is this void that imprisons Su Hao, Heaven and Earth. Without breaking the Void Power, he couldn't rush out at all."

Yan Nanfeng's face was extremely ugly.

The Elder and the dísciple of Taicang Mountain were all anxious. Now it seems that Su Hao will be completely crushed by the ice cage, crushed in the center.

Dragon Elephant raised his brows and said, "Yaozi, do you need me to take action?"

He was confident that he would smash the ice cage.

Lin Yaoyao shook his head and said, "Brother Hao has a solution, just watch it."

Long Xiang's eyes flashed, moved towards that direction, Su Hao was still crazy The attack of the terrifying Fire Law kept rushing out, but the ice cage didn't move at all.

However, he is also stretched thin.

In addition, the ice cage has grown from a few hundred meters to dozens of meters, turned into several meters, and will soon crush Su Hao.

When the time comes, no matter how hard his bones are, he will be completely crushed by the Void Power into mashed flesh and dissipated together with the ice cage.

At this time, do you have to wait?

"hahaha." Bing Qianchi has already burst into laughter: "I am the first Heaven's Chosen, I am!"


Su Hao gave up the resistance, the ice thousand feet sacrificed the lifespan, and the cage derived from Heaven and Earth, which he could not open with his current Law Power.

However, this does not mean that Su Hao is desperate...

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