Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1674

Su Hao spits out blood, and there is no sense of injury. Instead, he breaks through the cultivation base and exudes the immortal Ninth Layer.

This is a little surprising.

The same is true for Bingqianchi, but only for a moment, he sneered again: "Even if it is a breakthrough, the gap between you and me is too big, I will kill you like slaughtering dogs!"

Between the Immortal and Immortal King, after all, there is a gap in the sky, and the baptism of the three swords of immortals cannot be made up by ordinary means.

body flashed, he charged up again, terrifying immortal strength densely covered his fist, that huge fist smashed towards Su Hao like a shooting star.

"This fist, kill you!"

The huge voice sounded, and above the fist, there was also a terrifying pressure, which was far away, already below Many cultivators trembled and nearly collapsed.

Bing Qianchi completely moved everything.

But this time, his fist fell, but it stopped half a meter in front of Su Hao, and the huge immortal strength was pouring out, but he couldn't advance half a point.

A hand appeared above his fist.

That's Su Hao's right hand!

"Now, it's the real battle!" Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a weird smile, as if it was just a joke before, but now he is really serious.

In fact, it is true, Su Hao absorbed the Heart Demon in the crystal coffin, and has reached the Peak level of the Eighth Layer immortal.

Bing Qianchi's attack happened to help him in the last step of breakthrough, reaching the limit of immortal, the level of immortal Ninth Layer.

As the sound fell, Su Hao's right hand spewed out a force of one after another terrifying, making Bing Qianchi's expression change greatly, revealing incomparable astonishment.

He found that Su Hao's immortal strength had increased by several levels, and he had completely suppressed his immortal strength.

next moment, Su Hao was shocked fiercely, A surge of air surged, and as his sleeve robe exploded, Bing Qianchi retreated.

The Immortal King is shaken back!

The noisy scene was silent for a moment.

Yan Nanfeng waited, widening his eyes.

That Monster Race power, incredible, squinted his eyes and re-examined Su Hao, it seems that it is not as simple as he thought.

This youngster is even on par with Immortal King Second Layer?

However, he soon realized that he was wrong, that it was outrageous.

After the ice retreated thousands of feet, Su Hao stepped on the soles of his feet fiercely in the void, and his body swiftly flew away. At the same time, Golden's big palms slammed down.

The terrifying palm force actually shattered all the obstacles of Bingqianchi, and directly struck him on his chest, causing him to fly upside down.

"Your immortal strength?" Bing Qianchi complexion greatly changed, he moved everything, but he couldn't stop Su Hao's attack and was completely suppressed.

How could he be so powerful?

But it's not the end, Su Hao appears and disappears unpredictably, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, even Divine Soul Power can't find his exact location, he appeared miraculously in Ice Thousand Feet Behind him, strikes again.

Bing Qianchi let out a miserable howl, and as the blood spurted out, it flew forward again in embarrassment.

But Su Hao followed him, appearing on his side, his left leg was standing on the void, his right leg was like a whip, fiercely beat Bing Qianchi's waist.

ka-cha sounded like the sound of a broken bone, and Bing Qianchi flew out with a miserable howl.

A flash of light and shadow made it impossible to capture, Su Hao was above Bing Qianchi's body, fists clasped together, carrying a terrifying force, and fiercely smashed into Bing Qianchi's abdomen.


You can clearly see that the ice thousand feet spits out blood, the body falls down at an extremely fast speed, the ground explodes directly, and he Foot deep into the ground three kilometers.

At this moment, Su Hao stopped attacking and stood on the void, saying: "The battle has just begun, I'll wait for you, keep playing."

This continuous attack, The terrifying of the Immortal King Second Layer's beating, and the arrogance of the victory, made everyone stunned, and their eyes were full of incredible.

They were totally wrong about Su Hao.

The dragon elephants stayed at the scene. Where is the balance? It's just pressing and fighting.

Su Hao's strength may not be anything in his eyes, but it is definitely a miracle to be able to fight on the Immortal Ninth Layer and press the Immortal King Second Layer.

He had never seen such a terrifying human.

unimaginable, he has grown up thoroughly and will terrifying to what extent.

"Don't underestimate my brother Hao, we have walked along the way, brother Hao rarely makes mistakes." Lin Yaoyao smiled calmly.

He knew this ending for a long time, and if Su Hao dared to stand up, he was absolutely sure.


At this moment, the ground suddenly trembled, becoming more and more violent, as if a big earthquake had erupted, and at the same time endless cold air burst out.

Several dozen li, in an instant it was frozen.

In the gap that left under the ground, a embarrassed silhouette slowly rose, one after another cold air gushing out from him.

It is Bingqianchi.

He gradually rose and reappeared at the same height as Su Hao, stared at Su Hao with piercing eyes, and said, "You completely angered me."

"Then So what?" Su Hao calm and collected, with the confidence to win.

"I am the first Heaven's Chosen in the northern immortal domain. I have always suppressed others, and no one has ever suppressed me. Besides, your cultivation base is far inferior to mine."

Bing Qianchi's hatred has reached boundless proportions.

As the sound fell, the breath became more and more cold. Between Heaven and Earth, snowflakes were floating, getting bigger and bigger, whistling like goose feathers, whistling Heaven and Earth.

The first snowflake fell to the ground with a bang, and a mountain there exploded directly and turned into fly ash.

This scene shocked the audience, and Yan Nanfeng's eyes burst open.

"The law of ice, Blizzard kills!"

Bing Qianchi mastered the law of ice, making Heaven and Earth snow, and those snowflakes rolled and rolled under the whistling wind. He started, and all shot towards Su Hao.

A single snowflake can blow up a mountain, and countless snowflakes will completely drown Su Hao. One can imagine what terrifying attack he will face?

However, their worries were obviously superfluous. After the snowflakes swept in, Su Hao opened his mouth and spit, and endless flames rushed out.

Law of Fire, burn the river and boil the sea!

The flames roared and enveloped Su Hao all directions, and those snowflakes melted rapidly under the flames, leaving no traces.

Law confrontation, Su Hao is even better!

During the clash of ice and fire, another tragic howl sounded. It turned out that it was Su Hao who appeared and disappeared unpredictably again. With a punch, Bing Qianchi fell to the ground for the second time.

"Come once and I'll suppress you once!"

Su Hao stood high in the sky, his voice very expansive.

He promised to pay back ten times, and he promised to kill the heart and destroy the soul, and he wanted to completely destroy Bing Qianchi!

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