Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1676

Su Hao is in the center of the cage, and the ice wall all around is less than a meter away from him, and it will soon crush him completely and turn him into flesh.

At this moment, Su Hao stopped attacking, his expression was calm, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"No matter how powerful you are, you will never be able to break my cage." Bing Qianchi is very confident. His two immortal cores are all sacrificed to lifespan. How powerful is the formidable power?

However, just in his pride, a drop of blood appeared outside the ice cage, turning into the appearance of Su Hao.

Su Hao shed a drop of blood at the moment when the Prison of Law was about to close, leaving a back-up move.

Nowadays, his choice is very wise.

That drop of blood evolved into Su Hao, which even carried Su Hao's powerful Divine Soul Power. However, in terms of cultivation base and attack, it is far from Su Hao.

After all, Su Hao failed to fully ascend the throne of Immortal King. He only had one immortal core. No matter how his blood was derived, it couldn't compare to his real body.

Therefore, if Bing Qianchi swept away at will, he calmed down, this drop of blood would not have any effect, and it was even more impossible that his cage was at all.

Actually, it wasn't just him, everyone below believed that the silhouette formed by that drop of blood was too different from Su Hao's body.

No body can shake the prison of terrifying law, what can a drop of blood do?

However, what surprised them was that the silhouette formed by the drop of blood did not attack the cage, but spread out his hands and spit out four big characters:

"Infinite" Heaven and Earth!"

The top ten methods are immeasurable!

As the voice sounded, the silhouette quickly faded away, but the mountains, rivers and the earth in a radius of nearly a hundred miles shook violently.

At the same time, countless huge mountain peaks rose from the ground in all directions, appearing above the cage between the fights, and then smashed down collectively.


There are countless mountain peaks, each of which is boundless, and the suppression of the fiercely makes this side empty and trembling quickly.

The law cage, followed by the sound of ka-cha, and cracks appeared on the wall of ice, which seemed to be completely blown apart.

"terrifying, too terrifying, he used a drop of blood to borrow the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains to mobilize Void Power." The dragon elephant's eyes burst open, shocked to the limit.

He was completely convinced, and he knew why Lin Yaoyao trusted that Su Hao so much, it was too terrifying.

The top ten methods are boundless, and they have reached the Peak level.

This means that the cultivation base is weaker. If the cultivation base is stronger, this move terrifying is enough for Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

This youngster is really unimaginable!


Bing Qianchi also changed its color greatly, with a rumbling sound, with a terrifying air wave, it rushed towards the illusory shadow turned into blood, and wanted to make it Completely shattered.

At this moment, the "Su Hao", who had been completely dimmed because of the immeasurable efforts, had a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, five words were spit out from the mouth:

"Void Slash!"

The Third Avenue Method, Void Slash !

This method requires the help of Void Power. Su Hao can't do it now, but his terrifying attack power is still not to be underestimated.

The dim Su Hao disappeared completely, or turned into a huge heavenly blade, which fiercely beheaded down.

Bing Qianchi rushed towards him, and at the same time as he arrived, the huge heavenly blade fiercely slaughtered down, his eyes suddenly burst open, knowing he was fooled.

But there is no way to avoid it.

The knife fell and people scattered, and the ice thousand feet that rushed in completely disappeared.

Without one body, the remaining thousand feet of ice could no longer control the law cage. With the last smash of those peaks, with a bang, the cage completely exploded.

The terrifying icy air swept Heaven and Earth, like a terrifying icy waterfall blasting high in the sky, with a monstrous momentum and billowing white fog.

From the great momentum, Su Hao jumped up, his long purple hair fluttered, his delicious and pretty face was calm and extraordinary, and his hands behind ones back fell.

And at his feet, it was the ice thousand feet. At the same time as Su Hao stepped down, he fell down again, and was suppressed for the third time.

No matter what means he uses, Su Hao can suppress him!

This time, Su Hao didn't stop, followed the falling ice thousands of feet, towards the ground, and finally put his foot on his chest, coldly said: "Do you need to continue?"


There is endless panic in the eyes of the ice thousand feet. He lost, very thoroughly, sacrificed to lifespan, cast the prison of law, but was resolved by a drop of blood from Su Hao.

If he continues, he will also be suppressed, not to mention that he can no longer continue. The sacrificed lifespan has caused huge losses to his cultivation base.

In Su Hao's eyes, he is now a complete ant.

"Su Hao, you are indeed terrifying, but don't worry, you won't be at ease for long. Donghuangfu, Extreme Yin Church will not let you go, kill me."

Bing Qianchi made cold words.

This made Su Hao a little admired.

"I'll give you a treat."

Su Hao put away the soles of his feet, and the Killing God Sword appeared in his hands.

Bing Qianchi is the first Heaven's Chosen, and it is indeed rare. If not for Su Hao, his brilliance is in the northern immortal domain, and no one can cover it up.

Although I am defeated now, I have not lost my backbone. I am not afraid of death, but I am dignified.

Su Hao swept down with a sword in his hand.

Only, at this moment, the crawling ice Qianchi suddenly exploded, and the terrifying impact swept Su Hao.

Fortunately, Su Hao quickly retreated and avoided the center of the explosion.

However, in the explosion area, a ray of magnificent light shot out violently, which was a riddled fairy core left by Bing Qianchi.

"Su Hao, I will come to kill you!"

The voice was filled with endless resentment, and the light and shadow shot rapidly into the distance.

Su Hao shook his head, he really looked down on this guy, and it seemed that he shouldn't be soft-hearted towards that guy.

His eyes turned cold, his sleeves swayed, and a big bow suddenly appeared in the prison tower, and the five Bai Ling had already entered.


loudly shouted, Su Hao opened a bow and shot an arrow. A scarlet arrow rushed out with the sound of wind and thunder, almost to the limit.


In the blink of an eye, there was a miserable howl from the sky in the distance, the arrow of the scarlet exploded, and the immortal core of the ice thousand feet was completely shattered, leaving nothing left. .

The first Heaven's Chosen in the north immortal domain has completely fallen.

His era is over.

Su Hao put away the sun bow, looked towards the side again, there was a person standing there, completely pale, shiver coldly.

Exactly, Shen Bijun.

Su Hao fixed his eyes and walked towards there, cut weeds and eliminate the roots, leaving no trouble!

But at this moment, a strange wind whistled, and a Heavenly Sword fell from the sky.

The sword was huge and boundless, showing off one's ability, even Su Hao gave birth to a terrifying sense of crisis.

In the prison tower, the nameless Taoist shouted: "It's him!"

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