Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1673

The voice of the dragon elephant was as vast as a thunderbolt, and as it sounded, countless cultivators hummed in their ears and dizzy.

This demon's cultivation base is not under him.

After the dragon elephant spoke, the surrounding Great Demons roared in unison, the murderous aura penetrated Heaven and Earth, covering everything, and the old man of the Eastern Imperial Palace turned pale.

He complexion changed and immediately said: "I am the Elder of the Eastern Imperial Palace, I..."

"I don't care who you are, I will kill you, or I will kill you?" Long Xiang's voice was cold and he only gave the old man two ways, but the end result was death.

"You are too arrogant." The old man of the Eastern Emperor Mansion, angrily said: "I am targeting the cultivators of the rebellious family, and this is also a matter of my human beings. You and Monster Race are not halfway there. Dime relationship, don't forget the agreement between shemales."

"You Monster Race, is it because you want to start a war?"

"You talk too much." Dragon Elephant The face turned cold, the body rumbled away, the terrifying palm, fiercely suppressed towards the old man.

The old man of the Eastern Emperor's Mansion, the complexion changed, the vast cultivation base roared up, he turned out to be the Immortal King Fifth Layer Peak.

However, when the cultivation base was displayed, he was horrified to discover that his cultivation base, under the palm of the dragon elephant, had no effect at all.

It's like an unremarkable grain of rice on a stormy sea.

Only at this moment did he realize that the cultivation base of Dragon Elephant was not just below him, but far surpassed him.


The palm of the hand covered it fiercely, the old man's body exploded completely, a fairy core exploded, and completely disappeared from here.

However, the other immortal core far away in the Eastern Emperor's Mansion was intact and let out a roar.

Unfortunately, it doesn't affect this at all.


He killed the old man in the East Emperor's Mansion. With a wave of the dragon elephant's sleeve, countless Great Demons were dispatched to slaughter all the rampant guys in the East Emperor Mansion. .

At this moment, the shock of everyone at the scene was completely exposed. The eyes of Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao were completely different.

The nervous Yan Nanfeng and the others let out a sigh and showed a faint smile. It turned out that they had a plan.

In this way, the ice thousand feet is nothing.

Su Hao's eyes turned and landed on Bing Qianchi, who had a terrified face.

"First Heaven's Chosen?" Su Hao twitched his mouth and said, "I want to kill you now, is it with no difficulty?"

Bing Qianchi was speechless. , there is no more arrogance, when the Elder of the East Emperor Mansion dies, he can't even fight against Yan Nanfeng, not to mention the power of Monster Race.

Killing him is indeed with no difficulty.

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and said, "There are so many people, this is not an ability. If you and I fight, I will kill you with no difficulty."

"oh?" Su Hao laughed more playfully, does this kid really think he is afraid of him? Was it really because of his move that he escaped?

In fact, it's not just Bing Qianchi, almost everyone at the scene has this idea, Su Hao and Bing Qianchi fight alone, that is absolutely inferior.

"Your misunderstanding is deep, then I'll give you a chance. You and I fight alone. If you beat me, I'll leave with you today." Su Hao said.

The voice fell, and countless people were in an uproar.

Yan Nanfeng's expression changed immediately, and he hurriedly said, "No!"

You must know that Bingqianchi is the Immortal King Second Layer cultivation base. The move blew Su Hao away, and there was an insurmountable gap between the two.

Playing against him alone at this time, anyone seems to be confused.

Besides, Bingqianchi is the first Heaven's Chosen in the northern immortal domain, so the unparalleled talent is definitely not to be underestimated, not to mention entering the Eastern Emperor's Mansion and becoming the Elder dísciple.

Leaving him out of here is like letting the tiger returns to the mountains.

"Su Hao, I don't agree with this matter. He can't leave today, and you can't fight him alone." Yan Nanfeng said immediately, a little strong.

Even the Monster Race master said: "I have completely controlled the situation. If you want to kill or cut it, it's up to you, why bother with him?"

"It's not too much to kill. Clicking the ground, killing the heart and killing the soul is as hard as the sky." Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Today I will let him know that his so-called number one is actually very false, and he is completely convinced."

After finishing speaking, Su Hao looked towards the audience and said; "Today, in front of the world, I, Su Hao, and him have a fair fight with a thousand feet of ice. It doesn't matter whether we live or die in the battle, the living can be safe. Leave!"

Su Hao strode out.

The audience was silent.

Yan Nanfeng and others could not stop it.

Monster Race almighty, shaking his head silently, is this the person who the demon is regarded as the brother of life and death? It's really not that good.

Bing Qianchi's mouth twitched, didn't expect surprises.

In his opinion, Su Hao's decision is also a brainless one.

With a jump, he fell three feet in front of Su Hao and said, "Okay, then you and I will fight to see who is the number one in this northern immortal domain. "

However, before his words were finished, Su Hao was already rumbling forward, the cultivation base of terrifying fully bloomed, and the breath of the immortal Eighth Layer was vast.

But his immortal Eighth Layer, which is different from ordinary ones, conveys a breath that makes people really surprised, and the coercion is too great.

But it was only a short-lived shock. As the breath of Bingqianchi emanated, and the vast breath of the Immortal King Second Layer covered Heaven and Earth, they shook their heads again.

Su Hao did terrifying, created a miracle, and suppressed the Immortal King with immortal power, which had never happened in the northern immortal domain.

But Bing Qianchi is different. He is Heaven's Chosen terrifying, and he is also the cultivation base of Immortal King Second Layer, which is much stronger than Immortal King First Layer.

Su Hao's suppression of the Immortal King First Layer is enough to terrifying and suppress the Second Layer Immortal King, which is absolutely wishful thinking.

In fact, it seems to confirm what they said, the breath of the two people is like two lights and shadows, colliding in the air.

With a "bang", the vast voice resounded like a thunderbolt, and the void trembled, and Su Hao just went backwards.

In the first confrontation, he was at a disadvantage.

"Su Hao, you are indeed terrifying, beyond my imagination, but compared to my Bing Qianchi, you are still a little worse."

Bing Qianchi's arrogance Getting arrogant, the terrifying aura continued to be powerful, and all the immortal strength went towards Su Hao's lifeless bombardment.

Su Hao retreated for the first time, retreated the second time, and retreated the third time, and it seemed that he had no power to fight back at all.

Until the end, he spurted a mouthful of blood.

This made everyone shake their heads, Su Hao was too careless.

Tai Cangshan and the others looked anxious.

And that Monster Race mighty dragon elephant is secretly contemptuous, and this person is not worthy to associate with demons.

He doesn't qualify.


Just after a mouthful of blood spurted, Su Hao's body suddenly stabilized and his breath rose sharply, breaking through the cultivation base to the Immortal Ninth Layer!

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