Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1672

The loud voice sounded, immediately attracting the attention of the audience, and after seeing the purple-haired youth, everyone showed a hint of surprise.

Su Hao actually came out.

At this time of despair, how dare he appear?

And even, Yan Nanfeng immediately shouted: "Leave quickly, hurry!"

The old man's cultivation base in Donghuang Mansion is extremely not simple, far above him, even more With the sky-covering flag blocking everything, Su Hao came, and it was just to die.

Yan Nanfeng is ready to die. He believes that with Su Hao's potential, it will not take long for him to surpass him. Under the leadership of Su Hao, Taicang Mountain is destined to be brilliant.

It's just that at the same time as his voice sounded, the old man of the East Emperor's Mansion had already taken action, and the huge sky-covering flag immediately spread to the blocked area.

Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao were immediately enveloped in the area, all spaces were blocked, and they also became turtles in the urn.

Even, Yan Nanfeng made a full effort, and the terrifying Immortal King method blasted towards the sky, but he was unable to shake the flag covering the sky at all.

This flag is invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

"No need to waste your efforts, the flag that covers the sky is the old man Life-Source Magical Treasure. I'm here, you can't shake him a little bit." The old golden robe sneered.

Bing Qianchi twitched the corner of his mouth, looked towards Su Hao, and said, "You finally dare to show up?"

"If it wasn't for some delays, it wouldn't be your turn. Arrogant until now." Su Hao's expression was indifferent, without the slightest fear.

And these words caused the cultivator below to chatter, all of whom thought that Su Hao had a fork.

After all, many people have seen it before, Bing Qianchi shot at will, Su Hao was completely unstoppable and had to escape.

Whoever seems to think he is also an opponent of ice thousand feet.

In fact, even Yan Nanfeng and the others couldn't believe what Su Hao said. Bingqianchi has reached the terrifying level of Immortal King Second Layer. in growth period.

In addition, the old man of the East Emperor's Mansion is still there, even if Su Hao really has that ability, he can't escape the punishment of this old man.

In fact, the old man looked over after Su Hao's voice fell, coldly said: "The sins of the disobedient family, didn't expect you to come from the net."

He was sneered and stepped forward immediately.

Su Hao is also wanted by Donghuangfu.

Bing Qianchi said: "Elder, leave this person to me."

The old golden robe shook his head and said, "This person is still useful to the East Emperor's Mansion, in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong. , let the old man suppress it first. You can do whatever you want when you arrive at the East Emperor's Mansion."

After he finished speaking, he strode forward, and the terrifying aura swept through his body. And come out, to personally take action to suppress Su Hao.

You know, he can even suppress Yan Nanfeng with no difficulty, and winning Su Hao can be said to have the words at hand.

However, Su Hao still calmed and collected, his expression was not afraid at all, and even showed a hint of playfulness, giving people a feeling of being prepared.

Not only him, but Lin Yaoyao even said, "You are not qualified to touch my brother Hao."

The old golden robe sneered and said: "trifling north immortal domain , there is no one I can't move in the Eastern Imperial Palace, the old man let you stay here forever, all with no difficulty."

His aura exudes more and more terrifying, covering everything, and it is A large number of cultivators fell to their knees.

Yan Nanfeng and the others felt a little unbearable. This old man's cultivation base, conservatively estimated, is also above the Immortal King Fifth Layer.

However, Lin Yaoyao remained calm, and while the old man sneered at him, he slammed a flag and swayed in the void.

"If that's the case, then let's see, why did you keep us." Lin Yaoyao stood up, the big flag danced rapidly, and the wind gusted up.

The complexion of the old man in the Eastern Emperor's Mansion has changed. On the big banner, there is a strange rune, and the handwriting of the rune is obviously not human.

It's all Monster Race!

This is a demon banner!

As a matter of fact, after the big flags were shaken by the gust of wind, the monster beasts of several hundred li in a radius were dispatched in unison, regardless of the strength of the cultivation base, all of them gathered like crazy.

Above the sky, on the ground, and under the ground, the Monster Race army occupied everything, densely packed, rumbling, rolling in with a huge momentum.

The demon suffers from summon.

After Lin Yaoyao spits out blood and exudes the aura that belongs to his Monster Race emperor, the Great Demon all over a thousand miles is dispatched quickly.

The demon's order, do not dare not obey!

Soon, this place was completely covered by Monster Race, the huge Divine Bird spread its wings, the stout python roamed, the ferocious lion roared, the terrifying golden tiger prospered...

All kinds of All kinds of monster beasts, powerful even included in the Immortal King level, occupying the sky and earth, thousands of pairs of icy pupils, scanning the humans below, the surging Monster Qi makes countless people feel their scalps numb.

Even the old man of the Eastern Emperor's Mansion was a little moved.

However, the situation is far more than that. The old Monster Race who went to destroy the helm of the Extreme Yin Church, and on the way back, also felt the terrifying breath.

Immediately, he looked cold, flung his sleeves, and brought the Monster Race army to the place at the fastest speed.

"To take out the demon banner requires the blood essence of the demon and the lifespan of the demon. The demon will never do this until it is a last resort."

"The demons listen to the order. , the demon is in trouble, kill with me!"

He was loudly roared, and his speed reached boundless speed.

Lin Yaoyao is valued by the Monster Emperor and is the appointed future successor, who dares to attack him, kill without mercy.

The old man came at the fastest speed, and when he arrived here, he swept down coldly and scolded: "Trifling Donghuang Mansion, dare to trap my Monster Race emperor?"


The sound fell, and he suddenly turned into a body. It turned out to be a White Jade Dragon elephant. Its body was as huge as a mountain, and its body was densely covered with dragon scales. Monster Qi swept Heaven and Earth.

At the same time, the strength of dragons and elephants burst out, and his soles stepped down fiercely, the layers of the void exploded, and the sky-covering flag covering the place trembled immediately.

This is the Dragon Elephant Life Source Great Divine Ability, the Dragon Elephant heavenly ascension!

You must know that the real distant Ancient Dragon elephant displays the Life Source Divine Ability, which claims to be able to break the sky with one foot.

This old man's bloodline is not pure, but it has reached the point of terrifying.

The flag trembled violently when I stepped on it once.

The second time I stepped on it, cracks appeared in the flag swaying.

The third time he stepped down, the dragon elephant roared like thunder: "Open for me!"

Sure enough, his four hoofs stepped down at the same time, covering the sky flag It exploded in an instant, and the old man transformed into a human form and landed in front of Lin Yaoyao in a flash.

"Yunzi, are you not injured?" the old man asked with concern.

Lin Yaoyao twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "That's not true. It's just that these guys said they wanted to leave me here completely, and my personal safety was greatly threatened."


It can be clearly felt that the dragon elephant exudes a violent and ferocious aura, which seems to completely blow up this space.

He turned around slowly, and in his sharp eyes, he shot out an extremely terrifying murderous intention, and locked the old man of the East Emperor's Mansion firmly, ice-cold saying: "Are you dying by yourself, or I'll kill you?"

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