Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1656

Entering the first portal, the three walked tens of thousands of meters before reaching the second portal.

The prison tower has three portals. The second portal, guarded by two people, is Level 1 immortal, and they sit cross-legged on both sides of the portal.

After the three of Su Hao approached, the eyes of the two suddenly opened, and when they saw the three of Su Hao, their expressions suddenly became vigilant, strangers.

The two stood up, exuding a terrifying breath, the old man on the left scolded: "Who?"

Su Hao didn't answer, and continued to move forward.

The person on the right suddenly had a huge aura, exuding a cold air, and said, "Stop, this place is a restricted area, and idlers are not allowed to approach."

Su Hao remained indifferent and walked forward step by step, as if he had not heard the warnings of the two at all.

“courting death!”

The two Level 1 immortals were shouted at the same time, and the terrifying murderous intention was released from the body.

However, before this aura was released, Lin Yaoyao had already rushed out, reaching down with both hands at the same time, terrifying immortal strength mighty down.


In the blink of an eye, the two Level 1 immortals exploded into ashes.

There is no chance to even let out a miserable cry.

"Dare to be disrespectful to us, kill without mercy!" Lin Yaoyao ice-cold saying.

The bald chicken complexion greatly changed, and he groaned in his heart. It was a bit too powerful. The selfish calculations in his heart began to re-plan.

It's not easy to kill these two guys, even a sneak attack can't do it.

Raise your hand to kill two Level 1 immortals, at least the cultivation base of Level 2 immortals.

He cursed in his heart, how could these two unfortunate people get involved.

Even, he has given birth to a retreat, after all, he is the only hope, if he is also arrested, Hao Immortal Sect, Hongchen Immortal Sect, South Heaven Gate Yin Family, there is really no hope.

However, when he was about to retreat, Su Hao had already walked up to him, grabbed him and said, "Go, let's go in, I'm here, don't be afraid."

The bald chicken almost cried, just because you were here, I was afraid, if you come to two Level 1 immortal this Uncle and dare to fight, you guys are a bit too powerful.

But now it's no longer a matter of stepping back, you can only brace oneself and continue to move forward.

It has traveled tens of thousands of meters, and there have been various blockades along the way, which is much more dangerous than the previous one.

However, with Su Hao around, these Formations are nothing, and they are easily broken.

This makes the bald chicken more vigilant. This kid is not an ordinary arrogant, and he must be immortal in the lower world.

After all, the Formation here is arranged by immortal, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to break, or break with no difficulty.

Under the leadership of Su Hao, they finally approached the Jail Tower. Under the tower, an old man was sitting cross-legged, breathing high.

His breath is much stronger than the previous ones, just sitting there, breathing and breathing, seems to cause Heaven and Earth to change.

When Su Hao arrived, he opened his eyes as well. Between the eyes, there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes, and he stared at the bald chicken at once.

"You're so daring to even dare to infiltrate this place, but it's okay, we're looking for you, didn't expect you to be caught in the trap." The old man sneered.

He also mastered the Divine Pupil technique, like a Monster Revealing Mirror, seeing through some falsehoods and directly piercing the bald chicken's body.

However, Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao's cultivation base far surpassed him, but he couldn't penetrate half a point.

In fact, his eyes directly ignored Su Hao and the two, and stared straight at the bald chicken.

At this time, their lower bounds had many purposes. First, to capture the remnants of the disobedient family, and second, to capture bald chickens.

The sin he committed in Immortal World is not too many to die a hundred times, and the secret he knows is what everyone in Immortal World is looking forward to.

The complexion greatly changed.

Su Hao said: "brother, you are actually fish in troubled waters, how dare you come in with us, aren't you afraid of being suppressed?"

The bald chicken is called a bald chicken. Furious, I felt that this kid had seen through him long ago, so he deliberately led him here and captured him on the spot.

His eyes flashed, his body changed, a Vermilion Bird soared into the sky, the terrifying flames burned the sky, and was about to break through the sky.

It's just that Bald Chicken's cultivation base has not recovered after all. He has problems dealing with Level 1 immortal now, not to mention this old man is Level 2 immortal.

A palm is pressed down!

The bald chicken's body was extinguished with flames, its body fell to the ground, and its entire body was embedded into the ground.

Su Hao shook his head with a smile, and said, "Bald hair, how come you haven't made any progress?"

The bald chicken once again transformed into a human form and cursed: "Fuck me. , you're bald, you can't see my beautiful feathers, are you blind? Oh, bald, you call me bald..."

The bald chicken's eyes flashed, and Hao was removed. With the limited number of Immortal Sect, only Su Hao would call him that...

However, he didn't have time to think about it, the old man had already strode over, the terrifying aura enveloped him, fixed everything about him.

"Bringing you back to Immortal World is also a great achievement of mine." The old man laughed, didn't expect to wait for the rabbit, and still find a great deal.

He stretched out his palm to completely suppress the bald chicken and seal everything.



Just before his palm was about to land on the bald chicken, Su Hao's palm accurately blocked him, causing a strong shock And open.

The old man was in pain, took a few steps backwards, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Don't worry, I won't take the credit alone, I have your share."

Su Hao can go here, in his opinion, the designation is one of the immortals of the earth, and the power of that palm means that the cultivation base is not weaker than him.

"It's not a matter of credit." Su Hao shook his head: "Actually, I didn't intend to take credit at all."

"Then why did you stop me?" The old man stared, Being able to capture the offspring of Vermilion Bird and arrive at Immortal World, the benefits he gets are unimaginable.

Su Hao lowered his head, looked at the bald chicken crawling on the ground, said with a smile: "You touch my brother, why do you say I'm blocking you?"

The voice just fell , the bald chicken lifts the head violently, his eyes twinkling, with a strong inconceivable, this voice, this tone, this this...

He was shocked to the extreme.

And full of suspicion.

After all, in his heart, that guy is dead and will never come back.

But, the next moment, Su Hao's face changed, revealing his original appearance, full of purple hair, face delicious and pretty, and that familiar smile, so that the bald chicken stayed in the whole person There.

Su Hao?

"Why, you were surprised to see me?" Su Hao smiled brightly.

The bald chicken was stunned for a long time, his eyes were wet, and he cursed again: "Looking at your lowly laughed, you know it's true, you bastard, you even played with me, all the way. Play with me, this Uncle remembers you."

"Ai, I told you a long time ago that I am from the Immortal Sect, you just don't believe it." Su Hao grinned, he really said it .

"Don't talk nonsense, kill that old stick to me." The bald chicken gasped, and was no longer afraid. Since this bastard is here, there will be no trouble.

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