Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1657

Su Hao revealed his true body, which shocked the old man as well. While narrowing his eyes, his figure rushed out.

At the same time, he spread his palms, and thunder spurted out from his palms.

The rumbling thunder rumbled.

"Thousands gather heavenly thunder, kill!"

The old man shouted, Su Hao's face is not a secret in his heart, the people who need to be arrested in the lower realm at this time are against fate The remnants of the family bear the brunt.

He was shouting loudly, pressing his palms down at the same time, thousands of thunder, rumbling like a waterfall rushing down, if you want to destroy heaven and extinguishing earth.

The terrifying formidable power makes the bald chickens tremble, and there is some tension in their hearts.

However, due to his confidence in Su Hao, he felt that this kid should be able to solve it after a hard fight.

In fact, he thinks too much, really thinks too much.

Su Hao stood on the spot, just waving his hand at will, all the thunder, when he approached three meters away from him, turned out to be all extinguished.

Nothing left.

Not only that, at the same time as the thunder went out, Su Hao had appeared beside the old man at some point, and his palm was clasped on his throat because the other party couldn't avoid it.


The sound of the broken throat bone is very clear.

The old man's expression changed greatly. He was a Level 2 immortal Peak, and he was suppressed so easily. How powerful is this guy.

After being shocked, he was frightened again, and immediately said: "If you kill me, it will never end well. Without me, you can't open the prison tower..."

Before the sound fell, Su Hao's palm pressed harder again, the crisp sound of ka-cha ka-cha continued, and the old man's head was pulled down by Su Hao.

The bones were broken, blood and flesh flew, and then the whole person was completely exploded.

Su Hao turned around, looked towards Bald Chicken and said, "Is it revenge for you?"

Bald Chicken was dumbfounded, this kid is a bit too strong, Mom Yeah, dead for a few months, how can you be so terrifying when you wake up?

However, at the next moment, he was stunned again. The face of the person who came with Su Hao also changed, and his figure gradually became taller.

The last picture made a bald chicken, with an unexpectedly incomparable face, which caught his eyes and made him gasp three times, which was extremely unexpected.

After a long time, he said, "You, did you really go to Immortal World?"

That person was Lin Yaoyao, and he was picked up by Immortal World's Monster Race Immortal World.

"That's it." Su Hao twitched the corners of his mouth.

Lin Yao Monster Dao: "When we come back this time, we are going to take you to the Immortal World together."

The bald chicken's eyes were bright, and he said, "Okay. Like this, little mouse, I knew you could do it, this Uncle will also go back, get Immortal Qi baptism, restore Lao Tzu's cultivation base, mess up Immortal World, and make him Heaven and Earth turning upside down."

Su Hao said no more, and strode moved towards the Jail Tower, but at the same time he stepped down, the void here suddenly trembled.

From the void, several old men walked out, and there were not a few Level 2 immortals. It was obviously the previous battle that attracted their attention.

As soon as these people arrived, they immediately lined up and formed a fairy formation.

And the aura of several people, after the fusion of Formation, is like a complete unity, a huge coercion shrouded towards Su Hao.

That aura is not one plus one, but a level comparable to Level 4 immortal.

Under this breath, the bald chicken couldn't help trembling, not because of fear, but because its flesh and blood couldn't bear the enormous pressure, as if it were about to explode.

"The remnants of the disobedient family, didn't expect you to dare to come here?" Among those people, the old man with a black mole between his eyebrows said coldly.

"You are not my opponents, let the power of this place come." Su Hao said indifferently, the coercion of trifling Level 4 immortal, he now completely ignores it.

The old man's complexion turned cold, and he punched forward with one hand, a purple light wave, killing Su Hao.

At the same time, several people around him each displayed powerful immortal strength, and six colors of immortal light, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and blue, rushed out at the same time.

Together with the purple light wave, combine the colorful immortal art to suppress Su Hao.

With the immortal art being played, the coercion emanating from several people became even more terrifying. Even the Level 5 immortal was difficult to stop.

The old man with a black mole on his eyebrows said, "We have made great efforts to arrest you. Do you think you can leave here?"

Enough to suppress Level The terrifying energy of 5 immortal made several people confident, suppressing Su Hao in their hearts, that was with no difficulty.

After all, it was only a few months ago that Su Hao's strength was only at the emperor level. Even if he made progress, even if he had an anti-fate spirit, it was impossible to fight against them at several levels.

It's a pity...

Su Hao stepped forward calmly, and the colorful fairy light hit him, but it couldn't stop him in the slightest. Xianguang exploded directly.

As the Third Step stepped down, Su Hao also exuded a huge coercion, with him as the center, a circular light wave spread out.

With a bang, the expressions of the immortals who were in their respective positions changed drastically, and then they flew out upside down, spurting a mouthful of blood.

Even, the three people with the weakest cultivation base, after the blood spurted out, the whole person ka-cha sounded, banged up, and became fly ash!

The four left behind turned pale in fright, the old man with a black mole on his eyebrows, shocked: "How is it possible, how can you be so terrifying?"

The seven of them Together, it is enough to suppress the Level 5 immortal. Even if it is placed in Immortal World, it is considered an expert of neither too big nor too small. After Su Hao, it is as fragile as an ant.

This is simply incredible.

In fact, the unbelievable is still behind, Su Hao stood on the spot, and the pressure was even greater. Several people felt that it was like being hit by the immobilization technique, and it was impossible to move at all.

They are under Su Hao, even the ants can't compare.

Not only that, the huge prison tower in front, under the breath of Su Hao, trembled, as if it was fearful.

And everyone in the tower felt that the tower was about to explode, and a fear enveloped their hearts.

In the tower, Su Yuanshan, Nangong Yunxian, Mengxianxian, Yu'er, and the others were all shocked. Is this about to execute them?

"It's finally here." Xiaodouzi was still seven or eight years old, and there was a trace of sadness on his tender little face.

"Xiaodouding, are you still worried?" Meng Xianxian said, "Don't worry, if we die, Su Hao will definitely avenge us when he comes back, and they won't get better."

"Xiaodouding, are you still worried?" p>

"Su Hao..." Little Douzi felt that the tower was shaking more and more violently, and it had a tendency to explode, he sighed deeply, stared at Meng Xianxian meaningfully, and said: "In fact, it is still There is a major event that I never told you about..."

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