Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1655

South Heaven Gate, jewels, Immortal Qi transpiration, at this time in the depths of South Heaven Gate, a black pagoda rises from the ground and goes straight to the sky.

On the pagoda, there was a terrifying aura, Su Hao swept it away, and even noticed the smell of a Hongmeng Qingqi Tower.

It seems that Hao Immortal Sect's Hongmeng Qingqi Tower was refinished and integrated into this prison tower.

With cold eyes, Su Hao walked forward.

Lin Yaoyao said, "Brother Hao, we might as well change things up. In case those people jump over the wall and hurt Xiao Jiu and the others, we won't have time to stop them."

Su Hao nominated and said : "If you care, you will be confused."

When the voice fell, he transformed into a handsome young man with purple hair covering his head.

Lin Yaoyao also changed her appearance and reduced her height a bit.

After doing all this, the two men moved towards the gate of the day. At the entrance of the gate of heaven, there was no guardian, and the gate of heaven was wide open.

However, there was a familiar aura outside the door that day, causing Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao to look at each other, both showing smiles.

They walked forward, just before they started to take their steps, suddenly a man appeared from the ground, a white clothed man, just about to punch...

"Brother, let's enter the gate of heaven together?" Su Hao looked at the man who was going to punch, and suddenly smiled.

The man got out of the ground, put away the fist he planned to punch, laughed, and said: "hehe, a joke, a joke, I just want to make a joke with you, experiment, your cultivation base. "

Monster Dao: "There will be opportunities in the future."


white clothed man was stunned.

"We are a family, don't we have a lot of opportunities?" Lin Yaoyao's eyes blinked, a flash of light flashed away, Heavenly Demon's eyes penetrated everything.

white clothed man said: "this Uncle...Ah, I mean I am very happy, let's go, let's go in."

After finishing speaking, he and Su Hao were side by side Moving forward, secretly vigilant, he asked as he walked, "I don't know, which force do the two brothers belong to?"

"Hao Immortal Sect." Su Hao said with a smile.

The white clothed man's complexion changed slightly, said with a smile: "Hao Immortal Sect is good, this name will be loud, and the future will definitely be extraordinary."

"That's good. No, we are destined to dominate the continent." Lin Yaoyao smiled honestly.

His Heavenly Demon pierced through the man's body at once, and it really was that bald chicken, didn't expect him to be suppressed.

In fact, among the Immortal Sect Hao, and even the Immortal Sect of the Red Dust, he escaped alone, and came to the rescue while the South Heaven Gate expert went out.

Su Hao said: "I heard that there is also a Immortal Sect in the Jail Tower. All of them were suppressed. No, to be precise, one ran away."

" Yes, it is said that the guy who ran is a hairless chicken, and he is very rude.

Bald hair grinned secretly, your uncle, how did this Uncle get in the way? What a mess?

Also, I'm hairy now, and it's still thriving!

"Little mouse, don't let me stop when you die, I will bear the infamy of being a bald chicken for a lifetime." He was secretly distressed.

But when I think of Su Hao, I feel heartbroken again, if he is still there, how wonderful it would be?

Shook the head secretly, his eyes were actually wet, he could dismiss anyone and ignore it, but Su Hao, Xiaodouzi, absolutely not.

Especially Su Hao, they have known each other for the longest time, and they are definitely confidants.

"Brother, why are your eyes red, isn't it painful to pluck hair?" Su Hao asked knowingly, with a bright smile on his face.

The bald chicken gritted its teeth secretly, this damn, if it wasn't for the fear of disturbing others, this Uncle would have killed you directly.

You just let people pluck their hair?

He slurred his words and walked toward the depths with great strides. He had been investigating secretly for a long time, and he also had some understanding of the deployment in South Heaven Gate.

If you want to get close to the Jail Tower, you must have a special access token. He has already found out that a Level 1 immortal on the mountain ahead is in charge of a passage token.

Although his cultivation base has not yet reached the immortal level, it is not impossible for him to secretly solve the Level 1 immortal.

"Little mouse, don't worry, I will definitely rescue your father, your mother, your Master, and your wives."

He thought so, With a smile on his face, he said, "You two, I still have some things to do, so I won't stay any longer. Let's talk about it another day." "Su Hao immediately said: "This direction should be to the Jail Tower, you don't want to go there, right?"

The bald chicken was stunned, and glanced at Su Hao vigilantly.

"That's right, let's drop by, let's go together." Before he could speak, Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao had already strode forward, heading straight for the direction of the Jail Tower.

The bald chicken's eyes flickered, these two people seem to have a high status here, looking at them like this, it seems that they can come and go there at will.

He hesitated for a moment, followed along, dealing with Level 1 immortal, there was uncertainty, if he missed, he would be in danger.

It's better to follow these two people.

They went deep all the way and approached the first gate of the Jail Tower. There stood two cultivators, who turned out to be the Great Emperor cultivation base, and looked at them coldly.


The two scolded.

"pa pa!"

Su Hao stepped forward, without hesitation, one person with a big mouth, coldly said: "I don't even know Lao Tzu? Blind your dog Eyes!"

He was so domineering that he immediately shocked the two of them.

And, next moment, Su Hao released a terrifying aura, definitely above the Level 1 immortal, which made the two of them sweat out on their foreheads.

They came here to guard for a month, and it is impossible to know everyone. In addition, Su Hao has a great atmosphere, and his status must be extraordinary.

After all, Level 1 immortal is already powerful here, and Level 2 immortal is definitely the king.

In fact, there are some powerful existences in the South Heaven Gate, but those people have left for the West.

True Dragon continent, South Heaven Gate, East Heaven Gate, North Heaven Gate, the three major heaven gates are distributed in three directions, and the west is a restricted area of life.

Just a few days ago, Purple Qi in the West was steaming, and Immortal calculated that Supreme Treasure was born, and the almighty above level 3 immortal has gone there.

Nowadays, Level 2 immortal is king among Heaven's Gate.

This one is definitely one of the kings.

"Don't know which Great Immortal you are?" They smiled flatteringly.

"pa pa!"

Su Hao is one person with a big mouth again, scolded: "I, your father is who, and you can inquire, quickly open the door for me. ”

The breath is more terrifying.

The two Great Emperors didn't dare to block, they immediately opened the first door, and laughed Su Hao in.

The bald chicken followed behind him and secretly said: "This kid is definitely not simple, I have to find a chance to kill him."

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