Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1648

Su Hao is very familiar with the Immortal Mansion, the place of good fortune, and his access with no difficulty. For this reason, Yu Han and others have benefited greatly.

"Brother, the treasure here, we share equally." Yu Han looked towards Monster Dao.

Lin Yaoyao smiled honestly and said, "It's just about a million immortal jade, you can divide it up at will, I don't want it anymore."

Yu Han was stunned. , a million immortal jade...just?

This is not Lin Yaoyao pretending to be garlic, after all, he is the Monster Race Crown Prince, whatever treasure he wants is almost within his grasp. One million immortal jade really doesn't count for him. what.

He looked at the dumbfounded Yu Han and Mu Ming, scratched his head and said with a smile: "Brother Hao said, you are his brother, that is my brother, I don't want this thing Now, and I still have millions of immortal jade on me, you are not enough, you can come and get it from me."

Yu Han and Mu Ming, mouth opened wide, millions of immortal jade?

It doesn't seem to matter?

The two turned around in dismay, then quickly divided the immortal jade from the good fortune, looked towards Lin Yaoyao and gave a thumbs up: "As expected of the brother of Su Hao Senior Brother, and his temperament. The same."

"I learned everything from Brother Hao." Lin Yaoyao agreed with this.

In front, Su Hao and Xiao Yun'er were side by side, Xiao Yun'er's face was obviously a little anxious. They had been searching here for three days and three nights, and they could not find any clues about her mother at all.

The Immortal Mansion is very big, like a Small World, and the divine mirror of Tianyan in Taicang Mountain can only infer the approximate orientation of Xiao Yuner's mother, but cannot determine the specifics.

Her mother seems to be trapped somewhere, her breath is intermittent, it is difficult to check thoroughly.

"Don't worry, let's take your time, since she's in the Immortal Mansion, she'll definitely be found." Su Hao comforted.

Xiao Yuner nodded.

However, Su Hao saw the loss in her eyes and couldn't help but sighed then said that his current cultivation base is too weak to control the entire Immortal Mansion.

Immortal Immortal Mansion, in which there is a heart of the world, if the Su Hao cultivation base is enough, the heart of the world can be refined, and the Small World can be turned into his magic weapon, just think The whereabouts of Xiao Yuner's mother can be found.

It's a pity that he is still far from that step.

It's hard to be a king.

In front, there is another Cave Mansion. This place is known as Qin Wangfu, and it is also the birthplace of a generation of Immortal King. Outside this Cave Mansion, there are several statues.

Also, after Su Hao approached, outside the Cave Mansion, a large formation seemed to open up, directly blocking the several li range of Cave Mansion.

They can't get close to Cave Mansion.

However, Su Hao's eyes glanced at a black stone statue outside the Cave Mansion, and the statue's eyes seemed to blink.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Yun'er changed her face, looked towards the palace of the King Qin, and said, "Su Hao Senior Brother, I seem... as if I heard my mother calling me?"


Su Hao grabbed Xiao Yuner who was about to go forward and said, "Don't get close, I can't get close to the protective great formation of the Qin Palace for the time being."

Xiao Yuner excitedly said: "But, I really seem to have heard it. My mother is probably here."

"Brother Hao, let me come."

Lin Yaoyao is gone. Come, take out a bead, swallow it directly, and then his body changes, it seems to become transparent, and it seems to be hidden in the void.

Soon, it will disappear completely.

"Where's the Yaoyao brother?" Yu Han and Mu Ming's eyes widened, and Ah'Dai was stunned, because they couldn't find a trace about the forest demon monster aura.

It seems that he disappeared from here.

"Void Beast." Su Hao twitched the corners of his mouth, Lin Yaoyao has Heavenly Demon 72 Transformations, which not only changes in shape, but also in abilities.

Lin Yaoyao shows the ability of a void beast, and can ignore the obstacles of the formation ahead and penetrate the void.

However, his cultivation base is still weak, and some abilities can only be revealed by swallowing demon cores. The beads he ate before were demon cores belonging to the Void Beast.

When his cultivation base is strong, he can get rid of the shackles of the demon core little by little, change at will, and show all kinds of Divine Ability.

In the end, he might be a Great Demon!

No wonder the Monster Race Great Emperor chose him as the Crown Prince.

Lin Yaoyao walked in the void, entered the formation where the law was, and directly moved one of the statues out.

When he appeared again, Yu Han and the others were stunned for a while.

This concealment movement method is good. Once invisible, he can't even track his breath. When he is fighting against others, others can't see him, but he can shoot at will.

This means that Innate is invincible.

Lin Yao Monster General statue was put down, his eyes were fixed, a terrifying brilliance shone in his pupils, and the statue became transparent.

This is the Heavenly Demon eye, from a powerful Great Demon beast, more powerful than Ning Wuque's natural Divine Pupil magic, illuminating all falsehoods.

The statue became transparent, and a flame appeared in it. The flame was weak, and occasionally flashed, and a woman's face appeared.

"Mother, that's my mother." Xiao Yun'er burst into tears immediately, and she missed that face day and night.

Su Hao said: "She was suppressed in the statue. In fact, she was also one with the statue. Now the statue is her fleshy body, which must not be damaged."

"Ah , Senior Brother, you save my mother." Xiao Yun'er was in a hurry.

"I can't do it." Su Hao shook his head, it was like a curse, he couldn't break it at the moment, but before Xiao Yuner could cry, he added: "However, one of my brothers may It can be done."

"Brother Hao means..." Lin Yaoyao seemed to have thought of something.

In Su Hao's Immortal Sect, there is a unique physique, even if it is put into this immortal within the realm, it is difficult to find for thousands of years.

That physique, fully grown, is enough to shock anyone.

"That's right, it's the chaotic golden body, Fan Zhan!" Su Hao said: "His blood is extremely holy, and he has the hope to break the curse."

" It's not too late, we'll set off immediately." Su Hao sent Xiao Yun'er and the others out of Immortal Mansion, and explained that Yu Han, Mu Ming, and Ah'Dai guarded the statue together.

And then left here with Lin Yaoyao and went straight to the place of experience.

When Su Hao entered the crystal coffin, he entered the Immortal World through experience.

"Brother Hao, my Heavenly Demon eyes can penetrate everything, even the blood essence of the chaotic gold body, can only make that girl's mother resurrect for three days, right?" Lin Yaoyao said suddenly.

Su Hao shook the head and said, "I only hate that my cultivation base is weak, otherwise, I wouldn't be restricted by that trifling curse."

Lin Yaoyao That's right, the curse terrifying, even if the chaotic gold body breaks the curse, is only temporary for three days.

However, if it is not broken, then Xiao Yuner's mother will never be able to recover, and it will not be more than a year, and it will completely dissipate.

"Come on, pick them all up first."

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