Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1649

Su Hao took Lin Yaoyao and flew fast. On the third day, he arrived outside the training ground where he came up.

This place is the place where the Five Mountains and Daoists choose their sons. Of course, under normal circumstances, this place is closed. People who come here can only look for some good luck in the periphery.

When Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao fell, some cultivators were training outside, looking for Immortal Medicine and killing monster beast.

The arrival of Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao didn't cause much momentum, but when they were heading towards a mountain, several people looked over.

"What are those two guys going to do? It's a place where people have experienced experience, and most people would never dare to approach."

"It's not that they don't dare, but they can't, that mountain peak. At the top of the mountain, there is a terrifying seal. Once approached, Thunder Fire will breed immediately, threatening life."

"I think they probably heard that there is 800-year-old Immortal Medicine on the mountain. Climbing to find, as everyone knows, that is the act of courting death."

Staring at the cultivators of Su Hao and the two, they whispered, and someone even showed a contemptuous smile, an ignored and inexperienced country bumpkin.

How dangerous that mountain is, they all avoid it, even if there are too many treasures on the mountain, they don't dare to have the slightest greed.

There, an immortal Eighth Layer cultivator was directly beheaded.

How terrifying?

At this time, several long rainbow threads came from the distance, and after falling to the ground, they turned into several white clothed men, and moved towards the mountain peak.

The man at the head looked like he was in his twenties, with an arrogant expression. He stepped forward and scolded: "Stop, that's where the gateway to my Wushan Taoism is, don't be offended."


Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao didn't even look at him, as if they didn't hear him at all, and their footsteps didn't stop at all.

The white clothed man had an ugly face and said, "Impudent! I am the inner sect disciple of Lingyun Mountain, Zhang Mao, how dare you take my words as in one ear and out the other?"


The people around him also cursed.

The people around were a little shocked. Now, in the northern immortal domain, the Five Mountains Dao Lineage is under the control of Taicang Mountain, but it is not that the Five Mountains have lost their status.

They are still terrifying, the heritage of the Five Mountains is still there, and the cultivators of the northern immortal domain are still afraid of the dísciple there.

Lingyun Mountain dísciple Zhang Mao also has a small reputation nearby. He is the Eldest Young Master of the Zhang Family, an inner sect disciple of Lingyun Mountain, and an elder personally.

Various positions made him a Little Overlord in this mountain range. Few people dared to refute his words, let alone ignore them.

"These two people don't know where the country bumpkin came from, it's just courting death." Someone muttered in secret that Zhang Mao killed quite a few people.

It's just that, as they looked, the two of them were still striding towards the mountain, and they didn't pay any attention to the noise here.

Zhang Mao gritted his teeth, banged, and slapped the storage bag on his waist, and a scarlet streamer shot out immediately, like a flaming meteor, heading straight for Su Hao.

It's so fast, in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was shocked. That sword was extremely unusual. Someone once saw Zhang Mao use this sword to kill an immortal Seventh Layer cultivator.

This sword is called Burning Heaven, and the fire on it is called Flame of Burning Heaven.

"hmph, offend me, courting death!" Zhang Mao sneered with this sword, showing a proud and cold look.

It's just...


A clear voice sounded, when even Zhang Mao's smile was stiff, and his eyes shot incomparably. look of shock, causing the body to tremble.

Fen Tian was indeed approaching, but he never hit the purple-haired body, but was grabbed by the tall young man beside him.

next moment, the young man exerted even more force, and the terrifying Fen Tian was snapped by him, breaking into two sections from the middle.

This scene scared the people down the mountain, all stunned and chilled.

A crushed Heavenly Sword enough to kill the Immortal Seventh Layer?

What terrifying force does this require?

Zhang Mao trembled even more. After Lin Yaoyao looked at him, his whole body showed a painful expression, and with a bang, it exploded on the spot.

One glance, kill!


Countless people screamed loudly, revealing the color of incomparable fear.

too terrifying.

Just a glance, Zhang Mao exploded directly.

Lin Yaoyao didn't say much, followed behind Su Hao and walked to the top of the mountain step by step. The thunder and flames that appeared on the mountain were scattered by them at will.

Under the shock of everyone, the two climbed to the top of this mountain step by step, where a colorful array appeared.

The figures of the two disappeared.

"terrifying, they actually opened the channel directly and entered the experience ground. You know, the door to the experience ground can only be opened by the five mountains?"

"Who are they? , what a terrifying!"

"Purple hair, purple hair..." One of the older cultivators muttered a few words, suddenly widened his eyes, and said, "He is purple hair, that The purple hair of Tai Cang Mountain, beheading the arrogance of the northern immortal domain second day, and suppressing the Lord of Lingyun Mountain, he seems to be called... Su Hao!"

When this name came out, the audience was in an uproar, and countless people were overwhelmed by it. And shocked.

Especially the few dísciples from Lingyun Mountain were so frightened that they felt cold all over and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, they were not unsatisfied, otherwise, they would have been crushed to pieces.

Their mountain masters, all suppressed by Su Hao, returned to the mountain, and even ordered that they must walk around when they see Zifa.

“Eldest Senior Brother in Taicang Mountain, one of the most terrifying youngsters in the northern immortal domain, actually appeared here?”

In the name of Su Hao, a large area in the northern immortal domain There are many legends about him, and he has almost become synonymous with the Lord of Lingyun Mountain.

Even, some people have already speculated that his strength may not be weaker than the first Heaven's Chosen in the northern immortal domain, the ice thousand feet.

"It's coming, it's coming again."

Suddenly, a cultivator complexion greatly changed, piled on the ground in fright, and on that day, two more people appeared , a man and a woman.

In a flash, their speed reached the limit, and they reached the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

The man turned his back to the crowd, but the black robe had a big "ice" embroidered at the back, exuding an Extreme-Cold Qi.

Immediately, countless people off the field, keep quiet out of fear, seemed to stop breathing.

This person, the first Heaven's Chosen in the northern immortal domain, is a thousand feet of ice!

He even came.

Bing Qianchi sees the head of the divine dragon but not its tail, didn't expect, and also appeared in this place of experience.

next moment, Bingqianchi is even more domineering. Step on it, and the colorful Formation Stage there will explode directly, and a portal to the experience ground is completely exposed.

"Everyone can enter." He dropped a sentence and stepped into the portal.

Shen Bijun smiled, and before entering, he also left a sentence: "Brother Bingqianchi, we are going to fight the sinful Su Hao, don't everyone want to watch the battle?"

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