Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1647

The sound of Yannan's wind came into everyone's ears, and immediately made all those dísciples stunned, and even the elders were stunned.

Immortal Immortal Mansion, the first place of creation in the northern immortal domain, filled with countless Supreme Treasures, has now become the back garden of Taicang Mountain? Are they accessible at any time?

"Mountain Lord, putting it that way, there is no danger in Tai Cang Mountain, but I have obtained the Supreme great good fortune." An Elder said excitedly.

The Immortal Mansion is an ancient fortune, and even the Immortal Sovereign cannot forcefully tear apart the barriers there.

If you want to enter it, you can only rely on the five keys of inheritance.

Now that Tai Cang Mountain has the key, even if Extreme Yin Church kills them, they can all enter it without any threat at all.

This is the way forward.

Those remaining dísciples also thought of this, their eyes flickered, and they couldn't help laughing.

Those who left, if they knew what they had missed, they would probably vomit blood in depression.

Yan Nanfeng made such a move, obviously screening the dísciple, and expelling all the unfaithful and unrighteous.

Tai Cang Mountain will not be desolate, but will become more and more brilliant!

Xiao Yun'er also finally knew what Su Hao meant, she burst into laughter, she could really enter Immortal Mansion and find her mother.

"All of this is also what Su Hao did. He got an Immortal Mansion for Taicang Mountain, and he was the Elder Brother of Taicang Mountain's Eldest Senior Brother." Yan Nanfeng had already intended to hand over the entire Taicang Mountain to Su. Hao.

Many dísciples and Elders naturally understood Yan Nanfeng's thoughts, looked towards Su Hao, cup one fist in the other hand and said, "Bye, Master Shaoshan!"

"Tai Cang Mountain's domination of the northern immortal domain is just the beginning. We will enter the Eastern Wilderness, enter the Western Desert, open up the Southern Sea, and go straight to the 9th Heavenly Layer."

Su Hao said proudly, his voice carried The magic power made the dísciple Elder below, his blood boiled.

Lin Yaoyao secretly clenched his fist, he will fully support him, he is the Monster Race Crown Prince, sooner or later, he will be able to ascend to the throne and become the king of Monster Race.

When the time comes, whoever dares to stop his brother Hao in this world, the Monster Race army will surely smash his mountain gate and destroy his Taoism.

"Let's go."

Yan Nanfeng smiled and left the square, but he was cautious. Extreme Yin Church would come soon, and they had to prepare as soon as possible.

In addition, although the Immortal Mansion is terrifying, it is not that no one can break it. The vast Immortal World has too many capable people, and they cannot be paralyzed.

It was not too late, Yan Nanfeng brought some elders and immediately went to repair the Ancient Transmission Array in Taicang Mountain. With the help of Su Hao, the restoration of the Transmission Formation was not difficult.

It took three days for the Transmission Formation in Taicang Mountain to be completely restored, and three identical Transmission Formations were constructed.

The four Transmission Formations are opened at the same time, and all the dísciples can be immediately transferred outside the Immortal Mansion.

And there, a mountain gate has already been built. In the depths of the mountain gate, is the entrance of the Immortal Mansion, where five powerful Elders live.

In addition, according to the inheritance in his mind, Su Hao found a powerful Formation, and with the help of the entire northern immortal domain, the materials for building the Formation are also easy to collect.

The place where the five Elders are located is blocked by the Great Array, and the people under the Immortal Sovereign want to take away the key, which is simply wishful thinking.

Everything is ready, Immortal Mansion opens immediately, all dísciples, all enter it to hunt for treasures.

In the Immortal Mansion, several safe areas have also been opened up. Treasure hunting and cultivation in these areas will not be too dangerous.

In addition, the essence of this place is countless times higher than the Secret Realm in Taicang Mountain, and the cultivation is many times faster than the outside world.

The matter immediately spread in the northern immortal domain, and aroused the envy of countless people. The dísciple of Tai Cang Mountain is really lucky. It is hard to think of progress if it has been cultivated in Immortal Mansion for a long time.

And those elders who left, dísciple, after getting this news, all spit blood in depression and missed the great good fortune.

Even, some elders and dísciple came to the ancient city again, expressing their desire to return to Taicang Mountain. The temptation of Immortal Mansion was too great.

Also, with this Immortal Mansion, where does the danger of Taicang Mountain come from?

It's just that they know it too late, and they never want to come back after leaving. Tai Cang Mountain refuses everyone.

the sun set behind the western hills

Su Hao brought Lin Yaoyao, Xiao Yuner, Snow Nuo, Yu Han, Mu Ming, and Zimao giant ape A'Dai into Immortal Mansion to search for treasure, and at the same time to find the whereabouts of Xiao Yuner's mother.

He wants to finish these things quickly, take Lin Yaoyao into the lower realm, and bring everyone up.


At the same time, on a mountain peak, a vast breath spreads out, where the person sitting cross-legged in the pool, Breathing Technique.

As he breathes, the mountain seems to be expanding and contracting rhythmically. It seems that every move he makes is connected to this world.

And under the mountain, there is also a woman who has been waiting here for several days, but the people on the mountain have been cultivating.

Suddenly, Shen Bijun's complexion changed, and then saw a flash, she found herself unconsciously on top of the mountain.

The expression was extremely shocked, and when she was invisible, this method was terrifying. It would definitely be a snap of a finger for this kind of person to kill him.

At the top of the mountain, the man sitting cross-legged opened his eyes, and then stood up from the pool where he was sitting cross-legged.

He was covered in red fruit, and Shen Bijun immediately blushed, and hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Meet Senior Brother Bing."

The person who walked out of the pool was a The man looked like he was only in his twenties, handsome and handsome, with an extraordinary temperament.

This person is the northern immortal domain younger generation Number One Person, ice thousand feet!

"You've been waiting for a few days at the foot of the mountain, what's the matter?" Bing Qianchi put on his clothes and looked at Shen Bijun calmly.

"Senior Brother is devoted to cultivation, I don't know that a major event has occurred in the northern immortal domain." Shen Bijun said.


"Now, the five mountains of the northern immortal domain have been unified by the Taicang Mountains, they have occupied the Immortal Mansion of Taishang, turned it into their own land, and seized everything Resources."

"Apart from this, the remnants of the Destiny Family are in Taicang Mountain."

Shen Bijun immediately said: "The Destiny Family, appearing in Immortal World, broke you He has created several records, and now there are rumors that he is the younger generation Number One Person of the northern immortal domain, and he is in the limelight."

"Small things." Bing Qianchi smiled Faintly: "Those records, It's just something I created at random in my early years, it's not very elegant, and my eyesight is no longer on the younger generation."

He has surpassed that level, and the top ten of the younger generation is not worth in his eyes. mentioning, even the Lord of the Five Mountains is nothing in his eyes.

"However, the disobedient family is a wanted criminal in the Immortal World, and Taicang Mountain actually covers it up. I am very interested in this matter." Bing Qianchi twitched his mouth and said, "One of my The servant once went down to the realm, and it seems that he still died in the hands of the remnants of the rebellious family."

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