Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1646

Ning Wuque said: "Shanzhu, he is not hurt now, it does not mean that there will be no future. The disobedient family is a sin wanted by the Great Influence such as Extreme Yin Church, Donghuangfu and so on."

" We should take it down immediately, even if we don’t kill it, we must hand it over to those Great Influences, when the time comes I will definitely go further, and even have the opportunity to dominate the entire northern immortal domain and become the only overlord.”

"You must know that in the entire northern immortal domain, very few forces can achieve this step. If I reach Tai Cang Mountain, it will be a miracle in the history of the northern immortal domain. You are the master of the entire northern immortal domain. ."

Ning Wuque's selfishness is very heavy, he wants to transcend the northern immortal domain and open up a bigger world, if Su Hao is handed over, maybe Extreme Yin Church, the Eastern Imperial Palace will really accept him.

Entering that extraordinary Great Influence, his future will definitely go further, and it is not impossible to surpass the ice thousand feet.

It's just...

"Su Hao has helped me in Taicang Mountain and dominated the northern immortal domain. Now Lingkong Mountain has been destroyed, Lingyun Mountain, Cangwu Mountain, Beiming Mountain, We are already the vassals of my Tai Cang Mountain, and we are the only overlord of the northern immortal domain."

Yan Nanfeng loudly said: "All this is achieved by the so-called sins in your mouth."

"This, impossible? How powerful is the Lord of the Three Mountains, how could he be willing to surrender?" Ning Wuque's eyes widened in disbelief.


Before his voice fell, a terrifying aura spread from Yan Nanfeng's body, which immediately made everyone in the audience feel extremely depressed.

Ning Wuque and even many elders, all the complexion greatly changed, although it has not reached that level, but the breath of Yan Nanfeng at this time is definitely much stronger than before.

Before, Yan Nanfeng was the Immortal King Second Layer. Could it be that...has already broken through the Immortal King Third Layer?

"It's all because of Su Hao."

Yan Nanfeng said again.

Ning Wuque, and even several elders, all trembling, helping Immortal King breakthrough?

Su Hao did it?

"Take it down and suppress the Punishment Mountain."

Yan Nanfeng waved his hand, Ning Wuque and the others were directly suppressed to the ground, sealed all the cultivation bases, and were killed by Mufeng Wild took away and suppressed under the penalty mountain.

And in that dark, Shen Bijun's eyes flashed and she hurried away, staying here, she will be reduced to the same end as Ning Wuque and the others.

However, this is not the end, Su Hao is a sin, this matter is exposed, not to mention the ancient Major Sect, even someone in the northern immortal domain will not let him go.

For example, the first Heaven's Chosen, Bingqianchi...

Yan Nanfeng did this, the real reason is not how much Su Hao helped Taicangshan, but he value emotion, value friendship, appearing for the crane fairy.

How can such a person be sinful and evil?

He faced the audience and said: "The so-called sins are just imposed by outsiders. Su Hao is kind to me, Tai Cang Mountain, and all of you. From now on, he is too much.

Cangshan Eldest Senior Brother."

"If you don't want to, you can leave now, I will never interfere, and I will never blame."

The dísciple below blinked, some people begin to stir, after all, there are more than 10,000 Elder dísciples, and everyone is impossible.

In addition, Su Hao is a family of rebels, but is wanted by the Great Influence such as Extreme Yin Church. For this, it must be implicated in Tai Cang Mountain, threatening their safety and future.

In the end, nearly a thousand people left and exited Taicang Mountain directly.

In response, Yan Nanfeng looked indifferent and asked again: "I have to say, Taicang Mountain has offended Extreme Yin Church, irreconcilable, and the future Taicang Mountain will face a huge test, even... Destroyed!"

"If you are afraid, you can leave immediately."

Below the dísciple, there was another whisper, and several cultivators cup one fist in the other hand facing Yan Nanfeng bowed and then left the mountain gate.

Even if Tai Cang Mountain becomes the only overlord of the northern immortal domain, it is far from being able to fight against the Great Influence like Extreme Yin Church, like True Dragon and ants.

Even some of the Elders chose to quit: "The great grace of the mountain master, I will wait for forever, but we have our own families, and we can only live up to Taicang Mountain."


Yan Nanfeng didn't say much, just nodded, can only share wealth and honor, can't share life and death, it is not good for Taicang Mountain for such people to stay.

Finally, the dísciple on the field left one third, Elder also left a dozen people, and the rest of them all stared ahead with a firm expression.

They studied in Taicang Mountain. Because of Taicang Mountain, they changed their status and won glory. This place is like home.

"Very well, I absolutely did not expect that nearly 10,000 people would stay in my Taicang Mountain dísciple, which is a comfort to me."

Yan Nanfeng Not disappointed, but very excited. There are ten thousand people willing to advance and retreat with Shanmen. How many forces can there be in the world?

His hard work for so many years has not been in vain.

Tai Cang Mountain is a place of love and righteousness.

Su Hao was also slightly shocked. When he thought about it, more than half of the people would choose to leave. After all, according to what Yan Nanfeng said, they were fighting against Extreme Yin Church, because Su Hao, There are even many Great Influences who want to be hostile to Mount Taicang.

What I saw on the road seemed to be despair.

At this time, those who did not choose to leave are already prepared to die.

"Senior Brother, brother and you share life and death." Yu Han and Mu Ming came over, said with a smile: "I'm afraid he's a bird, at worst is your head moving?"

"Senior Brother, brother and you share life and death." p>

Xiao Yun'er also came, and she would never leave. In fact, she simply didn't think about those things, but approached Su Hao and whispered: "Senior Brother, enter the Immortal Mansion, Have you ever seen my mother?"

Su Hao shook the head and said, "I haven't had time to look for it, but something has changed."

Xiao A trace of loss flashed in Yun'er's eyes, but a smile appeared on his face, and said, "It's okay, there is still a chance, there is still a chance." Tears were swirling, but Immortal Mansion started, at least until next year, her mother didn't know what to do.

"That's not possible, I promised you, then I must do it. Let's go find it together in a few days." Su Hao said with a smile.

Xiao Yun'er gave a wry smile, in a few days, will we be together?

Even if the Immortal Mansion opens next year, it's uncertain whether she can enter.

But just when he was lost, Yan Nanfeng's voice sounded again.

"Every one of the dísciples left behind is a hero of my Taicang Mountain, and the mountain gate will never treat you badly." Yan Nanfeng waved his sleeves and said, "Everyone can enter Taishang Mountain. Immortal Mansion!"

The noisy scene was silent for a moment.

Immortal Immortal Mansion, the first fortunate place in the northern immortal domain, the people who can enter it are all the famous Heaven's Chosen in the northern immortal domain. How could everyone enter?

"My Taicang Mountain is already the only overlord of the northern immortal domain, and the five keys opened by the Immortal Mansion are all in our hands."

"In fact, I, Taicang Mountain, immediately A Transmission Formation will be constructed, leading directly to the Immortal Mansion, and the Immortal Mansion will be our back garden in the future!”

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