Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1645

The pattern of the northern immortal domain has completely changed. The era of five mountains standing together has passed. Now Taicang Mountain is the sole ruler of the northern immortal domain.

Of course, what they don't know is that the future Taicang Mountain will dominate the Eastern Wilderness, the Western Desert, the Southern Sea, the entire Great Immortal world, the 9th Heavenly Layer, and the above God.

North immortal domain is just the beginning.

After dealing with everything on the scene, everyone in Taicang Mountain rushed towards the mountain gate.

Along the way, Su Hao and Lin Yaoyao kept chatting, Lin Yaoyao entered the demon realm and got the attention of the Monster Emperor, ranking Monster Race Crown Prince.

This position is like the son of the real Great Emperor. No surprise, he will be a generation of Monster Emperor in the future, commanding billions of Great Demons.

"Brother Hao, you said that you can connect everyone to the Immortal World, is that true?" Lin Yaoyao's eyes brightened, he missed those old friends very much.

"Go back to Taicang Mountain to deal with everything, and we will go down to the realm to pick up everyone." Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Including your Qingqing."

Lin Yaoyao blushed immediately, he really missed that woman, that was the only woman he loved deeply.

Time passed, and at noon on the second day, everyone appeared under the mountain gate. There was no accident in the vast Taicang Mountain.

However, when they entered it, the elders and dísciple of Taicang Mountain gathered neatly on the Juxian Square.

In front of that, Ning Wuque stood tall and saw Yan Nanfeng's return, he immediately stepped forward, cup one fist in the other hand and said, "Welcome to the mountain master."

He and Shen Bijun did not go to Lingkong Mountain, but rushed back to Taicang Mountain. On the way, Ning Wuque also learned a lot from Shen Bijun's mouth.

About Su Hao.

Yan Nanfeng squinted his eyes slightly and said, "What's the matter?"

Ning Wuque smiled, turned his head and looked towards where Su Hao was, and said, "major event! It's about the one beside you. Purple hair is also related to the future of my Taicang Mountain."

"I believe the mountain owner will be greatly surprised when this matter is spoken."


Yan Nanfeng's figure fell on the Juxian Square and said, "Tell me the truth."

Ning Wuque joined several elders, walked forward, and said: "Mountain master, I am Undercover investigation, found a great mystery, the purple hair beside you is that Su Hao, he is the sinner of Immortal World."

"Su Hao is the disobedient family in the lower realm. Remnant!"

Ning Wuque twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a gloomy smile, the voice not only spread into Yan Nanfeng's mouth, but everyone in the audience heard it clearly.

At the time, it caused a large uproar.

Fate-defying family.

These words are familiar to everyone.

It is the crime wanted by Immortal World, and even, he Tai Cangshan once sent people to the lower realm, in order to kill this person.

Ning Wuque sneered, continued: "Family against fate, the sin of the world, everyone gets it and kills it, didn't expect him to actually infiltrate my Tai Cang Mountain, there must be a huge conspiracy, Wan Wan The main idea is that Tai Cang Mountain will become the common enemy of the northern immortal domain, and even the entire Immortal World, which is very dangerous.”

The defeat of the Immortal Mansion made him very uncomfortable, unconsciously , he and this Su Hao, actually opened a huge gap.

According to this momentum, the mountain master of Taicang Mountain has nothing to do with him, and Su Hao will take all the glory that belongs to him.

Fortunately, Shen Bijun clearly understood the great secret, and the tripod that Su Hao cast was indeed strange and extraordinary.

"And then?"

When Ning Wuque was proud and the audience was in an uproar, Yan Nanfeng suddenly spoke up, instead of looking towards Su Hao directly, he stared at Ning Wuque and asked road.

"The Mountain Master, for the sake of Taicang Mountain, for the sake of the northern immortal domain, and for the Immortal World, this person must not stay."

"To arrest him, I will make a great contribution to Taicang Mountain. , to kill him, my Tai Cang Mountain can also be regarded as killing the Immortal World."

Ning Wuque said: "He is neither a human nor a demon, and he is the remnant of a sinful family, and must not be left behind."

The eyes of countless dísciples in the square flickered, Su Hao did what he did in Tai Cang Mountain, never threatened them, and even brought them great good fortune.

From the bottom of my heart, there is no hostility towards him.

Yu Han, Mu Ming, Xiao Yun'er and the others loudly said: "Su Hao Senior Brother has never harmed us, and he is more kind to the entire Tai Cang Mountain, how can we requite kindness with enmity?"

"Shut up!"

Ning Wuque scolded: "The disobedient family, born with sin, damn it! What he did in Taicang Mountain was only for the purpose of conspiracy That's it."

The elders around him echoed loudly: "Sin should be killed!"

Everyone's eyes looked towards Su Hao.

Su Hao has always been indifferent, and even revealed a sinful word between his eyebrows, and said generously: "Yes, I am a member of the rebellious family."

The bloody man Sin, dazzling, made everyone see it clearly, and immediately there was an uproar. Everyone absolutely never thought that Su Hao would admit it directly.

"Senior Brother." Yu Han, Mu Ming, and Xiao Yun'er immediately became anxious. They also planned to defend Su Hao, who knew that he admitted it directly.

You must know that the Destiny Family is really wanted in the Immortal World, and they are several Great Influences that are more terrifying than the northern immortal domain, and they have an arrest warrant at the same time.

When this identity is exposed, he immediately becomes a common enemy in the world.

Ning Wuque immediately sneered and said, "Everyone has seen that, he is a sin, and this kind of person is a bearer of bad luck, which will affect the development of Taicang Mountain, and should be killed immediately."

The elders around him who supported him looked towards Yan Nanfeng again, explaining the benefits.

"Someone." Yan Nanfeng said loudly.

Leng Qianhan, Jiang Feng, and even a few Great Elders from Taicang Mountain all stepped out, and the terrifying breath roared.

Immediately, everyone in the audience was shocked.

The complexion greatly changed by Yu Han and others.

Lin Yaoyao clenched the knife in his hand abruptly, staring at Yan Nanfeng, wanting to move his brother Hao unless he stepped over his corpse.

Only, when he was so nervous, Yan Nanfeng pointed down and said, "Give me a few people."

Not Su Hao, but Ning Wuque several people.

Leng Qianhan and others stepped out immediately, the terrifying aura immediately suppressed everyone, Ning Wuque and the others were immediately surrounded in the center, they turned pale in fright.

"The Mountain Master, you..." Ning Wuque was surprised. He also felt that he did this for the sake of Taicang Mountain, and the Mountain Master should reward him.

Those elders have also complexion greatly changed. I don't know why Yan Nanfeng is like this. Isn't it time to take down the sins of the disobedient family?

"First, I have clearly understood Su Hao's identity."

When Su Hao cast Immortal Cauldron, Yan Nanfeng already understood everything.

"Secondly, who told you that the disobedient family was guilty? Must the wanted person be a sinner? Besides, even if he was a crime, did he ever hurt you?"

The dísciples below all shook their heads, not only did they not, but Su Hao had a big favor for them.

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