Generation’s Demon Venerable Chapter 1644

Lingyun Mountain Lord fell to his knees on his knees, the great cauldron was pressing on top of his head, so heavy that his bones trembled, and his mouth kept spits out blood, and he was unable to resist.

This terrifying scene made the audience suddenly quiet, everyone kept quiet out of fear, scared shiver coldly.

Is the Lord of Lingyun Mountain weak?

This is absolutely impossible!

The Lord of Lingyun Mountain is an Immortal King of the generation. He is definitely a giant in the northern immortal domain. He stomps his feet, and the vast northern immortal domain will tremble.

However, such a terrifying character was completely suppressed by a dísciple in Tai Cang Mountain, unable to move in the slightest.

It can be seen that the terrifying of the dísciple has surpassed the Immortal King.

Also, everyone found a terrifying phenomenon, the cultivation base breath that Su Hao exudes, which definitely cannot reach the level of Immortal King.

Actually, he's just an immortal Eighth Layer.

However, such a cultivation base suppressed the Immortal King.

immortal suppressed the Immortal King.

This is absolutely amazing!

The audience was shocked. After today, Su Hao's name has completely resounded in the northern immortal domain.

Even, some people think of Bingqianchi, that unparalleled genius, can it be compared with Su Hao?

Perhaps the first of this northern immortal domain should be completely rewritten.

Even Yan Nanfeng had a deep accident. He knew Su Hao terrifying, but he never thought that he had terrified to the point where he directly suppressed the mountain master.

"I really found a treasure in Tai Cang Mountain." He secretly said in his heart.

Because of Su Hao, Taicang Mountain has obtained the fairy rain baptism, the innate talent of the dísciple, and the cultivation base, all of which are several times stronger.

Because of Su Hao, his cultivation base went further and stood at the absolute Peak of the northern immortal domain.

The good fortune that Su Hao brought to Taicang Mountain cannot be described in words.

He didn't know that all of this, if there was no accident, should belong to the already destroyed Lingkong Mountain.

It's a pity.

"Are you convinced?" Su Hao stood proudly above the great cauldron, which is not a tall body, but at this time it gave people a sense of stalwart like Heavenly God.

The Lord of Lingyun Mountain below was extremely humiliated. Blood spurted out of his mouth. He was suppressed on the spot by a dísciple.

However, at this time, he was really unable to move, and all the immortal strength he had spread was dissolved by the golden light of the great cauldron, and it didn't work at all.

Under this great cauldron, he is the meat of the chopping block, and Su Hao wants to kill him, so to speak as easy as blowing off dust.

In addition, the great cauldron was down, and the murderous aura was surging, making him tremble and tremble, and he said three words incomparably useless: "I'm taken."

" pu!"

The voice fell, the great cauldron was completely suppressed, the fleshy body of the Lingyun Mountain Master exploded, blood was sprinkled, and a fairy core exploded along with it.

Fortunately, Immortal King has two immortal cores, the remaining immortal core of Lingyun Mountain Lord, struggling on whilst at death's door.

"You... boy, the master of my mountain, has done what you want, why are you so vicious?" The Elder of Lingyun Mountain stared at blood-red eyes.

Abolishing an immortal core is not only a big drop in battle strength, but also if you want to break through again in the future, the degree of difficulty is completely indescribable in words.

Even, in this life, I can only be stuck in the Immortal King First Layer.

For this reason, the status of Lingyun Mountain has been greatly reduced, and it can no longer play the role of hegemon in this northern immortal domain.

"If you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price. He plots Taicang Mountain and wants to make money from chaos. I will not kill him, it is already kind."

Su Hao indifferently said.

"hmph, Taicang Mountain is really ambitious, is it going to suppress the entire northern immortal domain and become the supreme overlord?" The Elder continued.

Cangwu Mountain, the sect master of Beiming Mountain, has his eyes flashing, and he is secretly vigilant. It seems that Taicang Mountain really has this meaning?

In fact, there is no need for them to guess, Su Hao as it should be by rights nodded, said: "That's exactly what it means. In the future, in this northern immortal domain, Taicang Mountain will be respected."

"What a big ambition!"

The Elder of Lingyun Mountain angrily rebuked.

Beiming Mountain, the master of Cangwu Mountain, glanced at Su Hao coldly, then looked towards Yan Nanfeng, and said, "Master Yanshan, is this what you mean too?"


The cultivation base in the two of them has been secretly running. Although Yan Nanfeng is strong, their combined force is enough to suppress him, and even kill him on the spot.

Especially, the Lord of Beiming Mountain, who is on the second floor of Immortal King, is not weaker than Yan Nanfeng above the cultivation base, is it possible for them to surrender?

They have always been the overlords of this northern immortal domain. Although they are somewhat weaker than Taicang Mountain, they are not enough to fall into the hands of people, and they are not allowed to fall into the hands of people.

The two looked at each other and moved forward again, apparently unintentionally and directly joining forces.

The elder of Lingyun Mountain twitched his mouth, and he also stood up, and the cultivation base opened wide.

The three of them work together, how can Taicang Mountain...

It's just that such an idea appeared, and Yan Nanfeng suddenly had a terrifying aura, a strong coercion. , so that the tripartite complexion greatly changed.

Yan Nanfeng stepped down and said, "From now on, in the northern immortal domain, I will respect Taicang Mountain. Can you have any objection?"

The pressure radiated even more. Terrifying, Beiming Mountain, Lord of Cangwu Mountain, under this pressure, his body could not help shaking.

The Elder and others of Lingyun Mountain fell to their knees directly while trembling, unable to stop them.

They looked horrified to the extreme.

Yan Nanfeng broke through.

Immortal King Third Layer.

Moreover, it gives the impression that it is not just a breakthrough, it seems that it has been a breakthrough for a long time, and the breath seems to have reached the mid-term level of the Immortal King Third Layer.

If it was the previous Yan Nanfeng, they would only be able to fight together, but now Yan Nanfeng wants to kill them in the blink of an eye.

"North immortal domain, Taicang Mountain is respected, is there any objection?" Yan Nanfeng spoke again, and his voice was so heavy that everyone trembled.

The Lord of Beiming Mountain's eyes flashed, and finally he sighed, saying: "didn't expect the Lord of Yanshan to break through, now you are the number one expert of the northern immortal domain, suppressing everyone with all your strength, I am the North's leader. Mingshan is powerless to resist."

The Lord of Cangwu Mountain shook his head secretly and said, "This world, strength is respected, since the Lord of Yanshan has such a cultivation base, I have to surrender if I can't wait."

As for the elder of Lingyun Mountain, he can only kowtow to the ground, let alone resist, he is not even qualified to stand up.

Yan Nanfeng is nodded. According to Su Hao, no one has planted a life and death talisman in the body. In the future, Taicang Mountain will be the only overlord of the northern immortal domain.

"Immortal Immortal Mansion's keys, take them all out." Su Hao put away the Immortal Cauldron, the Lord of Lingyun Mountain with only one immortal core left, Human Transformation, and handed it over The key to the Supreme Immortal Mansion.

North Ming Mountain and Cangwu Mountain follow suit.

The key to Lingkong Mountain is already in Su Hao's hands. The five keys are complete, and Taicang Mountain can open Taishang Immortal Mansion at any time.

In fact, Su Hao wants to turn it into the gate of Taicang Mountain. There is a natural barrier. Even if Extreme Yin Church kills it, it is impossible to threaten Taicang Mountain for a while.

"Although I haven't reached the Immortal King yet, with my current ability, I can try to open the Immortal Path and connect Xianxian and Yu'er."

Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth. Bald chicken and Xiaodouzi all thought he was dead. If he saw him reappear, I wonder how wonderful his face would be?

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