Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 980:

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In the face of the army of robots waiting to be battled, the Zerg launched an attack without any response.

Seeing the Zerg, he started the attack without saying a word, and Cheng Yuan and Zero could only fight back.

The Zerg still use the previous tactics against Jingling. They send a large number of vanguard units. These are highly mobile and can carry biological soldiers to board the ship. It is best to test.

Energy weapons are also simple laser weapons for small-scale interference, so that these assault ships can smoothly reach enemy ships.

The research on the Zerg's combat method is of course very natural. Seeing that the other party did not use weapons of mass destruction for the first time, although he was a little puzzled, he immediately opened the energy barrier.

The golden barrier was unfolded. When the laser hit the barrier, it only produced a little ripple without any effect.

"The energy shield is pretty good." Lei nodded admirably when he saw the scene.

For his creation can master the energy barrier technology, his inexplicable gratification erupted again.

"Look again ..."

Before he could say anything, the pioneer ship had hit the energy barrier.

Dazzling blazes of fire erupted, like a firework, and Rang Lee swallowed the next words.

He opened his eyes wide and had an incredible expression on his face. He felt that he was dazzled just now. The pioneer ship should have been hit before it would explode!

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, he watched one after another bump into the barrier, and then blasted away, the first time his face was gloomy.


"Very good." After stunning for a long time, Lee jumped out of his mouth.

Capable of resisting the barriers of energy and physical weapons, this technology was not even owned by the Zerg when he left.

It's not that they can't make it, but that this kind of dual defense barrier is not easy to solve, whether it is the problem of energy consumption or determination mechanism or the conversion of the protective layer.

Nor is it that they have not invented the energy barrier that can defend against any attack.

Although this kind of barrier that can resist kinetic and energy weapons is strong, the problem is that at the same time as the barrier is deployed, they cannot send small pioneer ships to carry out raid attacks.

This is a technique that refutes their overall tactics, and the adoption rate is extremely low!

At first, it was not considered to put this technology on the Star Fortress, but every time the spacecraft entered and left the Star Fortress, it was necessary to switch the energy barrier.

This is a huge waste of resources, and it makes things very cumbersome.

Finally, this barrier technology was used in prisons.

This kind of inaccessible place, with this kind of barrier, they don't even need the management staff.

However, he did not expect to see this technique again, and the other party was also very skilled in watching the other small spacecraft entering and leaving.

Lee instantly understood that a civilized race he accidentally changed is now also a civilized race with powerful technology.

To understand this, Lee's eyes changed.

If you had enjoyed it before, then you are a little more serious now.

But he was a little puzzled. They obviously have very powerful technology, so why not expand it?

As an overlord of higher civilizations, he has seen too many civilizations in the universe.

Among the civilizations he saw, almost all the races that have just entered the interstellar civilization are almost predatory to explore outside.

I wish I could expand my interstellar colony as much as possible.

This is not a manifestation of civilized warfare or madness, but the demand for resources makes them have to explore crazy expansion!

But he couldn't understand the civilization in front of him.

When he came here, he found that this galaxy was very desolate. There was only a solitary small galaxy. Except for the target planet, other planets were basically not in line with the survival of living things.

Although this small galaxy has two suitable planets, what can you do with just two planets?

To be straightforward, even two planets can't even create an interstellar fort!

It can be said that the poor ringing bells!

Could it be said that this race believes that there are no alien civilizations around it, so it is slack in expanding outwards?

Just when he couldn't figure out why, the situation on the battlefield changed.

After resisting the Zerg pioneer ship, Zero also reluctantly launched the Swarm battleship to counterattack.

The densely packed small war crews combined into a huge formation, and the fighters flying at the speed of sub-light were naturally unparalleled in speed, rushing to the Zerg warship group almost in an instant.

Then with a miserable expression, he slammed into his battleship without hesitation.

The outer armor of Zerg warships is very hard. Even small fighters cannot directly crash against the energy shield. Instead, they are inlaid on the surface of the Zerg battleship.

Lee saw this scene almost biting his tongue off.

Seeing this happen in front of me is so familiar!

"Did the genes of the Zerg were mixed in when the genes were first introduced?" He murmured, and he couldn't help thinking about this.

This idea became even stronger when he saw the mechanical forces emerging from the inside of the fighter.

How similar to their Zerg fighting style!

"Suan!" He couldn't help but contact his lieutenant.

As soon as he contacted Su An, his neural network was naturally connected to the Zerg army neural network that was still in the Crystal Empire.

Zero has not relaxed the penetration of Zerg neural networks.

After discovering that the frontal neural network was connected, there was no hesitation in injecting the virus he developed.

He wants to keep the connection between the two through the Zerg clones.

In this way, he will have the opportunity to quietly penetrate the entire Zerg neural network through the war with the virus that Cheng Yuan gave him.

After confirming the contact between the two parties, Zero turned to look at the robot that had already boarded the ship.

As soon as these robots appeared in the Zerg battleship, UU Reading was surrounded by a group of Zerg soldiers carrying biological soldiers.

The two sides did not have any nonsense, and they started fighting directly after meeting.

Lee wants to see what is different about this transformed civilization, and the purpose of zero is simpler, and he doesn't care about the loss of the robot.

What he cares about is whether these robot soldiers can get enough nano virus robots to mix in!

Whether it is an electronic virus or a biological virus, these nano-virus robots need to be used as a medium for transmission.


While paying attention to the fighting between the two sides, Cheng Yuan also quietly controlled the embryonic creatures in the restricted area of ​​life to slowly come out from the inside.

As soon as there is a problem on Li's side, Su An, who is an aide, will definitely drop things from Jingling and come directly to Li's side.

What he has to do is use these embryonic creatures to stop Su An!

(= Remember in a second)

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