Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 981:

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"Overseer, what happened?" Su An, who was destroying the Crystal, heard the news and immediately responded.

Lee said directly, "Look at this."

He sent Su An the image of the battle just now.

"This is ..." Su An was also stunned, especially after he watched the video.

This way of fighting is so much like them!

It seems that the applicability of this Zerg combat method is quite extensive, which proves from the side that their combat method is superior.

But he reacted quickly, didn't the Overseer observe the race they had transformed.

How could you fight another civilization! ?

Suddenly, Su An eats a whale, he horrified: "Overseer, is this the civilization race that we have transformed?"

He felt it was like heaven and earth.

He saw with his own eyes how primitive the civilization transformed by them was, but it took only thousands of years for the other party to directly reborn and evolve from an original civilization to an interstellar civilization! ?

how can that be!

The Zerg have spent tens of thousands of years in this process!

But now there is a racial civilization that takes only ten times less time to complete this step.

Couldn't Su An be surprised?

If this civilization is being developed for thousands of years, God knows what kind of behemoth they will evolve into, and maybe their Zerg will have a headache when facing this civilization.

"Overseer, are these robot units the opponent's soldiers?" Su An's eyes locked on these fierce and fearless robots, and a kind of anxiety in his heart.

Lee glanced at Su'an, saw him look serious, and nodded gently: "Yes, very flexible robots, maybe we can invade their intelligence, and in turn use these robots to hit each other."

Li touched his chin and thought, for the use of this purely intelligent soldier, Li felt that the other side was too big.

Maybe it is because there is no civilized competition around them, or maybe they have not yet developed an intelligent crisis, or it may be because the development is too smooth. Have they never considered the interests of intelligence?

"Can you still find out the genetic reagents that were put back that year?" Asked casually, and Lee did not delay the matter at hand.

Seeing the group of robots ramming inside the battleship, he calmly commanded the soldiers to release electromagnetic bombs.

Although this kind of weapon that can interfere with communication and remote control is not very powerful against living organisms, it can be described as doubled in the face of machinery.

"Sorry, when the crystal was attacked by Jingling, the ship was destroyed and all the data was lost." Su An said with regret.

"That's all it takes." Although regretful, Lee did not embarrass Su An because of this.

He had his own reasons for being attacked at the beginning, and arrogance made them forget it.

This is a lesson.

Thinking of this, Lee looked a little sharper at the robot force.

"Do I need to arrange some support troops to pass?" Su An asked.

Lee shook his head: "No, you should destroy the green skin as soon as possible, and then come to me again. I need to understand this civilization well. They seem to have a lot of secrets."

The Zerg's small reconnaissance aircraft had secretly arrived at Earth and Mars when the two sides started fighting, and observed the two planets.

The only unpleasant thing in this process was that they couldn't invade each other's electronic information network!

This made him feel as uncomfortable as eating Xiang.

However, it is not possible to invade the electronic information network of the other party, and Lee is not without gain. At least he knows that this newly rising civilization has very powerful information technology.

This alone allowed him to raise his perspective on this civilization.

What is the most important thing in interstellar civilization?

Powerful weapon?

Huge resources?

Forces all over the universe?


The most important thing is the speed of information exchange!

Once this aspect fails, you seem to lose your brain, unable to carry out overall management and give orders.

It can be said that if information is destroyed by the enemy, it will directly mean the failure of war.

However, Lee hadn't thought too much and was forced to look away.

Because he was surprised to find that the electromagnetic detonation bomb had no effect! Those robot soldiers just paused for a moment and still can continue to advance!

This time, Lee couldn't sit still.

He felt incredible. Is there a special metal in this star field that will not be disturbed by electromagnetic fields?

But it doesn't feel right to think about it.

Even with this metal, smart robots cannot be used.

After all, intelligent robots need to be controlled. If they can isolate the electromagnetic field, how do these robots act?

Overturning the previous idea, Li narrowed his eyes and looked at these robots. There is nothing special in appearance, but they are not affected by electromagnetic fields.

This made him feel that this civilization was becoming more and more interesting.

"Destroy the invading robot with all its strength, and try to complete the research as soon as possible." After thinking for a while, Li gave an order.

Zerg troops, which are more numerous than smart robots, launched a fierce counterattack after issuing new orders.

Although the weapons in the hands of other intelligent robots are relatively daunting, these weapons are only a few, so the robots that boarded the ship were quickly cleaned up.

Zerg soldiers took all the wreckage of these robots back and handed them over to a specialized research department for research.

Lee also discovered the real reason these robots are not affected by electromagnetic fields.

Although these robots have metal structures on the surface, they use very advanced bio-metals inside, which is a combination of biological and mechanical technology.

This scene made Lee look.

If this technology can be applied to their biological soldiers, it may greatly improve the combat effectiveness of these cannon fodder.

"Let the research department understand this technology as quickly as possible."

Although the Zerg eliminated these intelligent robots, this does not mean that the boarding battle has ended, the battle continues, and the number of bee colonies is still horrible.

At this time, Lei found that one of his warships suddenly had no response.

While other warships kept firing to destroy those bee swarm fighters, UU read the book The warship was motionless, without attack or defense.

If it was just such a warship, over time, this problem directly relates to all warships that have been invaded for valuables.

Although these warships eliminated the invading intelligent robots in time.

But they are all strangely stuck.

"What's going on?" Lee frowned. He felt something was wrong, and quickly connected the warships via a neural network to see what was inside.

This time, Li directly got up from his seat, and even the indifferent attitude before him was gone, and he looked at the situation inside these warships diligently.

In these warships, there are no biological soldiers, no Zerg soldiers, everything seems to be completely non-existent.

Only scattered armor fell on the ground, and some residual water stains under the armor ...

(= Remember in a second)

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