Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 979:

"what happened?"

China has a high-level view of each other. With the development of science and technology and the development of Mars, sufficient resources have been inflated in an instant so that after experiencing the intellectual crisis, the planet has ushered in leaping development.

Under the circumstance that there are few obstacles between nations, the scientific and technological civilization of the earth has also drawn a new peak.

This time the technology progress Cheng Yuan's technology crystallization company did not participate too much.

The first is that Cheng Yuan himself is not there. As the apparent manager of a technology crystallization company, Zheng Jia also knows the high-level fears of the company.

So she made a wise choice to keep the company from participating in their development as much as possible.

Secondly, as a high-tech company that can master the lifeblood of the world, whether it is military, resources, medical treatment, or life, there are oligarchs involved in all aspects. Without ambition, low-key development is the most secure.

The main thing is that Cheng Yuan is not there, and Zheng Jianeng chose only low-key development. After all, once there is a conflict, things will go beyond her control, which she does not want to see.

No matter which country it is, you don't want to see the country being controlled by a company.

Now Cheng Yuan ’s relatives, friends and family suddenly left Earth to Mars, which caused a bit of panic in the hearts of Huaxia executives. They thought they had done a little too much during this time?

But they soon felt wrong. Since the development of Mars, the main resources of the technology crystallization company have been placed on Mars, and there is almost no question about things on Earth.

Even Zheng Jia himself directs the development of the Earth company on Mars by remote control.

So they were wondering.

Since there is no so-called oppression, why does Cheng Yuan's family leave so hastily, if travelling, it is not necessary?

In desperation, they can only find someone to contact the technology crystallization company through Mars.

Of course, the language was carefully worded during the inquiry, and the question was mentioned vaguely.

Zheng Jiaxin knew what the other party was worried about, but she said she knew nothing about it.

This is not what she wants to hide, but she really doesn't know the reason for Cheng Yuan to do so.

Now Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian are not on Mars. They both ran out into outer space, and she could only regret dealing with each other's people.

I didn't get the answer. Although Huaxia felt sorry, there was no way.

You ca n’t just ask people directly?

For the family members who came to Mars, Cheng Yuan did not go back and explain to them, but let them play on Mars for a while.

He is now observing the entire solar system with zero concentration.

After the Zerg Overseer led some Zerg troops to leave, they left directly using jumps.

This makes them directly lost the opportunity to track, and before they can determine each other's transition coordinates, the only thing they can do is pay close attention to every move of the solar system.

They have withdrawn most of their troops from the solar system, and the confrontation with the Crystal Empire has no meaning at all. They should be more alert to the Zerg!

Not to mention that the other party is still heading towards the earth, which makes Cheng Yuan and Zero even more afraid to carelessly.

Especially when he thought that humans might be the product of the experiment of the other party, he felt a little irritable.

"Zero, is there any news in their neural network?" After two rows of surveillance, Cheng Yuan, who still hadn't found it, was inevitably a little impatient.

Zero looked at Cheng Yuan with his eyebrows locked tightly, he could naturally feel that Cheng Yuan was out of state in the past two days.

But he understood that anyone who heard such a message would not be able to accept it in a short time.

"Not yet, but the news in the neural network is always updating, they are still moving." Zero replied.

Even if it's a jump engine, it doesn't mean that you can get from one end to the other in an instant, which takes a lot of time.

"Well, what about the virus? Can you directly infect a real neural network?" Cheng Yuan asked again.

"Not sure yet, although it happened once, it was without resistance."

Cheng Yuan sank in his heart, and now the only way he can resist the Zerg is to cut off the intelligent control valve between the Zerg and their warship by invading their neural network.

Without intelligent control, relying on manual control of a super battleship can only be described by the word 'haha'.

"So, you continue to observe the movements of the Zerg. I will think of a way." Cheng Yuan suddenly thought that the scientific and technological accumulation in his mind was not just a simple new technology with various brains wide open.

Viruses are also a type of science and technology!

It's just that he never thought about it!

But this time, he felt he needed a virus that would protect him from the Zerg.

Only a strong and effective virus can resolve the huge gap between the two parties in the shortest time.

Returning to the room, Cheng Yuan saw Guo Xiaolian's absence, so she lay directly on the bed with her eyes closed and deep into her head.

It seemed that the idea was very concentrated. As soon as Cheng Yuan came in, a piece of golden data about the width of a palm flowed into the crystal of technology and got into his mind.

After a while, Cheng Yuan opened his eyes.

Lost in thought.

He has got the virus, and there are quite a lot of types, there are technological viruses, biological viruses and mechanical viruses!

Technology viruses and biological viruses Cheng Yuan can understand what this concept is, but mechanical viruses make Cheng Yuan feel obscured.

When can machines produce viruses?

Although he was curious about what this mechanical virus was, time did not allow him to understand it slowly.

He brought a neural connection device and transferred the technical virus and biological virus data in his mind to a zero data center.

"Zero, try this technology virus. By the way, study the newly included biological virus." Cheng Yuan contacted Zero and ordered him.

He heard nothing and immediately retrieved the data in the data center.

The first technology virus belongs to the type of electronic virus, which is extremely destructive to the network. It can be copied without any modification.

But the second biological virus brightens up zero eyes.

The second biological virus is a genetic virus, which can directly destroy the organism's own genes, and this virus can spread in any medium, and its own reproduction ability is very strong, only 0.1 grams can easily destroy a All creatures on the star.

What is most satisfying is that the virus was made by the most primitive genes!

In other words, this is a synthetic genetic virus!


Three months later, at the edge of the solar system, about 2.3 light-years away from the wormhole of the solar system, blue light flickered, and a group of golden battleships suddenly appeared in this quiet universe.

The energy fluctuations caused by the end of the transition were immediately captured by the zero monitoring of conditions around the solar system.

"Cheng Yuan, they're here!" Zero spirit refreshed, staring sharply at a group of golden battleships on the screen.

"Finally here!" Cheng Yuan stared deeply at the warship group of the Zerg for a while, then said, "Immediately warn."

If he could, he really didn't want to go to war with this powerful civilization, especially near the solar system.

Now that the earth is technologically advanced, fighting in the vicinity of the solar system is simply telling people around the world that aliens are here!

"Okay!" Answered calmly.

In three months, he has thoroughly studied the two viruses, and the gene virus also has a reserve of 2.3 grams. Whether it is an electronic virus or a biological virus, as long as he seizes the opportunity, he can guarantee that the Zerg can solve them before they can respond!

At this time, Overseer Lee, who had just arrived near the solar system, was still observing the blue planet. He was very interested in this planet.

He wanted to know how those indigenous peoples who had undergone genetic modification have changed.

He felt like a creator. UU reading books www.

But before he sent a reconnaissance ship to investigate the situation of the earth in detail, he suddenly received a new communication, and it was still a receiver from the warship.

"Speak your intentions, outsiders!" The majestic voice, with warning and questioning.

"Oh !? It has already developed an extraterrestrial civilization !? It seems that I have found a high-quality indigenous!" Li didn't take this warning into his eyes at all, and he still evaluated it with interest.

In just a few thousand years, he was able to get out of the planet by a primitive civilization that was still obscurely using words. Such a fast-paced civilization naturally inspired him.

Just after he said this, his men suddenly reported: "Overseer, unknown warships have been found around. The number is huge and has surrounded us."

He shuddered, and this civilization surprised him again.

After thinking about it, he said, "Try their strength." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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