Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 957:

"Then try it." Glancing at the creature on the surface of the space crack with a headache, I can only try this suggestion.

A small spacecraft about 70 meters long was used as the experimental subject.

However, the appearance of this spaceship is completely different from that of the Zerg warships. The surface is not beautiful and smooth curves, but is full of wrinkled biological armor.

The two ends of the spaceship are slightly small, the middle is bloated, and the visual impact caused by the folds is one by one, and it looks like a large bug on the whole!

后 After the spacecraft came out of the flagship, the propellers at the tail and the lower end erupted at the same time, and the pale blue light lit up and then disappeared instantly, leaving only a stretched blue tail light.

As the Zerg technical staff guessed, you can get rid of this unknown creature's entanglement at a very fast speed, and leave before the other party has responded!

"What's the situation !?" After seeing the spacecraft going out, Lee's eyes widened slightly unconsciously. Although he was very excited, he couldn't wait to scream to vent his emotions, but he still suppressed his excited emotions and calmed down before his hands. Ask inquiries.

Su An naturally knew his boss. Although the other person seemed calm, in fact he didn't know how excited he was. He glanced at the tracking device in his hand and quickly answered: "It has passed through the fissure in the space and is ready to transmit the external picture ... "

Before he finished speaking, the signal of the spacecraft disappeared instantly, and the signal that was originally transmitting was also interrupted.

激动 The excited expression on his face froze, and his face sank immediately.

Seeing the expression on his hands, Li's face also gloomed down, and he guessed the reason instantly. He glanced at Su An and said in a deep voice, "It seems that someone is waiting for us outside."


"Please tell me, Overseer." Su An bowed slightly, and a chuckle smiled at the corner of her mouth.

Tong Li can't wait to let those **** green skins see their power. Why doesn't he want the purple blood of those green skins to fill the whole star field?

数千 The thousands of years of imprisonment are enough to drive him crazy!

"Wake up our fleet, it's time to let those greenskins know our real strength in Zelkvia!" Replied resentfully.

要 If it wasn't for the first time, they would have eliminated these **** green skins!

"Yes, Overseer." Su An stood up, looked at Li, hesitated, and asked, "Do we need to send a message to the empire when we go out?"

Heli heard the words, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Let's contact the empire after going out. I don't know if they thought I was dead for thousands of years."

The Zelkvia Empire is a super empire that rules dozens of large galaxies!

It seems like the silver disk galaxy they are currently in is just a relatively small existence in a medium-sized galaxy.

And the strongest empire in this galaxy is very small in their eyes, sending a fleet is enough to destroy the other party.

Gao Li came to the Yinpan galaxy only because the location of the Yinpan galaxy was far from the main road of the universe, and it was regarded as a very remote galaxy.

He is like a lonely village in the deep mountains. Generally, no one knows.

Here, no matter what he does, he will not have any influence on himself. Under this condition, they can carry out genetic evolution experiments without fear.

Although the Zelkvia Empire is strong, it has not slacked off in the Empire, but it is even more urgent to go further!

After all, the powerful civilizations in the universe are not only their Zelkvia.

So Lee came here to find a lower planet that just had a budding civilization and let it evolve through genetic breeding.

After this indigenous creature has grown up to have enough wisdom, they can capture these cultivated intelligent creatures and transform them into more advanced Zerg soldier cannon fodder!

He was already tired of mentally bred soldiers. These Zerg soldiers can only become qualified cannon fodder, not his ideal cannon fodder!

Although for the Zelkvia Empire, the number of elite legions and soldiers was already large enough, and these cannon fodder, like consumables, were completely worthless.

But if these cannon fodder had enough wisdom, it would be absolutely beneficial to them.

After all, the cannon fodder has a high level of intelligence, and they can better arm these cannon fodder, allowing them to consume more with the enemy.

任何 In the space war, any consumption is huge, and it is a great test for the transportation of materials!

Especially these carbon-based life, they cannot adapt to the universe environment alone, and the consumption needs are more and more complicated!

Every consumption of resources will affect the situation of the whole battle!

So in the war of advanced civilization, you will never see the situation where the whole army confronts each other once the two sides start war.

The confrontation between the two sides before the battle was the most exciting part of the war between the two civilizations.

Consumption of the enemy in various ways through the quantity, wisdom and strength of both parties.

Of course, not all civilizations will use the life of other civilizations as cannon fodder, because these highly intelligent cannon fodder can easily be rebelled.

If the quantity is too large, it will consume a large amount of materials.

After all, even slave cannon fodder needs food to supplement its physical strength, which has led many civilizations to use technological creations as pre-war consumables.

Of course, although scientific and technological creations do not need to consume too many materials, once they are invaded by the enemy through information, these creations will become a threat to themselves.

So, combining pros and cons, Zelkvia created the Zerg breeding soldiers.

士兵 These soldiers do not need to consume much material, and they will not rebel. They can be manufactured without limit as long as they have sufficient energy.

However, although they can cultivate these Zerg soldiers, they cannot give each other wisdom.

This makes these soldiers only beasts that obey orders.

Without order, they will attack everything around them by instinct.

This makes these soldiers only the backbone of the Star Invasion Warfare, but it cannot play the slightest role in the space war!

In order to improve their own creations, the zelkvia Empire captured a civilization that was very genetically researched, and then obtained the other's top genetic culture fluid for experiments.

However, these experiments have failed, and the gene culture fluid cannot affect the soldiers they cultivated.

Through detailed research, they found that these gene culture fluids can only be used for naturally growing carbon-based life!

Helpless, they dispatched Lee to complete this task!

He Erli also did it. He came to the Silver Disk Galaxy. After discovering that there are many civilizations in the Silver Disk Galaxy, their arrival naturally triggered a war.

利 For Lee, although these civilizations are advanced, as long as they can be turned into their own cannon fodder, it is also a very good choice.

利 During the battle between the two sides, Lee accidentally came to the dark area.

Here, he discovered an independent miniature galaxy.

In this small galaxy, even two planets have life!

However, one of the planets does not know why life has withered, and there are only very few microorganisms.

Another planet is flourishing.

There is already a sprout of civilization in its original form on Plutonium. Many creatures have learned to live together, and there are no less than hundreds of this type of creature.

Especially there are three or four primates in it, which surprises Li even more!

In spite of his great joy, Lee also sprinkled a large amount of gene culture fluid directly on the planet regardless of 371.

And the results are very gratifying ~ ~ In just five years, three of the primates have begun to sprout wisdom, and they even started to try to record what they saw and what happened, and through primitive symbols record it.

This scene surprised him very much. He didn't know if it was due to the powerful effect of the culture medium, or whether the creature itself had further wisdom.

However, as soon as his preliminary work was completed, he found that the crystal civilization that was at war with him even landed on the planet that had passed away before his life had already faded.

Both sides did not hide their existence, and naturally there was only one result when they met.

More fierce fighting begins.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, and both sides slowly evacuated this special small galaxy during the battle.

的 As a result of this battle, the Crystal Empire almost became a dust of history, and Lee and most of his fleet were expelled to the restricted area of ​​life!

A **** small pocket space!

Now they are finally coming out!

With the replenishment of the energy, behind the hundreds of warships, more and larger warships gradually emerged from their bodies. The densely packed warships could not see the end!

"Let's go! They probably can't wait anymore!" Li Yan smiled.

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