Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 956:

Wu Jingling's frontier troops rushed through the large wormhole tunnel towards the space crack at the fastest speed, but even this took almost a month.

This month has made Freeman feel like a year. He is staring at the changes in space cracks almost every moment.

Fortunately, the Zerg can't seem to quickly destroy the weird creature on the surface of the rift.

This gave Jingling more time to prepare.

When the crystal spirit stretched for two light years to surround this small space fissure, Freeman's initial tension gradually disappeared. He not only stared at the space fissure, but also dispatched an extremely large number of troops. Cheng Yuan's garrison expelled.

Wu Jingling doesn't seem to want mechanical life near the crack!

Because the previous annihilation gun dissipated the radiation around the fissure, Crystal's troops were closer to the fissure.

Although the cricket cannot see the forbidden area of ​​life directly through the crack, the weird creature on the surface of the crack has been entangled with the zerg.

This makes Jingling feel a little more relaxed. They feel that they can make a good preparation here to take care of themselves.

When the **** bugs get this creature out, they will strike directly!

晶 When Jingling was stationed around the rift, Bran, who was the first to station here, had been emphasizing the direct elimination of the mechanical life force.

However, his request has not been answered. Bran's status is too low, and people talk lightly. His request directly sinks into the sea.

布兰 When Bran watched the intact mechanical life fleet retreat easily, he couldn't help sighing, his face full of regret.

"Why not destroy each other directly?" This was Bran's incomprehension.

Isn't the threat of mechanical life alert to the top?

He was puzzled, but the top of Jingling also had his own plans.

Compared to attacking mechanical life now, they are more inclined to solve the hidden danger of Zerg first, and then turn to attack mechanical life.

If you start working on mechanical life now, it is very likely that you will suffer the enemy on your back.

Cheng Jingling and Zhe Ling's drive-out act only rebelled for a while and then withdrew.

Seeing such a huge number of legions of Crystal Ling, Cheng Yuan and Zero directly extinguished their intention to fight against each other, the absolute advantage in number, and the dozen or so Titan Fortresses in the opponent's lineup. Cheng Yuan even lost his desire to fight.

At the same time, he and Zero feel very strange. In the data obtained through Zero, don't mention that the Crystal Titan Fortress has three three legions each?

What is the situation in front of me?

Although he did not understand why there was an error, Cheng Yuan, who had planned to obtain victory through information warfare, did not entangle on this point.

Maybe these Titan fortresses are a hidden means of crystals?

Moreover, the data only said that there were three of the three major legions, but it was not mentioned elsewhere.

After the Fleet fleet retreated, Cheng Yuan began to observe Jingling's actions far away, while Zero had been studying Jingling's technical data.

He has packaged and transmitted all the data in the Crystal Star Science and Technology Research Institute.

The material in the cricket not only contains the scientific and technological research results of the crystal spirit itself, but also many scientific and technological research results of the Zerg, as well as some technical data that have not been thoroughly researched.

After the data was transmitted back, Cheng Yuan's technical database was greatly expanded.

零 "Zero, how is that Lvyuan Star of Jingling, have you passed?" One month is enough to invade Lvyuan Star, Cheng Yuan is still very curious about that [Ai].

"Here it is," said Zero.

When Cheng Yuan heard this, he quickly asked, "Is that tree real?"

"Really!" Zero sent Cheng Yuan a photo with a look of amazement.

"I found a factory that doesn't look very high and is making a body that can control the records."

Wu Ling said, "I'm ready to study this tree. It's too strange. The source of Luyuan is only one third larger than the earth. How does it ensure that this tree grows ?!"

If it is a mountain of tens of thousands of meters, Zero will never be so curious.

But the mountains are changed into trees, which is worth studying.

Maybe there is something special in Luyuan Star that can provide sufficient growth nutrients for this tree, and it will not let this planet collapse because of this tree.

"You study slowly." Cheng Yuan didn't bother zero, anyway, the place that should be invaded has already invaded, as long as they are willing, the entire information system of Jingling can collapse at any time.

"By the way, its information has already been collected, find a chance to bring it back." Cheng Yuan suddenly pointed at the forming embryo on the surface of the crack.

他们 They know a little about this tentacle monster. They did not control it before to leave to see what features it has.

After this month of observation, they have almost all understood, and the body size of this embryo has gradually slowed down this month.

Not long ago, they observed that the growth of embryos could be described in trivial terms.

In this way, Cheng Yuan didn't want to continue to help Jingling stop the Zerg that made them jealous.

In Cheng Yuan's opinion, the best result is that both the Zerg and the Crystal Linger are injured and he picks up a ready-made bargain.

"OK." Zero response.

At this time, with the influx of sufficient dark energy in the forbidden area of ​​life, enough energy has been collected to make Su An gradually wake up his men.

的 The increase in his staff made Li naturally rejoice, but this joy did not last long, and it completely disappeared.

The weird creatures that he hadn't seen before had blocked them for a month!

This makes Li very angry, but also helpless.

In the beginning, their Corrosive Missile was very effective for that creature, but soon, I don't know what the reason is, their Corrosive Missile has failed!

The high temperature corrosion solution did not leave a trace of injury on the other person's body! Instead, it was swallowed a lot!

腐蚀 After the corrosion missile lost its effect ~ ~ he also tried using other weapons to attack, laser, radiation, ion cannon, and even antimatter cannon were used.

These weapons also suffered the same situation. At first, they all had great effects, but the first time the second time was OK, the third time was invalid!

This frightened Lee and was furious at the same time.

唤醒 After waking up several technical members, they immediately carried out observation research on this creature.

The results of Ke Ke's research made Li and Su An both stunned.

The weird creature in front of me actually belongs to the life of that kind of half-metal and half-organism. Not only that, it also has a very strong ability to adapt and evolve.

The reason why their attack is ineffective is that the creature quickly adapted to their weapon effect ...

In other words, this uninterrupted attack for almost a month has allowed this **** weird creature to grow, adapt, and evolve!

Knowing this result, can they not be aggressive?

"Then what can we do to solve it and then go out?" Li looked at the weird creature blocking them, and asked.


The Zerg who was in charge of the research thought for a while and said, "I found that although the opponent is powerful, the tentacles are not very fast. As long as the speed is sufficient, we can rush out.

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