Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 958:


An unusually strong crystal shouted angrily, his eyes flushed, his eyes staring at those golden streamlined warships in the distance.

Although he has never actually fought against the Zerg, he is also familiar with the Zerg through the videos left that year, and later simulated battles.

But when he really faced the Zerg, he realized how lucky he was!

的 After the small-caliber weapons launched by his warship were concentrated on the outer armor of the other warship, no mark was left!

This is because even the surface armor of the opposing battleship cannot be broken!

Just this, it makes the difficulty of the war a level higher. This result makes him a bit embarrassed. The weapons they are now equipped with have been upgraded by several grades compared with thousands of years ago.

Why was it easy to break the outer armor of the opposing battleship before, but now it is not! ?

对方 Did the other party have developed a brand-new technology in the restricted life zone?

He was stunned, but the battlefield did not give him the time to be stunned. Just as soon as he paused, the battleship was hit by the opponent.

报告 "Report the captain, the outer armor of the third area is damaged, 23 meters in diameter, and repair personnel have been dispatched." The warship's master intelligence warned while the ship was under attack.

魁 The burly Captain of the Crystal Spirit glanced at the damaged area. It was a huge cave, and the potholes around the cave had been corroded by corrosive liquid, and many parts were directly exposed to the outside and were crumbling.

Seeing this scene, he immediately thought of the Zerg's fighting style, and he quickly ordered: "The third area combat team immediately went to the damaged area and ready to fight!"

As soon as his words fell, he saw objects like the core hitting near the cave. These things did not break the armor of the battleship, but directly stuck to it!

"哧 ——"

The Crystal soldiers who had just arrived in the third area hadn't approached the cave before they heard the harsh sound of corrosion from the top of the martyr.

I didn't wait for them to react, a Zerg soldier snarled and jumped in from the top, then pounced on the nearest Crystal soldier ...

Shots, bites, screams and roars rang inside the battleship.

And this is just the beginning. As more and more Zerg containers are put in, a large number of Zerg soldiers land on the battleship. In just a few minutes, the entire battleship exploded directly, turning into a tiny dust in the universe. .

"There is still this operation !?" Cheng Yuan felt that the Zerg's fighting method opened a new door for himself.

There is no consumption of energy shields between each other. It is such a simple and crude landing operation, and then destroys the enemy battleship!

I have been paying attention to this battle. After seeing this situation, they suddenly found that this method seemed more suitable for them!

唯一 The only guarantee for this method is how to break through the outer armor of the opponent's warship!

Although they can't use the corrosion method to break the surface armor of the warship as easily and freely as the Zerg, they can use blasting!

The crystal shields of Puppet Spirits are not the same as them. Their energy shields can only resist the attacks of energy weapons and have no effect on the attacks of real objects!

"Zero, continue to record combat information, and by the way send some reconnaissance ships to pass by." Cheng Yuan watched the battle between the Zerg and Crystal Spirit, and suddenly said.

"What do you think?" Zero looked at Cheng Yuan seriously.

Wu Chengyuan did not conceal, explaining: "I think they are fighting fiercely, I wonder if I want to try to invade the Zerg intelligent database."

The more developed the civilization, the more it relies on the application of data.

So Cheng Yuan wanted to take advantage of the Zerg and Jingling battles to find fish in the muddy water and let zero invasion of the Zerg database.

This is also done just in case, after all, no one knows whether the Zerg will drop their guns and fight directly with them after they have dealt with Crystal.

"Okay!" Zero one heard Cheng Yuan's plan and responded quickly.

一旦 Once this kind of brazen intervention in the war between the two sides is discovered, it is likely to cause hostility between the two sides, but as long as it succeeds, it will be absolutely beneficial to them!

Not to mention that Zero, already obsessed with alien technology knowledge, would not oppose Cheng Yuan's proposal.

Maybe they can also obtain brand new knowledge from the Zerg database!

When he was ready to act, I suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Yuanjian suddenly didn't move, and was a bit surprised.

Wu Ling looked at Cheng Yuan awkwardly: "This, we don't seem to understand the characters of the Zerg, how can we invade?"

At this time, I realized that although they were very researched on the crystal spirit, they did not know anything about the Zerg culture.

Although they collected quite a lot of Zerg warship wreckages in the ruined battlefield, there is no intelligence in these wreckages that still holds data as they did when they obtained the Titan Fortress.

Cheng Chengyuan also stayed.

He really forgot this question!

"So, what should we do? Or secretly tie a Zerg battleship back?" Cheng Yuan glanced at the Zerg's gorgeous gold-shaped battleship, a little stunned.

Zero thought about it for a while, and nodded in agreement: "Okay, after all, we don't need to capture intact warships. We can find a damaged warship on the edge of the battlefield!"

Although the Zerg can only come out through the fissures in space at present, as their number increases, the scope of the war becomes wider.

Now you just need to find the right time and sneak to capture a damaged Zerg warship, which is not very difficult!

However, the time he needed had not yet come, because the Zerg had rushed out of the fissure in space for five hours, while the crystal spirit was under intense siege.

However, they did not fire the annihilation gun ~ ~ Instead, the number of Zerg was increasing, and they continued to expand around.

This made Zero secretly guarded, he didn't dare to act lightly.

"What's going on with the mechanical life?" Freeman looked coldly at the expanded battle. The strength of the Zerg forced their troops back tens of thousands of kilometers.

However, the retreat of the crystal spirit is not chaotic. Under their intentional guidance, the Zerg warship formation is unconsciously just in the direction of mechanical life.

At this moment, the Zerg are in the middle of the crystal and mechanical life.

This is a plan that has been laid out for a long time. Once the mechanical life comes, they will use the annihilation cannon to blast these **** bugs and mechanical life into slag!

However, until now there has been no movement in mechanical life.

This makes Freeman uncomfortable. The Zerg warships will definitely increase more and more, which will multiply their sacrifices. This is not what he wants to see!

But Freeman didn't know that he was monitoring every move.

Moreover, even if there is no zero surveillance, Cheng Yuan and Zero themselves are wary of Jingling's actions early!

While alerting to the movement of Jingling, Cheng Yuan and Zero didn't waste time waiting. They quietly sent a team of twenty battleships to the rear of the Zerg.

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