Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 950:

"Space ..." Cheng Yuan thought about his chin.

A separate and independent space.


Cheng Yuan suddenly remembered that before he had read the data of at force field, didn't he just need a kind of 'world' material?

However, this kind of material is very rare and belongs to the barrier material between space and space.

To be straightforward, that is the wall in the middle of the two rooms!

After learning about the matter from the core of technological crystallization, Cheng Yuan immediately gave up the plan to develop a force field.

After all, he didn't know where to look for that stuff!

But now he realizes, isn't there just what he needs?

This makes Cheng Yuan very tempted. If he can make an at force field, this will become his super killer. Think about all the enemy's attacks being invalid to himself, but he can launch various kinds of attacks on the enemy at will attack.

He was looking forward to what the Crystal Spirit would feel after encountering the at force field.

Although in the eva animation, the at force field comes from the so-called soul or spiritual power, but the interpretation given by the crystallization of technology is a space barrier!

In this way, the properties of the two at-force fields are completely different.

The at force field given by the crystallization of science and technology belongs to the application of space technology, while the animation is the mind, which belongs to the more fantasy category.

His space force field does not simply resist external attacks, but directly absorbs external attacks and introduces them into the realm.

The absorbed energy, whether it is pure particle energy or explosive energy, will be used to fill the world.

When the force field is filled with energy, it can burst out and fight the enemy at once!

It can be said to be the most perfect defense!

Of course, there are also weaknesses. Continuous high-energy attacks can hit the center's combat units at the moment when the force field erupts, eliminating them.

However, this weakness is optional, after all, Cheng Yuan can't be stupid enough to stand in place and be rushed by the opponent.

The strength of the at force field is unquestionable, but Cheng Yuan is still unable to make his own at force field simply by knowing the possible existence of boundary substances.

Because he didn't know how to collect material matter!

Space is too esoteric to be defined by ordinary matter.

Not to mention the boundary matter stored in the barriers of space!

Thinking of this, Cheng Yuan sighed suddenly.

Hearing a sigh, he was puzzled: "What's wrong, although the crystal civilization process is much higher than ours, but as long as we quietly collect each other's technical information, we can quickly grow to their strength. . "

Compared with the speed of civilization, no biological civilization dares to say that it can compare with the speed of machinery.

He is confident that after absorbing the technical information of Jingling, he will develop at a very fast speed.

"not this."

Cheng Yuan waved his hand. He didn't explain his thoughts with Zero.

"Let's think about how to solve the situation at the moment. We need to make sure that Jingling doesn't find out that we already know their combat information."

He shifted the subject.

Zero didn't follow up, and he nodded and said, "Indeed, we can't let the other party find out. Otherwise, they will definitely suspect that the information was leaked, and then strengthen the prevention of information."

Considering that Jingling has not found that its intelligent network has been invaded, Zero needs to do some surface work to confuse Jingling's sight.

Rather than get technical information about the crystal spirit, everything else must stand back.

"Otherwise, we can directly show the existence of bio-metals and let them see that we are experimenting here. At that time, whether we continue to stay here or retreat, Jingling will not be too suspicious."

Zero said his thoughts, and then looked at Cheng Yuan.

"This method is good, but the embryos we put in have not even been in a month, have they been formed?"

"There are so many." Zero opened a data frame dedicated to monitoring the movement of the embryos, saying: "These embryos float very fast in the radiation zone, some of them are still hovering in the middle of the torn area, and some of them Cross the rift and enter the forbidden zone of life. "

In the data frame, countless red dots are blinking, and the red dots are large and small, the small one is about one millimeter, and the larger one is already five or six centimeters!

The most exaggerated is a red dot next to the crack, which actually reached four meters!

Cheng Yuan looked at the data frame in surprise, it was difficult to set the channel: "Here, what is the proportion of this data?"

He didn't believe that the size of the embryo was exactly what the data screen showed.

1: 1000

One centimeter is equivalent to about one kilometer in length.

Zero shows the proportion in front of Cheng Yuan.

"Bottom!" Cheng Yuan couldn't help but cursed. According to this ratio, wouldn't the largest red dot have a volume length of 400,000 meters?

It ’s only half a month without this time!

"This is still growing?"

"Yes, the data feedback is still growing, and it's getting faster and faster, and I don't know what happened." Zero answered.

Cheng Yuan couldn't imagine how big it would be to continue to grow this red dot.

When the two discussed their metal embryonic growth, a large fissure was very similar in appearance to the fissure, and the oval-shaped flat metal matter was as close to the gap as the leech.

Countless sharp tentacles penetrate deep into the gap on the surface of the metal substance, and each tentacle has a circle of gray halo transmitted from the tip of the puncture gap to the metallic substance through the tentacles.

Each time the halo enters, the volume of the metal substance increases by one more circle, and then more sharp tentacles grow from the body surface and penetrate into the gap.

It grows faster in this cycle.

And each time the energy is absorbed, the color of the surface of the metal substance is closer to the color of the gap itself.

In addition to this, many reticular metal substances can also be seen around the cracks, and these substances are also absorbing the surrounding dark energy.

Whenever a space tear occurs, a new grid is torn in this grid, and a strange phenomenon can be found.

These metal substances not only did not break due to the tearing of space ~ ~ but the volume has increased a circle!

These metal substances are all biological metal embryos that have been introduced in zero. Under the harsh environment where two spaces overlap and overlap, not only have they not been swallowed, but they have grown crazy with the help of space energy and endless dark energy!

Cheng Yuan looked at the data frame, all the embryos were growing constantly, and he was excited except to be surprised.

"Then, let's recover the nearest embryos first. You can do it if you have the number." Cheng Yuan is looking forward to what these embryos will look like.

What special defense weapons will there be?

"OK." Zero responded.

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