Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 949:

"What the **** is going on?" Cheng Yuan asked again, looking at a serious zero, feeling that this time should not be so skinny.

He Ling said solemnly, "Crystal is preparing to dispatch two more Titan fortresses."

"Get two more !? They are going to continue the war?" Cheng Yuan was a little worried, not knowing how many troops Jingjing would dispatch this time.

一次 This time the opponent has almost figured out their number of troops. It would be very unfavorable for him if he came directly to the army!

In addition, it takes a short time for bio-metals to grow. If a war starts during this time, it will be very uncomfortable.

"The other side didn't make two Titan fortresses just to deal with us." Zero shook his head and explained, "They are to deal with another civilization!"

Speaking of this, Zhe's tone was slightly dignified.

"Another civilization !?" Cheng Yuan widened his eyes and said in surprise, "There are other civilizations near us?"

Wu Chengyuan felt cold for a while, and there were other civilizations around him, but their investigation did not find any traces, which made him drum in his heart.

"Well, we also know this civilization." Zero answer.

"We know?" Cheng Yuan thought for a while in surprise, but soon he thought of it.

"Don't you mean the civilization like a worm?" If the centaur galaxy's crystal civilization is the best he knows so far.

Then the bug that had a large-scale battle with Jingling tens of thousands of years ago was Cheng Yuan's second civilization.

"It was them ..." Cheng Yuan said just now and suddenly hesitated.

He stared at Zero, "You mean, there are those bugs near us !?"

If it is said that they can still interact with the current Jingling, but if he is allowed to face those bugs, he is 10,000 unwilling!

After all, the end of the original battle showed that the yellow bug civilization has won!

Wu Jingling is so weak now that he can be bullied twice, and a large part of the credit goes to those bugs!

When thinking of the horror of this civilization, Cheng Yuan couldn't sit still.

"Where are they?"

Yuan Ling saw Cheng Yuan panicked, and quickly comforted: "In a special universe region called the forbidden zone of life by the Crystal, we have not obtained all the information from the Titan Fortress."

虽然 "Although this yellow worm civilization has severely damaged the crystal spirit, they were finally sent into the forbidden area of ​​life by the crystal's annihilation cannon. There is no star energy exhausted there, and it is difficult to say whether they are still alive."

"Exterminate the gun?" Cheng Yuan heard a new term, but this time he didn't make a fuss.

After invading Jingling's intelligent center from zero through the network, their understanding of Jingling will be deepened.

"It is the weapon that has been used on us several times before. The first time is the weakened version, but it just broke our energy barrier.

The second time was the attack that the other party directly wiped us out. Although I do n’t know why it missed, you can see the power of the annihilation gun. "

As soon as he thought of the scene like tearing the universe, Cheng Yuan was silent.

怎么 How can he face this powerful weapon?

"By the way, you just said that Jingling didn't specifically deal with us, did you mean that Jingling cares more about those bugs?" Cheng Yuan asked while thinking.

Although the annihilation gun is extremely powerful, it is not a solution.

不 Isn't there a good solution right now?

Just let Zero Invasion control the opponent's Titan Fortress, let alone annihilate the cannon, so that they can't even hit a bunch of energy cannons!

"Yes, the spooky radiation zone in front of us is actually the space tearing effect produced by the overlapping of the forbidden life zone and this universe of space."

Zero quickly browse the relevant information, and then relay it to Cheng Yuan.

"Crystals couldn't make their warships tolerate space tearing, but they were afraid that the worms that they had exiled to the forbidden area of ​​life would come out of it, so they were ready to take a risk and try to use the annihilation cannon to attack the forbidden area of ​​life and the rift in this universe . "

Cheng Chengyuan's brow froze tightly. He could understand the former for the "space tearing" and "forbidden zone of life" in Zero.

But he didn't understand the restricted life zone.

"Zero, isn't the forbidden area of ​​life that you said is not the failure of this universe, how can there be the concept of two spaces overlapping and overlapping?" Cheng Yuan frowned. He seemed to think of something just now, but he couldn't catch that thing. He is very depressed.

Zero didn't know much about the forbidden life zone. Fortunately, the other party has several research spaceships. The intelligent hub of these spaceships stores a lot of crystal knowledge!

He explained: "If the forbidden zone of life can be understood this way."

Suppose we compare the universe to a cube, with the plane A above and the plane F below. There are four planes B, C, D, and E between A and F.

Inside this cube, there are countless special routes, long or short. These routes are like highways to get us where we want to go faster.

Xun Sheng was afraid that Cheng Yuan could not understand by his own words. He also made a virtual cube in front of Cheng Yuan, enlarged the cube by zero, and added white lines inside.

The lines are very thin and many, and each one does not overlap.

这些 "These are the wormholes we know so far."

Xu Ling glanced at Cheng Yuan, and continued to see that he had no problems: "Then the life restricted area."

He drew many spheres in the cube. The spheres are large and small, and even some wormhole tunnels are included.

这些 "These spheres are individual spaces, you can think of them as rainbow candy in a box. But the normal way is not to enter these separate spaces."

Cheng Chengyuan thought: "A separate space ..."

Zero didn't notice Cheng Yuan's status at this time ~ ~ After all, he couldn't read Cheng Yuan's thinking. Seeing Cheng Yuan's appearance, he continued: "Before this space before our eyes, It was also introduced that it is a space with scarce energy, so it is called a forbidden life zone. "

"But according to Jingling's research data, they think that these special spaces are not all the same, and it is possible that a certain independent space is huge and unimaginable, and even other civilizations exist!

So far, the researchers of the crystal spirits have also proposed the concept of the irregular shape of the universe.

They think that the universe has no shape. If the universe has to be shaped, it is also formed by the combination of polyhedron spaces with different shapes. "

After reading these materials, Zero couldn't help but sigh: "Wow, their understanding is completely different from ours. We still think the universe is round."

"Nonsense, our observation boundary is the point at the same time radiating to the outside, and the observed universe is naturally round." Cheng Yuan is not very interested in the topic of universe form.

He was more concerned about what he thought just now, but he couldn't catch it!


He always felt like he had forgotten something.

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