Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 951:

Zero's silent invasion did not attract Jingling's attention, they knew nothing about it.

As Cheng Yuan guessed, Jingling is very confident in his biological intelligence. It is a very unique technology to transform and store information through biological signals.

独特 This uniqueness is not based on technical strength, but on 'bio'!

If it weren't for their mastery of the magical creature 'Jellyfish', there would be no so-called biological intelligence.

加上 Plus each type of creature has its most unique biological signal, even if you want to imitate it.

As for catching 'jellyfish' for research.

Wu Jingling also believes that he has an absolute leading edge in this regard.

But they never thought about it. If they face a real intelligent life, the so-called uniqueness is just a fence that can be crossed at any time.

Wu Jingling is now deploying his own plan. The fear of yellow head worms in the restricted area of ​​life has kept them from focusing on Cheng Yuan.

It will take another week for the Titan Fort to reach the edge of the rift. During this period, all they can do is to monitor the rift as much as possible and occasionally look at the actions of the mechanical life.

的 Bran who took the observation task naturally did not dare to neglect. [Yellow-headed worm] This is another name for the worm civilization, because so far, they can only be named by the counterpart's golden-colored worm head.

In fact, many researchers in Jingling use scientific methods to call each other, Zerg!

The cricket was just disgusted by the Zerg, so many crystal spirits did not recognize it.

But because the monitoring of cracks cannot be approached, it can only be monitored remotely by detectors, which makes Bran unconsciously pay more attention to mechanical life that has not been particularly dynamic.

Although the maggots are a threat, mechanical life cannot be underestimated!

Even if the number of opponents seems small, their crystal spirits have not had a real victory so far.

Isn't such a civilization enough to get them to take it seriously?

Although he does not understand the high-level ideas, Bran feels that he should pay attention to these mechanical lives!

On the third day of observation, he suddenly found that the mechanical life was in motion.

画面 The picture of large-scale monitoring instruments responsible for observing the life of machinery has changed. The monitoring scope of these large-scale monitoring instruments is very wide.

Otherwise, they would not be able to observe the rift over millions of kilometers.

Although this instrument has a wide range of observations, it cannot observe the details. After all, a little common sense knows that it will deploy anti-detection methods in its own area.

That's why he frequently sent reconnaissance planes for close patrols. One was to see if the mechanical life had sent small units of troops to attack them.

I changed to another civilization, and he may not have paid so much attention yet.

However, the combat ability of the individual soldiers of mechanical life is simply a powerful horror. If you don't pay attention to let the other party get into their station, it will be a devastating blow!

It's a headache for Bran.

Of course, he also wonders why the mechanical life of individual soldiers is so powerful, but whether it is a battleship or a unit, it is so small!

He is not that he despise or reject small mechanical life.

It is the particularity of the universe battlefield that makes it difficult for small units to maintain their battery life.

The light is far enough to despair small units.

In addition to this, the huge size is also more resistant ... fuck!

This is like a one-meter wooden board and a two-meter table. Obviously, it is much easier to destroy a wooden board than to destroy a table!

Bran curiously watched the changes on the side of the mechanical life, but gradually his face was surprised.

He soon couldn't sit still.

Because he saw an extremely incredible scene, he found that the mechanical life received something from the radiation zone.

The picture is fuzzy, he didn't see it clearly, but it is definitely not a small thing, because if it is too small, it will not be detected!

He was horrified in his heart, but he was not slow, and quickly ordered the intelligence to process the picture. He wanted to see what the mechanical life got out of it.

The processing speed of intelligence is naturally very fast. Coupled with the “help” on the side, Bran soon saw what the mechanical life received.

But the next moment, Bran stared at the display with a grimace.

"What are these things !?" he couldn't help muttering.

In the picture, there are totally weird things, anyway, nothing looks like a stable structure.

It looks like it is not a warship or an individual combat unit.

Although they don't understand what these mechanical lives are doing, Branco is not stupid. Their experts just said that their crystals can't take out the material that can be stored in the torn space.

This sentence Bran feels lingering in his ears and has not dispersed, as a result, everyone's mechanical life already has a substance that can exist under the tearing of space!

This technical advantage changed Bran's complexion. He didn't dare to report the situation quickly. In order to prove the credibility of his words, he also transmitted the video together.

He knows that those experts are stubborn in some ways.

Especially let them swallow what they just said!

On the other side, Cheng Yuan also had a toothache. Looking at these strangely shaped embryos, he felt his heart was awful.

With this lesson learned, he is not very optimistic about the embryos placed in other regions.

"This is the result of free growth ..." Cheng Yuan glanced at Zero quietly.

Zero is also embarrassed. He did not expect that the result of free growth turned into such crooked and cracked dates. Didn't the built-in biological intelligence work?

Although it is said that it is free to grow, it is not that stupid to be that stupid.

At the very least, a fairly reliable growth range will be set!

"Uh ..." I didn't dare to pick up Cheng Yuan at zero, and I could only choose to shift the topic.

"Let's see what capabilities these shaped embryos have." Zero hastily retrieve the corresponding biological intelligence and see what special attack methods these strange shaped embryos have.

First, the shape is like a diamond-shaped single crystal, but it is more exaggerated. The rhomboids grow from multiple angles outward, and the prisms are of different lengths and are very irregular.

Because I am not familiar with this single crystal, Zero can only issue a very simple command, which is to attack the arranged target.

The order was issued, and the single crystal reacted immediately. I saw one of the prisms suddenly emit a gray-white light ~ ~ After the light hit the target, there was no explosion or breakdown, but the target disappeared directly!

I just disappeared into the sight of Cheng Yuan and Zero directly!

"What kind of attack is this?" Cheng Yuan's original unhappy face immediately changed. This kind of attack that directly caused the target to disappear can be described in an incredible way!

Zero quickly shook his head: "I don't know, but according to the feedback from the biological intelligence, all prisms of this single crystal can attack at the same time."

Oh! ?

Cheng Cheng brightened his eyes and let it continue to try.


Then a dense array of targets appeared around the single crystal, and then the single crystal radiated in the next moment. The dense light was emitted from the prism and swallowed up all the targets.

"It's very good!" Cheng Yuan felt that he seemed to have lost his sight. Although the shape was not so good, the power was unexpectedly powerful.

"You try to see its attack power, how big an object can disappear."


Zero naturally also wants to know the limit of this single crystal.

With the good performance of single crystals, both Cheng Yuan and Zero were interested in the next few shaped embryos.

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