Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 941:

投放 "Released?" The thick voice echoed in the bright and spacious room.

In the prison, which is comparable to the Titan Fortress, the warden blankly looked at the black shadow on the screen and replied lightly: "It has been released, remember what I want."

"Rest assured, the money will arrive soon." Hei Ying's voice was specially processed. He seemed to be afraid of others' knowledge. He fluttered back and quickly closed the communication.

After the screen went dark, the warden chuckled and said, "Nauseous means."

当然 He certainly knows the identity of the person just thrown out, but as the chief of the prison system independent of other systems, he doesn't care about Clo's identity at all.

Cloe may have been in a very high status before, but when he was taken to his prison, the fate of the big man was in his own hands.

Although he cannot violate the orders of the General Senate, there are countless ways in which the orders can be executed.

The Supreme Senate's order is to banish the border.

But there are no specific details, and here is the possibility of operation.

If someone is behind or has money, he doesn't mind giving Clo an elegant place as a place of exile.

It's a pity that Clo has offended many people. They paid for Clo to enter the Equatorial Planet.

"This is something he can do with just moving his mouth. Why not take advantage of it?" After all, how can he and his men maintain a decent life if they don't search for oil and water from prisoners?

Relying on that fixed salary that has not changed for 10,000 years?

Is just joking!

And this is not what he Murphy is doing. The same is true of other prisons. It is not that they are corrupt but real life has to make him do it.

Even if you want to be honest and honest, you must consider for your own family.

What's more, some prisoners will generously buy prison guards in order to prevent their prison life from being punished.

Here, in addition to being freely confined to the prison, they do not need to work or train, they can watch entertainment programs, they can play games, they can smoke and drink, and they can even find their younger sisters to relax.

If you have no money, you can only do the hardest and most tiring work honestly, and even because the prison guards don't look at you pleasingly, you need to blame other prisoners.

For example, two years ago, a Jingling felon was sentenced to red star mining for sixty years, which is almost equivalent to the death penalty.

Because all the related crystal spirits know that mining in Red Star not only faces the harsh climate, food and water are scarce resources, the most terrifying is the monsters that exist on the planet itself.

These are the deadliest.

It was clear that Red Star's bad felony prisoner immediately spent 300 million dollars to make Murphy use another prisoner to plead guilty. Now this heavy criminal who should have struggled with Red Star to survive is still happy in his prison. Too!

Here, having money and having no money are two very different concepts.

Murphy was very curious, who in the end did Crowe offend, and the other party actually spent 500 million to exile him to Red Star.

Although at first the other party was planning to spend one billion yuan to kill Cloe directly in prison, Murphy refused, although one billion was very tempting.

But he still has his own principles.

Never go against the judgments and orders of the General Senate!

So, whoever wants to trade money directly for freedom, he will never do it!

But the others are easy to say.

Uh ...

Puppet Central Star, after Clo's verdict, the high-level officials also announced the matter to the public, and they made no mention of the situation on the battlefield at that time.

He just grabbed Crow and ignored his compatriots' life, and launched a mighty annihilation gun, causing millions of soldiers to die. This also made the unsuspecting people angry and annoyed that Crow was blasted into slag!

有人 Some people are happy about this because they can take part in the position of commander of the Third Army. Some people said that it didn't matter, because neither Clow nor the Third Army could reach out.

The last one would count Carol, and he expressed regret.

However, this is only the case. After all, it is not just those high-level officials who offend him. This time, the First Army and the Second Army jointly put pressure on the Chief Senate to pay attention.

If the soldiers of the First and Second Legions died in the hands of the enemy, perhaps the commanders of the two major legions would only at least sneer at Crowe's incompetence.

But he will never target him, but their soldiers died in the hands of Clo.

"Carroll, stop showing regret, the young man's impulse will be responsible for his own impulse. I think the most important thing to pay attention to now is the situation in the ruined area!" Augusti, an old friend and old friend He came to Carroll, looking very serious.

Carol frowned slightly, her face was also dignified, she said in a deep voice: "I really need to investigate, I hope that the worst situation will not happen. A mechanical life is enough to cause headaches. If they reappear, Jingling may be really It would be dangerous! "

"I can only pray." Augustine sighed and then invited: "Are you going to have a drink?"

当然 "Of course!" Carol accepted readily.

When changes occurred on the side of Jingling, Cheng Yuan and Zero also started a new round of improvements to their army.

First of all, in the size of the battleship, after several battles, Cheng Yuan and Zero realized that the advantages brought by the size of the battleship were huge.

Although a huge body is more likely to be the target of an attack, if the opponent's attack power is insufficient, relying on huge reminders can completely ignore the direct crushing of the past.

It's like hitting a 100-meter-wide concrete wall with the most common pistol. A bullet may cause damage to the wall, but it won't hurt at all.

Unless the pistol is replaced with a cannon, then the concrete wall can be regarded as a threat.

The corpus callosum is on the one hand, and the use of biometals on the materials has also spread.

The battleship is different from a single-armed body, so Cheng Yuan and Zero used the simplest method to use bio-metals, allowing it to eliminate the drawbacks of pure machinery.

As for the role of growth and evolutionary change is not added.

The feature of being evolvable, Cheng Yuan and Zero's final discussion is that whether it is a spherical embryo or a fixed model embryo, it can be manufactured.

The former is a unique combat unit, while the latter is a mass production unit.

With the decision, Cheng Yuan and Zero sent the spherical embryo into various special universe or planetary environments.

环境 In the environment of black holes, wormholes, cosmic storms, and various kinds of different energy rays, in addition to this, Cheng Yuan sends some embryos to some very special planets.

For example, in a planet with absolute zero or in a high temperature environment.

These places are where the embryo grows.

Cheng Yuan even sent several embryos to a planet composed of water. This planet without a continent made Cheng Yuan very curious and had an urge to study it.

Because he found that although the planet is all water, the overall atmospheric environment is very similar to the earth!

In other words, this is a planet suitable for human existence, as long as there is enough land!

Uh ...

An exploration spaceship with a golden ball-shaped logo on its surface slowly flies over the edge of the ruins. There are more than a dozen intelligent robots in the exploration spaceship ~ ~ Dididi —— "A brief and urgent alarm sound suddenly explored the spacecraft Within rang loudly.

"Unstable energy fluctuations are found, the energy type is unknown, the frequency of energy fluctuations has been recorded, and information is being transmitted ..."

After the alarm sound, the intelligence carried by the exploration spacecraft will report its own operation log to each intelligent robot through broadcasting, and also transmit the new information received back to the general information station.

In the face of this situation, if it is a human or a crystal spirit, no matter which one is hesitant at this time.

Because in the face of the unknown, as a living body, they all need to consider safety issues, so they will hesitate to continue to look into the source of this special energy fluctuation.

But smart robots are different. After discovering this strange frequency of energy fluctuations, there is no hesitation to directly accelerate the speed of exploring the spacecraft towards the source of energy fluctuations.

However, this exploration spaceship has not even flew out ten thousand kilometers and suddenly disappeared!

No, it should not be said that it disappeared, but was directly crushed into a wire like a hair by some unknown force, and finally turned into an unremarkable dust in the universe.

Then, I was exploring the distance of the spacecraft's flight direction. I didn't know how far the space was. The purple light covered this area, and the light flickered frequently. If you look closely, you can see that the crack is bigger than before!

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