Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 940:

In the dim metal cell, the former Third Army Commander Clo, wearing a humble cotton vest, sat down on the metal bench with a slumped face. The cold texture of the metal made him feel cold from the bottom of his heart.

He thought he would be questioned, he would be embarrassed by the high level, and he would be punished.

But he never thought he was forced to be put in this damned metal cage by the law enforcement team the first time he returned!

Even the interrogation process is not!

This makes him unacceptable!

He thought of appealing, but no one paid attention to him, and only face indifferent to him.

This made Crow extremely sad. At this moment, the unique pedaling sound of leather shoes on the metal floor sounded, and the steps soon came to the door of the cell, accompanied by the sound of the metal gas valve opening, a familiar face Appeared in front of Clo.

In the dim light, Clo narrowed his eyes and looked at the man. He screamed in surprise: "Commander Carlo!"

There was a touch of surprise on Cuckoo's face, but the accident was fleeting and he returned to peace.

"It was decided to judge me?" Crowe suddenly laughed at herself and asked casually, "Can you tell me the result of the trial? I want to know where I will go in the future."

Carlo looked at Clo with regret. There was no mood swing in his old voice. He did not directly answer Clo's question, but instead asked: "Clo, you should know what you are doing."

He heard the words, and whispered, "Yes."

Carlo looked expressionlessly at Cro, lowering his head, a little harsher: "You've let me down too, Clo."

With a subtle sigh, Carlo suddenly said calmly, "Hello."

Carlo left, which made Crow very surprised. Did the other party come to see him in order to say this?

In desperation, Clo can only continue to wait.

After taking the nutritional supplement for another three days, a cold male metal synthesizing voice suddenly sounded at the top of the cell: "Prisoner, get out of your cell."

With this sound, the sound of the mechanical air valve sounded, and the door of the cell opened with the friction of the metal gears.

Mr. Cloe knew that the voice was not intelligent, the prison staff.

He got up and walked outside the cell, walking barefoot on the cold metal ground, the cold feeling seemed to pierce the soles of his feet.

Stubbornly uncomfortable, Crowe followed the instructions step by step.

He followed the instructions, and Clo came to a closed metal gate. The metal door was rusty, and old lights on the edge of the door were flashing red.

Everything seems to have been created tens of thousands of years ago! However, the prison is indeed very old, dating back to the time when the Crystal was just beginning the age of the universe.

"It's an old antique." Crowe laughed sarcastically.

As the commander of the Third Army, he was thrown directly into this oldest prison without a trial!

的 No one who came to this prison has a good ending.

"Drip——" A short squeak sounded, the red light turned green, and the metal gate crunched up and down to reveal the situation inside.

Inside the 狭 is a small spherical room with a small prototype platform in the middle and a large area of ​​exhaust pipes and circuit pipes exposed outside.

The bright incandescent lamp on the top of the center of the puppet made Clo's eyes narrow for a long time in the dark.

"Prisoner, step forward to the platform."

Crow walked forward, and he came to the middle of the prototype platform. There was a pair of metal plates in the shape of the soles. Clo had almost no need to guess. This was to get him to stand up.

Because he saw that this metal plate about the size of his feet was engraved with the same prisoner number 4538, which was also the cell number where he was just now.

He walked straight up.

The moment he stepped on, the metal soles on both sides of the foot suddenly extended out of metal round buckles to cover and wrap his feet, forming a pair of metal shoes!

Or, a pair of foot parts similar to a single soldier armor!

"Prisoner, 4538."

罪行 "Crime: Murder, Treason."

The sound of rang again, and his plain tone recounted.

Colo's complexion changed, he quickly wanted to come forward to refute, but he had just moved, but his feet were firmly fixed, no matter how hard he tried to break free!

"Damn! Open it! I have no treason, you are vilifying, vilifying a Legion Commander!" Crowe growled angrily.

I accused him of murder, and he would not refute, because one of his orders really killed countless fellow people for this, but to say that he was treasonous, he did not accept 10,000!

"I want to see the Chief of Staff!"

However, the other party didn't bother with Crowe's roar, and he has seen too many people who say he is not guilty.

The top of the **** suddenly opened above, revealing several cabins, with four robotic arms deep inside, holding some armor parts on the robotic arm.

Crow's heart was getting colder and colder. He didn't even have a chance to speak, and he was directly convicted!

Is this how the top is doing?

He was confused, without any rebellious actions. Let these robotic arms weld the piece of armor to him, chest, waist, arms!

The burning pain in his body made endless resentment flash in his dark eyes.

The exoskeleton spine on the back is close to the back, the cold sting brought by the sharp steel needles inside the exoskeleton into the spine nerves of the body brings endless hatred and madness!

Finally, when the helmets were welded together, it blocked his 狰狞 face.

"Prisoner 4538, now you will leave this prison and travel to the Equatorial planets, where you will face endless battles and killings!"

Then, sweating Clo, he felt that the entire spherical room was shaking, and then a strong sense of fall came, and the entire spherical room was launched!

Strong vibrations caused the lights above his head to flicker intermittently, and Clo, who was fixed all over his body, was still standing in the middle without shaking.

Soon, the sphere fell to the ground, and the spherical room opened from the top, showing in front of Crow's eyes the endless red storm and the battlefield of gunfire.

In the sky, huge flying monsters roared spraying flames and energy rays. The heavy footsteps on the ground were as shocking as the cymbals. The armored prisoners ran into a pool.

This is a sweeping planet!

There are many such sweeping planets in the Ning Jingling Empire.

虽然 Although the environment of these planets is harsh, there are still various terrifying indigenous monsters inside!

But this planet has a lot of empires that need resources. With the power of the crystal empire, you can easily destroy these indigenous monsters, and then collect the resources you need.

However, there are also good and evil in the crystal empire itself. There are ordinary goodness and evil criminals.

In addition, the crystal empire with a huge population base, even if there are only 10 criminals in each city, there are almost hundreds of thousands of criminals on a planet.

Hundreds of thousands of planets add up?

If so many criminals are sentenced indefinitely, how much financial pressure will be imposed on them by the Crystal Empire official?

Even the nutritional supplements cost money!

So, someone proposed this method, let the prisoners put on power armor, go to this mineral planet, and serve the empire for atonement!

He also thought that this was a very wise decision, but he did not expect that he would become a member of this decision one day!

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