Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 942:

The scary purple fissures are as eye-catching as the scars on the pure and flawless skin.

In the vicinity of this crack, there were some faint gray particles floating. These particles were not disordered. It seemed to be controlled. The gray particles combined together constantly hit the gap of the crack.

With the impact of these particles, the cracks continue to expand.

Twenty-three days later, the Titan Fortress's information storage center received a new message that contained an unprecedented frequency of energy fluctuations.

After this message, it was followed by the message of the destruction of the spacecraft.

发现 This discovery was not noticed at first. Due to the crystal spirit, their exploration spacecraft was destroyed in countless times during this period.

Moreover, his exploration spacecraft is always giving back all the videos and videos around him, and the information returned by each exploration spaceship is very huge.

It's impossible for him to pay special attention to any one.

But this time is different.

The destroyed exploration spaceship transmitted a unique message back in advance, and then was destroyed by itself.

结合 Combining the two, noticing the special energy fluctuations discovered by the exploration spacecraft, he immediately realized that his exploration spacecraft had made new discoveries in the ruined area.

This made Zero curious, he specially compiled the information records returned by this spacecraft, and then began to check.

Images and videos naturally can't let zero see the so-called special energy fluctuations, but in the next picture, the blurred purple light in the distance and the subsequently extinguished picture fragments.

He thought that the exploration spacecraft might have encountered a special cosmic region.

When I thought of my biological metal embryo, he felt that this was also a special growth environment. He didn't hesitate to inform Cheng Yuan of the news immediately.

Cheng Yuanzheng and Guo Xiaolian were resting in the room at this time. At the first hearing of the news, he agreed without much thought.

他 In his opinion, there are so many weird and strange areas in the universe, and it is not a big deal to have such a unique place in the huge ruins.

And the more complex the environment in which the biometal embryo grows, the more unique the ability to show in the future. The only thing that requires his and zero attention is the problem of biometal control.

Because of the complexity and change of the cosmic environment, although they have implanted and protected the biological intelligence and destructive dark matter fusion detonators in advance.

But who knows if there will be any special environment that will affect biological intelligence and cause accidents, so he pays full attention to those biological metal embryos that are put out.

Destroy as soon as you can't control it!

This two-way insurance approach is best for two people.

After all, the growth of biological metal embryos is uncertain. Who knows whether a terrible monster will be created because of a change in some cosmic environment?

If it is more serious, this uncertain growth-made monster becomes a chaotic and disorderly thing, and it will be destroyed when encountering anything. Isn't Cheng Cheng asking trouble for himself?

Biointelligence contains a lot of things, in addition to the basic execution program and its own logic program, it also includes some map coordinates and related settings for distinguishing ourselves from others.

If you can't control it, this stuff will find him here by following the map coordinates in the intelligence, and the result will definitely not be too wonderful.

Then Cheng Yuan continued to 'rest' with Guo Xiaolian. After receiving Yuan Yuan's approval, he directly dispatched a large transport ship to carry 30,000 unreformed initial embryos and 50,000 individual embryos fixed by the model.

Zero quantity is just right, not many and not very few.

Uh ...

The edge of the rubble area in a certain direction suddenly flashed blue lights. Within a few minutes, a large number of crystal fleets appeared here.

"There is no space interference, it is certain that the mechanical life is not nearby." A square-faced crystal bear with a beard said calmly in the flagship's main battle room.

碰撞 Since the collision with Cheng Yuan, each transition of Jingling has become very vigilant, for fear that his jump failure will be hanged in a cosmic slit directly.

He also gave Jingling a very clear reminder. As long as there is spatial interference around it, there is definitely a mechanical life.

With his confirmation, the frequency of light flashes became more frequent, and the edges of the original empty ruins were filled with a battleship in the blink of an eye.

In a battleship with a battleship of almost 30,000 kilometers, Bran switched on Hu Jingling's communication.

"Gambo, your vanguard squad explores around first," Bran ordered.

"Okay, commander." Luo Huganbo nodded earnestly.

When he was preparing to act, he heard Bran say again: "Remember, if you encounter that group of mechanical life, try to avoid not fighting, our purpose is not to fight against mechanical life, but to search for anomalies in the ruins."

Bran Blink's eyes flickered a bit, without explaining what the anomaly was. He could only try to fit their mission goals, hoping that he would not be mistaken.

He was very optimistic about Gambo, after all, the other person's calmness and obedience to orders never let him down.

明白 "Understood, commander." Gambo responded heavily, then let his pioneer team explore.

In addition to Gambo's vanguard team, Bran ordered the other teams in his army to spread out for a large-scale search.

To be honest, he cares more about the horrifying worm civilization that made their crystals suffer from disaster than the mechanical life.

The other party not only possesses advanced technological strength, but also the terrible and terrible one.

He was curious, how did those bugs have such powerful technological strength?

He watched a lot of recorded images of the previous crystal warfare and those bugs. The soldiers of the bug civilization were almost all large bugs that looked low in intelligence!

Although there are many types of horrors, they are spread throughout the sea, land, air and space.

He can still change their traits of being bugs. How did such a civilization develop?

This is not only his doubts, but also the doubts of many Jingling's top scientific research staff. They also cannot understand how these worms that don't seem to have big fingers have such a high 'IQ'?

They also wondered whether these bugs fighting them were the products of the civilization's biological engineering, and they were just consumables.

But as they exile these bugs to the forbidden zone of life, the war ends.

This situation has overturned their ideas ~ ~ After all, the other party is just a waste of bioengineering products. Even if they exile all the insects, the other party will definitely send real troops or regain their fanfare. Send a large number of bugs again to continue the aggression.

But not.

Coupled with the post-war crystal empire, not only needed to work hard to restore their strength, but also to cope with the prying eyes of the surrounding civilizations, which made them have to let go of the idea of ​​further research.

But this time, an idiot's blind arrogance not only killed countless soldiers in the Empire, but also released the bugs that made them disgusted and afraid.

He had to start studying the bugs of that year again in order to deal with the worst possible situation.

Wu Jingling's search range is very large, but their search is also clear. Although the ruins are very large, the cloak's idiot's annihilation cannon attack range and trajectory can still find traces.

So after losing several battleships, the crystal spirit soon discovered the existence of purple cracks, but because of the strangeness of the surrounding area, they could not approach at all.

Every nearby warship became the dust of the universe without exception.

Seeing this, Wu Bran immediately reported the situation to the central star. Such things need to be handled by the big man. He just needs to execute the order.

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