Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 936:

克 In Cloe's view, the war in the universe and the war inside the planet are completely different. If the habit of the planetary battlefield is brought into the universe, he will tell that commander what is really stupid!

This move is unexpected!

The speed of the chirped beam is very fast. Even if the intelligent robot responds fast, it is impossible to avoid all attacks.

The dense beam of light hits the outer armor of the battleship like raindrops. The high temperature and impact force carried by the beam directly dissolves part of the surface metal armor. After the energy impact, the dissolved metal is instantly cooled by the low temperature of the universe environment, forming a mass Unknown metal cuticle.

This is a very fragile mass of metal slag, which can be turned into chips with a touch, not to mention the subsequent energy impact.

A beam of energy hit this **** mass, and the high-temperature impact force was not hindered, directly smashing this layer of waste savagely and rushing into the armor, destroying a large amount of internal armor.

This formed another cycle.

The thickenable battleship armor was broken in layers under this phenomenon. Soon, a far-range battleship was engulfed in this dense beam of energy and exploded into a mass of cosmic dust.

Cheng Chengyuan looked at this scene in surprise, but he never thought that this kind of small energy attack could even destroy the battleship!

不得不 He had to be lamented that for science and technology civilization, the relationship between quantity and strength is definitely proportional.

At this moment, Zero suddenly reminded: "The opponent's Titan fortress has acted again, or the previous attack, they intend to continue to consume our energy shield!"

Cheng Cheng's eyes followed the picture pointed to by zero. The metal arthropods of the two Titan fortresses that had attacked before had an energy response again!

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan frowned.

零 "Zero, calculate, if we disrupt one of the energy cycles, can we let the other side's attack fail!" Looking at the two closely guarded Titan fortresses, Cheng Yuan's eyes were cold.

强大 How strong the Titan Fortress is, he knows well, after all, he has one himself. What's more, Jingling has also researched and transformed the Titan Fortress for thousands of years. The Titan Fortress they now own is definitely more powerful!

The Titan Fortress is powerful, and Cheng Yuan is naturally envious. He also considered whether he could make one by himself, and then turned the Titan Fortress into a part of his army.

But he soon discovered that although he has the technical strength to transform a planet, with his current technological means and manufacturing level, it will take about 3 years to transform a Titan fortress.

In addition, he also needs to find a suitable planet as a transformation target!

Obviously, he has not found such a planet yet, so he can only temporarily abandon the idea of ​​transforming the Titan fortress.

"It would be unrealistic to use a single energy to recharge a weapon with Titan Fortress's shape. The opponent's energy cycle is not connected into one piece. There are separate energy sources. Destroying one of them may make this Attack power decreased.

However, there is a great possibility that this attack will not be terminated. I suggest using a magnetic orbit launcher to launch the flying saucer as ammunition. The flying saucer can accelerate to a sub-light speed state in 3.5 seconds. At this speed, it is currently coming. It is said that nothing can stop it. "

"But ..." Zero looked seriously at the crystal Titan fortress, Shen Sheng said, "The Titan fortress is too big. I measured the volume of those metal arthropods, 30,000 kilometers wide and 50,000 kilometers thick. We Even a ten-fold increase in flying saucer can't cause effective damage. "

"Then increase the number." Cheng Yuan realized that the size of the flying saucer was too small.

However, this is also no way. In order for the flying saucer to have a powerful speed and energy barrier, Cheng Yuan cannot increase the size of the flying saucer to the same as his Gundam or battleship.

This is also a part of the trade-off, but not enough to make up.

But he just finished this sentence, and this only came to pass. If the number can be increased, Zero will never say those words just now, and he will definitely act directly!

"How many flying saucers can an electromagnetic orbit emit per second?" Cheng Yuan realized that the emission frequency of the electromagnetic orbit did not seem to keep up with the area they wanted to destroy.

After all, one of the other's metal arthropods is so huge.

晓 Guo Xiaolian, who was silent from the beginning, listened to the conversation between Cheng Yuan and Zero. She also knew in her heart that if this battle was lost, it would have a great impact on the future.

"That ..." She opened her mouth carefully, interrupting the two.

Cheng Yuan and Nuo stunned at the same time, and they looked at Guo Xiaolian with amazement.

"What's wrong, Xiaolian?" Cheng Yuan asked.

晓 Guo Xiaolian is a little tangled. She doesn't understand war, and she doesn't line up. When the two people are discussing how to destroy each other's energy cycle, she feels confused.

Since the flying saucer is so powerful, why not directly destroy the opponent ’s energy launch port?

Without the launch port, no matter how strong the energy loop of the Titan Fortress of the Crystal is, it can only suffocate in the interior, right?

Although she thought that this idea was a little whimsical, after all, she could think of it, and Jing Ling certainly thought of it.

The other party must take certain protection measures against this weakness.

Therefore, Guo Xiaolian was not very sure about her own method, but since she had to speak, she had to finish talking and secretly cheer herself up. Guo Xiaolian asked: "Zero, if you use a flying saucer to directly hit the crystal Titan Fortress launch port, you can stop the other party. Anti-material weapons? "

Cheng Ling stopped, Cheng Yuan was surprised.

"This ... if I directly hit the opponent's launch port, although it is not clear whether I can stop the opponent. But if I let a flying saucer carry a fusion missile to detonate internally, I am very confident that the other party cannot launch anti-matter particles." Zero positive answer.

The process is far away but bolder than zero. He took the conversation excitedly: "I think if you can make the flying saucer carry more fusion missiles, do you think you can directly blow up the Titan Fortress?"

飞 The original intention of the UFO design was not only to rely on energy shield armor ~ ~ they also considered this self-destructive beheading tactic.

Powerful defense and unparalleled speed, the execution of beheading tactics is absolutely impeccable!

"Zero, can fusion missiles set a timed detonation? Can you calculate the distance between the battleship in front of us and the opponent's Titan fortress, even if it is detonated at the launch port, it will be enough for our purpose!" Cheng Yuan clenched his fist and was excited Ground to zero commanded.

"Of course, but the fusion missile equivalent carried by the flying saucer is not enough. We still need a sufficient number, but this time we don't need too much." Zero nodded lightly.

"What are you waiting for, get up and running, how much time is left for Crystal's antimatter particle weapon to launch?"

"Uh ... about five seconds, we seem to need more time to perform this task. At present, the positions of the warships are dispersed more widely to minimize losses." After calculating the time zero, it was a bit awkward. Looking at Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Chengyuan heard it for only five seconds, and was helpless in his heart. It was only ten seconds from the beginning of the energy introduction of the opponent, which means that it takes only 15 seconds for the energy storage of this weapon to meet the requirements.

The interval between the launch and the last launch was no more than five minutes!

"It's a really powerful weapon. Let's stop by, let's talk about it after carrying this wave."

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