Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 935:

"Continue to bombard with fusion missiles and approach the other side at the same time." Cheng Yuan observed the situation on the battlefield and thought for a while and then ordered.

Hearing this order, he asked, "Are you sure?"

"It is certain that long-distance combat is extremely unfavorable to us. We cannot occupy much advantage in long-range artillery." Cheng Yuan looked intently at the three behemoths in the picture with a certain tone.

With three Titan fortresses, this is definitely a challenge. Cheng Yuan dare not carelessly. At the same time, he also speculated that the previous attacks that destroyed the planet may be the weapons carried by the three Titan fortresses.

只有 Only Titan Fortress has enough energy to support such a strong attack, ordinary warships can't do it at all!

Even those battleships longer than 3,000 kilometers!

Cheng Chengyuan can't do a blow to destroy a planet!

To be clear, the destruction of a planet and the destruction of life on a planet are two completely different concepts.

Just destroying everything on the surface of a planet, this kind of thing can be easily done for Cheng Yuan, but want to make a planet explode directly, and turn it into dust and debris in the universe, and give him time, although he can do it , But definitely not as crisp and clear as Jingling.

Thinking of the opponent's possible long-range bombardment at a very long distance, Cheng Yuan had to reduce the fighting distance between the two sides.

For close-range combat, if the opponent does not want to annihilate one shot directly and even kill himself, he certainly will not easily use that horrible and lethal weapon.

"Okay." There is no nonsense, and the control of the long-awaited battleships hastened to charge toward the crystal spirit.

Clo, seeing that the enemy's bee colony was finally restrained by them, he also quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then issued a new command through the internal communication channel: "counter-attack, destroy the enemy's bee colony, intercept the ship's firing induction pulse to block the enemy Missile! "

Although solving the enemy's bee colony, the unknown missile with terrorist destructive power surprised Clo.

This is the first time the enemy has fired. Before the opponent did not even fire a gun, they would defeat their crystal spirit's elite defense forces. If it was not fast, they would probably not even report.

"Are you looking at my strength?" Suddenly, an idea that made him a little bit happy and nervous came up in his mind. Clo shook his head and instructed his deputy: "Amy, inform Arc Light 2 and 3 No., using antimatter particle guns, the target is the enemy's battleship queue! "

Through the detection picture given by the brain, the enemy's battleships rushed towards them facing the Jin Cancan energy barrier.

Ron Crowe did not choose to let the enemy approach, but decided to destroy the opponent directly from a distance.

After all, although close-range combat cannot be said that their crystal spirit is a weak side, but he has a long-range threat attack, why should he fight close combat with the opponent?

"Yes!" Amy replied solemnly.

Although Amy is not pleasing to the eye, she will never intentionally do any small actions for this reason.

As Cheng Yuan's warship rushed towards the Crystal Phalanx quickly, the circular bands of Arclight 2 and 3 lit up with dark red light at the same time, and the terrifying energy flowed inside the circular band.

"Target, enemy energy barrier, launch!"

"Boom!" The two arc-shaped endless belts trembled at the same time. The horrible dark red energy entangled the lightning crack, and instantly hit Cheng Yuan's battleships.

快 Two fast and unresponsive energy attacks hit the energy barrier. This sudden scene surprised Cheng Yuan. He quickly got up from his seat and opened his eyes to see the dark red energy entangled by lightning.

Cheng Chengyuan looked at the picture in front of him in disbelief. This energy attack is very similar to the previous obliteration gun, which made Cheng Yuan wrongly judge that the opponent directly attacked himself with the oblivion gun!

This made him extremely nervous. At first, the simple annihilation gun carried by a small battleship destroyed several teams of him. Isn't the annihilation gun fired by the Titan Fortress more terrifying?

However, the next scene made Cheng Yuan and Ling Jing startled. I saw that the energy barrier did not appear in the imagination. The opponent's red energy attack directly swallowed all the warships in the attack range.

Is his energy barrier so fragile?

"Our battleship is okay at present, but the attacking energy of the opponent is very weird. They are actually penetrating our energy barrier!" Zero frowned, watching this scene very puzzled.

"Infiltration!" Cheng Yuan sank in his heart, he said very seriously: "If the barrier is infiltrated, all these warships within the attack range will be destroyed ?!"

With two hands pressed on an interface, the data on the screen in front of him is refreshed: "As you said, if the barrier is penetrated, the destruction of the battleship is certain. The most annoying thing is that the other party has found a way to deal with the flying saucer and energy barrier. Way, this is extremely bad for us! "

不过 "But I am analyzing the nature of this energy and it will take some time."

Cheng Cheng saw this situation and did not bother with zero analysis, but watched the battlefield analyze how to deal with it.

At this time, the area where the two sides exchanged fire has been covered by numerous energy rays and electromagnetic pulses.

After hitting the energy shields of both sides, these energy weapons did not cause any substantial damage at all, except for a ray of light shining on the surface of the shield.

The Jingling, who occupied the size and quantity advantage of the battleship, naturally took the initiative on the battlefield. After seeing that ordinary energy attacks could not cause an effective strike, the densely packed fighters inside these huge battleships were dropped and rushed to Cheng Yuan's troops.

Those warships that are not in the range of the anti-matter particle cannon attack are also not to be outdone. New flying saucers and gundams are launched to join the battlefield. However, Cheng Yuan did not dare to continue using the flying saucer because of this fear.

Although the flying saucer cannot be effectively controlled due to electromagnetic interference, if the flying saucer is directly launched as a disposable weapon, relying on the collision of the flying saucer that is almost comparable to the speed of light, it can also cause terrifying destructive power!

At least the crystal warship shield and those ordinary fighters are irresistible!

Although Cheng Chengyuan does not know who the Jingling's commander is, this wrong tactical arrangement does not know what to say.

对方 Does the other party think that with the weapon against the flying saucer, he can recklessly send small fighters to fight him?

He didn't know that his arrangement would be despised by Cheng Yuan, but even if he knew it, he wouldn't care, because when his fighter flew out of the scope of the battleship shield.

In Cheng Yuan's battleship lineup, the impact of antimatter particle guns has disappeared, the energy consumption of antimatter particle guns has been exhausted, and the energy barrier that Cheng Yuan used to protect the warships has also disappeared.

At this time, the fighters dispatched by Clo were unified for a round of salvos, and the targets were those of Cheng Yuan who lost their energy shields!

Who stipulates that small fighters must approach the attack?

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