Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 937:

The anti-matter particle gun fired again.

The huge beam of energy went straight to those warships that still kept the energy barrier, and the distance between the warships on their side was widened early, so the antimatter particle gun only hit more than 300 warships this time.

These three hundred warships were targeted. There was no chance to dodge, but the surrounding warships avoided the range of the antimatter particle gun.

Except that a part of it was rubbed by the energy beam, the rest was safe.

And the warships rubbed by the anti-matter particle cannon's energy beams did not suffer any damage, except that the total energy of the dark energy reactor that provided the energy barrier energy dropped by one space, and it was not much.

With this scene, Cheng Yuan and Zero Confidence have greatly increased.

As long as they survive this wave of offensive, their chance to fight back is here!

Kluo, who was sitting in the arc control room, watched the antimatter particle cannons cooperate with his small fighter to destroy hundreds of enemy ships again. Instead, he looked solemn with no joy.

"The other party's response is very fast, so it is difficult to eliminate the other party in a large area." Amy said aside, the cold voice added a serious atmosphere to the entire control room.

洛 Clomer nodded silently, he watched the situation on the battlefield silently, and there was a doubt in his dark eyes.

"Amy, do you think that the opponent's front is always only that little?" Clow extended his right hand, and his thumb and index finger as thick as a carrot turned away.

Amy's expression did not change at all, and she calmly replied, "Yes, our brains have calculated that the length of the opponent's front is only 13,000 kilometers, but it is not possible to ambush the other."

She analyzed it very carefully. As soon as Crow asked this question, she understood Crow's intentions, but as an aide, she only had the right to suggest, not the right to order.

"I also understand, but we can send a bee colony to try it out. If there is an ambush just to force them to show up, if there is no ambush ..." Clow snorted, and said coldly, "The whole army is on!"

As soon as Amy was in her heart, she responded: "Understand!"

Uh ...

The energy beam of the antimatter particle gun gradually dissipated, and Cheng Yuan and Zero put the flying saucer already equipped with fusion missiles into the electromagnetic orbit launch port of the battleship.

They must seize this opportunity to fight back while the opponent is still focusing on attacking those warships that have lost their protective shield!

"Target locked, enemy Titan fortress, range 3.2 million kilometers, launch!"

With the sound of electronic synthesis falling down, a large number of flying saucers were projected into each battleship. Under the acceleration of the electromagnetic orbit, the flying saucer reached one-third of its original speed from the time it left the electromagnetic orbit.

Nearly one-tenth the speed of light!

Then the flying saucer opens the energy barrier, and once the protection is in place, the speed increases again!


The high-speed emission makes the temperature of the electromagnetic orbit gradually increase, and the subsequent flying saucer can clearly see the electric light and sparks when launching.

这一 But at this moment, neither Cheng Yuan nor Zero cares about the integrity of the electromagnetic orbit. For them, the only goal is whether their plan can be successful.

Can the opponent ’s weapon be scrapped, and even further the Crystal Titan fortress to be destroyed directly!

一次 This time, the appearance of the flying saucer has completely changed. In less than two seconds, the speed of the flying saucer is directly increased to infinitely close to the speed of light.

The flying saucer activates all energy, and the original silver-white body shell is also stained with a white dazzling light at this time. Combined with the external energy barrier, it emits a bright light like a small sun.

Perhaps a small flying saucer is difficult to notice in the context of the universe, but when the number of flying saucers is hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands, it is especially striking in the entire battlefield.

Rick Crowe and Amy discovered the situation the first time.

A huge number of golden flying saucers are shining on the battlefield at the same time! It's hard to dye people without paying attention!

Especially, Clo has also suffered from the loss of flying saucers, and pays special attention to the 'little things' appearing on the battlefield.

The flying saucer flies at infinitely near the speed of light, without any turning behavior in the middle, and rushes straight towards the set target. All objects blocking them along the way, including small stars and crystal warships, are shattered.

As Cheng Yuan said just now, at this speed, unless the flying saucers collide with each other to offset each other, otherwise nothing can stop them!

"A lock signal was detected, and the target arc light No. 2 and No. 3." Arc light's brain gave a prompt.

Hearing the reminder, Clo's heart jumped, and he yelled: "The arc light opens the energy link barrier!"

He didn't know how strong the impact of the flying saucer was, but he didn't dare to test the impact of the opponent with arc light. Moreover, the performance of the flying saucer has entered the vision of Jingling's high level very early, and no one dares to belittle it.

When I heard that the other party's goal turned out to be his arc light fortress, Clo was instantly unable to sit still!

"Enable energy link, countdown to recharge, 5, 4, ..."

As soon as Crow's mouth twitched, before he could speak again, he saw countless flying saucers dragging their golden tails against the other two arc light forts!

Although he couldn't hear the sound through the cosmic vacuum, he watched the little golden objects break the outer energy shield of the Titan fort without any hindrance.

And the fortress ’s huge energy shield was crushed without even showing a little blocking effect.

Then he could only watch as the golden streamers who couldn't see the shadows rushed into the huge launch port in the center of Arc Light Fortress.

After a short time, ZhiNao issued a voice again: "The energy link points 2 and 3 suffered unknown attacks, the energy connection went wrong, and the energy link was terminated ..."

Clow listened to this voice, and the green face was white at this moment.

Walking next to him, Amy was also pale.

They both realized that the other party was going to break into the fortress directly with this rare speed to destroy!

The most hateful thing is that they have no means to deal with this destruction!

Unparalleled speed makes them helpless!

"Why doesn't our electromagnetic interference work?"

Clow slammed the metal table in front of himself, "But it doesn't matter, the other party may use this pure speed to do small-scale destruction. These flying saucers are too small. Even if the speed is opened again, the destructive power will be It's the same as a needle. "

As soon as he said it, he saw the white light shining through the gaps in the surface of the Arc Fortresses No. 2 and No. 3.

Seeing this situation, Clo's heart jumped fiercely ~ ~ the breath stopped.

"this is……"

Unbelievable, the light is getting brighter and brighter, and then a terror of white energy erupts from inside the fort ...

The lights are out!

Arc Light Fortress No. 2 and No. 3 lost signals at the same time, and Clo and Amy looked at the scene stupidly at the same time, looking dull.

Although there are no quarters or tears in the fortress, but the dark appearance can easily be seen that the two fortresses are completely scrapped. If they are not taken back for repair, they may become part of the surrounding war trash!

"Damn! How's the situation on the edge, is there an ambush!" Crowe growled angrily.

The other party directly let him scrap two arc light fortresses. This war can be said that he has personally lost! Regardless of whether you can win later, lose two Arc Fortresses, waiting for his result is definitely the most serious treatment!

米 Amy tried to keep herself calm after a moment of silence, and when she heard Crow's cry, she glanced at the surveillance situation, her eyes suddenly calmed.

"There was no ambush on the edge, and our fighter squad entered smoothly! It's incredible, isn't the opponent's strength really small?" Amy was surprised first, then followed by great joy. No matter what the outcome of this war was, she finally got another useful message. .

Number of enemies!

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