Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 932:

After spending nearly an hour, Jellyfish finally transformed the blank body into the same life form as itself.

Wu Chengyuan and Zero did not delay, and immediately controlled this completely transformed body to come out of the observation room, and then let Zero control leave to study.

At this time, the jellyfish floated quietly in place, and the frequency of its peristalsis decreased a lot.

"It looks tired, and this transformation seems to be costly." Guo Xiaolian looked at the jellyfish before being 'lively', with some emotion: "It is a magical life form."

Cheng Chengyuan also exclaimed: "It's magical."

I waited for a while and saw that Guo Xiaolian had no interest in watching. He said, "Let's go first. It will take a while to recover, and we will have to examine it in more detail."

Although its ability to transform other creatures is very amazing, it is safe to give both parties a thorough inspection and comparison so that they can be used safely.

Guo Xiaolian left without objection.

Wu Chengyuan took her for a while to visit several important areas of the Titan Fortress, and then took Guo Xiaolian to take a look at their future bedroom.

In the meantime, in addition to detecting his new biological material, Zero also controlled the Titan Fortress through the wormhole to their frontline base.

After a few days of construction, the frontline base has been officially put into production, and a large number of combat robots and warships have come down from the assembly line, and then assembled into finished products.

Guo Xiaolian, who came to the control room with Cheng Yuan and Cheng Yuan, felt very novel to see this scene. After all, it was the first time she saw such a tall thing like the cosmic base.

But Cheng Yuan and Zero looked at the fast-built warships and robots and hesitated, because they will soon adopt new technology to make better warships and robots. Will these manufactured robots and warships be a waste?

得 After learning about the hugeness of the Jingling Empire, neither of them dare to entrust them, and the use of resources cannot naturally be the same as before.

And another reason for their hesitation is that, although they need to make more advanced weapons, today's mechanized troops are not enough!

Because they don't know when Crystal's counterattack will start.

Expansion of troops is undoubtedly the most important.

I seem to have discovered the anomaly of two people. After admiring these cosmic factories, Guo Xiaolian asked: "What are you all frowning about, what are you worried about?"

Zero explained without any hesitation: "We are considering whether to continue manufacturing purely mechanical units or wait for some time to make better biomechanical units."

晓 Guo Xiaolian froze, and looked at them in surprise: "Your speed is too fast, can biomaterials be put into production so soon?"

多 How long has it been, not a few hours!

Can Cheng Cheng have such a strong scientific research speed? !!

This made a big question mark in Guo Xiaolian's heart.

"This is not yet, we are just calculating the pros and cons of it." Zero answered very frankly, without any blushing.

This made Guo Xiaolian roll her eyes, looked angrily at almost zero, exactly like Cheng Yuan, and pouted: "Since it's still a shadowless thing, there is nothing to consider, of course, how can you quickly expand the fighting force How come! "

"But ..." Zero still wanted to refute, but before he said it, Guo Xiaolian immediately interrupted his words: "Don't, but you just say how long it takes for the biomaterials to be put into use. The materials I saw before There is also a description that Jingling has a trillion people, and only one tenth of the population can become a combat force, which is also very scary. "

"A few months are almost the same. After all, it doesn't count as research time, and the equipment modification also takes a short time." Zero thought and said.

Cheng Yuan said at this time: "Xiao Lian, we don't understand this truth, we are just thinking about how to be more efficient."

Guo Xiaolian: "More efficient?"

"Yes, although the combination of biological materials and machinery is not difficult, but it is not simple." When Cheng Yuan said this sentence, he saw what Zero wanted to say, but he stopped it with his eyes.

Seeing this, Zero closed his mouth in cooperation and continued to listen to Cheng Yuan.

"We are considering how to coordinate the mechanical and biological forces to make the tactics more versatile and practical."

Qi Chengyuan explained: "Although the mechanical forces have weaknesses in some aspects, they are not incapable of being exploited and eliminated."

"Oh!" Guo Xiaolian nodded, seemingly understandable, and then lying on the edge of the porthole window looking at the flashing signal base.

I saw Guo Xiaolian no problem, Cheng Yuan was relieved, so he approached zero and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Zero glanced at Guo Xiaolian and whispered: "We don't have enough reserves of knowledge on the combination of biology and machinery. Even if we learn from scratch, it takes months or even longer."

Cheng Chengyuan is not worried at all. As the owner of the core technology, he has no technology that he can't get out of as long as he thinks about it!

And after seeing the role of jellyfish, an irresistible thought suddenly popped into his mind.

However, the premise of this idea is that the biological material transformed by jellyfish is no problem!

Cheng Chengyuan looks like he is well-formed, and he also realizes that Cheng Yuan already has a plan, so he will not worry about the problem of insufficient knowledge reserve.

"Then I will stare at the inspection results. Right, I am going to plan the jellyfish, analyze its cell structure characteristics in detail, and see if there are other places available in its body. Do you want to observe the jellyfish?" Asked.

Cheng Yuan glanced at Guo Xiaolian and groaned, "You first take out the examination results of that body, and by the way study the characteristics and differences of the transformed cells, I think it will take a lot of time, right? How about three days? "

零 considered for a while, and felt that at his speed for three days was completely enough ~ ~ said at the moment: "No problem at all, but it is best to say clearly in advance, I think she will not object.

Zero smiled slightly and then left the control room.

After seeing Zero Leaving, Cheng Yuan reluctantly walked to Guo Xiaolian and asked, "How about, do you think it is different from the universe you usually see?"

没有 There are no bright stars outside, only a dark piece, the one with no fingers.

Guo Xiaolian pouted a smile, instead of answering Cheng Yuan, she asked, "Are you going to solve that jellyfish?"

Cheng Cheng heard a breath and did not speak.

晓 Guo Xiaolian didn't care, and chuckled: "My ears are also very smart. Although you speak quietly, there is no noise here."

Cheng Yuan only reacted this time. Guo Xiaolian, like him, has used genetic enhancement. Hearing him with zero whisper has no difficulty at all.

This makes Cheng Yuan slightly depressed, embarrassed, "What do you think?"

"Can I say no?" Guo Xiaolian stared at Cheng Yuan with a smile.

"Hehe." Cheng Yuan laughed.

"Do what you should do, I'm not here to block you." Guo Xiaolian looked at Cheng Yuan with an embarrassed face and smiled slightly.

"I understand."

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