Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 933:

Meteorological zone ten light years away from the outpost. After detecting that the enemy had not attacked, the Crystals began to deploy in peace and expand the number of troops.

With the arrival of some of the three major legions, the entire line of defense has spread to tens of kilometers.

All warships or fighters are surrounded by three huge Titan fortresses. Inside these three Titan fortresses named Arc Light, Clo sits firmly in his own dedicated chair, watching each item of reported data. .

"Amy, is there a new order for the Central Star?" Clow asked. All the troops had been assembled two days ago. Although the other two major legions did not dispatch the main force, they also brought most of the troops.

The troops that have been guarding the frontier of the Crystal Spirit are definitely not comparable to those in the Crystal Empire who have only theoretical experience.

When the army got together, Clo had the idea of ​​directly crossing the wormhole to reach the outpost. In his opinion, only by destroying their enemies as soon as possible could they restore some of their dignity.

But it's just a matter of thinking. He didn't dare to act without new orders.

"Not yet, commander." Although Lieutenant Amy is also green, she has long dark shawl hair, exquisite features and proud body.

She is also a rare beauty among the crystal spirits. What is even more striking is that her own beauty cannot hide her talent at all.

She is undoubtedly capable of becoming an adjunct of one of the three major legions.

"Her commander, I can feel your eagerness, but I want to remind you that being too impatient can make mistakes easily." Amy glanced coldly at Clo and then left.

Crow followed the back of Amy's departure with a gaze, and then thought about it for himself, then sighed helplessly.

何 Why didn't he know he was in a hurry.

But as the youngest of the three major legions, and not yet relying on military exploits to become the commander of the third legion, Clo is naturally anxious.

As an academic, he naturally knew that there were two distinct factions in Jingling's army.

In order not to let the people on the other side look down, Crowe desperately needs a martial art that can match his identity to prove to those people!

This is why he approached Carroll directly after the first meeting.

However, Amy's reminder also made him realize that he was too eager, and this mentality could easily cause him unfavorable situations.

As he prepared to sink his heart and reflect, Amy, who had just left suddenly, came back again, and she looked at Crow coldly. There was no trace of emotion in her tone: "Commander, a new order has come down, Chief Senator I think we can test the enemy's situation further. "

Upon hearing the news, Crowe sat up from her chair.

He looked excited and said, "Is the news just now?"

But when he saw Amy's frosty face, the excitement disappeared immediately, and he realized that he was out of character.

However, regardless of what Crom was thinking, she saw her coldly, her eyes narrowed, and sarcastically said, "Clo, if it wasn't because you were male, you wouldn't qualify for third. Commander of the Legion! "

After speaking, she did not give Chloe a chance to refute her mouth, and immediately admitted that she was wrong: "Sorry, commander, if you think there is something wrong with me, I will accept any punishment. If not, I will go to other things. "

米 Amy stood straight in front of Clo, with a look of letting things go.

He was very helpless. He and Amy were classmates at the military academy. Their scores were almost comparable, and Amy was even better than Clow.

But when choosing the commander, the senior team chose Cloe instead of the better Amy.

Because senior officials believe that female commanders are unprecedented, they don't want or can't make a woman a commander of the Third Army!

Maybe there will be in the future, but it will not appear in their time.

Such a result naturally made Amy very displeased with Crowe when she looked up and down. After becoming an aide of the Third Army, although she did not have a provocative secret, she acted honestly.

But never looked at Clo.

Amy's dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, which makes Kro very helpless. Although he also wants to ease the relationship with Amy, it is obviously far away.

"It's okay." Clow shook his head, not entangled with Amy on this issue. He is also a smart man. How could he not know Amy's dissatisfaction with him.

克 But Clo also saw very clearly that the commander of the Third Army needed by senior management was not good enough. What they need is an obedient commander.

Obviously, regardless of gender or personality, Emily is destined to not let the high-level position of the Third Army give her such an important position.

So after removing Amy, Clo, an equally good and obedient person, entered their field of vision, and after evaluation, became the commander of the Third Army.

This is definitely a hurdle for Amy, who has never known the truth.

So when Clo was accidentally gazed just now, Amy couldn't help being a little ironic.

Amy heard that the cold black eyes also had a slight change, but this change was fleeting. She nodded indifferently and turned away without hesitation.

"Let's go, go through the wormhole and let the enemy see the power of our crystal spirit!"

Uh ...


As the first planet attacked by Cheng Yuan, after this period of processing, basically everything that has research value has been removed by the robot army.

At this time, most of the troops were hovering near the ring space station, because Cheng Yuan was very interested in these satellites that could change the weather inside the planet.

There are many transport ships and robots that are preparing to take back some satellites for detailed analysis.

And at this moment, a beam with a diameter of about 3,000 kilometers came from the depths of the universe ~ ~ The beam emitted a dazzling brilliance. The high-intensity energy on the surface affected the surrounding dark energy, forming a Road dark folds.

The shape of these folds is like lightning, as if this unparalleled beam of light was covered with a layer of lightning!

The speed of the beam was very fast. The moment the alarm sounded, it hit the annular space station fiercely. The hard metal shell of the space station was torn and shattered like tofu, and then the energy beam penetrated the entire outpost without obstruction. The Penetrating Universe disappeared into the darkness.

After the energy disappeared, the entire outpost and everything around it seemed to be frozen.

The working robot stopped moving on its hands, the lights on the surface of the battleship went out, and the satellite stopped turning.


Without any prelude, the entire outpost stood still for three seconds and then suddenly exploded.

The huge energy generated by the planetary explosion directly destroyed everything around it, including the annular space station and all the fleets around it!

On the Titan fortress, the harsh alarm sounded Cheng Yuan and Zero and Guo Xiaolian at a glance, and then they received the news.

The outpost was destroyed, and the star explosion wiped out the entire army deployed by Cheng Yuan!

At the same time, they also brought a signal to them, and Jingling began to fight back!

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