Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 931:

"It's almost ..."

The three of them stood outside looking at the situation inside, all showing an incredible look.

All the tentacles of the jellyfish are divided into two strands, which are respectively connected to the two palms of the blank body made by zero, and a blue halo also appears on the transparent body of the jellyfish.

These halos appear from the top of the jellyfish, and then quickly move to the junction of the tentacles and the blank body.

In the astonishing eyes of the three Cheng Yuan, the halo dipped into the palm of the blank body.

This particular way of connection, they never thought of.

"Is it transmitting data? Is it by instinct or is the crystal remotely controlled elsewhere?" Cheng Yuan expressed doubts about Jellyfish's behavior.

The two sides are currently in a hostile relationship, and he cannot be too careful.

"It doesn't seem to be." Zero looked at the changes in the data in the blank body through the external connector, and found that there was no increase in data in the storage device specially prepared for the blank body.

In order to meet the standards of this crystal product, he specially made storage equipment matching the crystal.

But obviously, this jellyfish is not transmitting data.

As he thought about what the jellyfish was doing, Guo Xiaolian suddenly began to remind him: "Look, the color of the palm has changed."

The sharp-eyed Guo Xiaolian found that the color of the palm of the body made by the zero-temporary body gradually began to become transparent through the connection of the strongest light!

She can clearly see the capillaries and muscle tissue in the palm of her hand.

Wu Chengyuan and Lingwen Yan quickly looked at the palms of the blank body. Although the connection was a bit dazzling, if you look closely, you can really see that the palm of the body has begun to change.

Not only that, this change has spread from the hand to the arm!

"It's changing the cell structure of this body!" As the zero that made this body, he naturally knows everything about this body, and can also see all the changes of this body at any time.

He looked at the jellyfish in astonishment, and said inconceivably: "This jellyfish is going to transform this body into a life form similar to them!"

This property that changes the structure of other organisms is simply incredible!

"Changing into a creature like it?" Cheng Yuan first glanced, but then he looked at zero, and at the same time zero also looked at Cheng Yuan, both of them seriously showed expectations.

Apparently, they both thought of going together.

如果 "If it can really do this, can we also make our own biological intelligence?" Cheng Yuan asked uncertainly.

Biomaterials, he has also studied some before, but absolutely not to this extent like this jellyfish.

Especially the jellyfish in front of him does not seem to be dead. Even if it is a biological brain, it seems to have its own life. Although it is not like a higher intelligent life, it also belongs to a special single-cell life.

At first he was quite curious, what kind of method did Jingling use to make this kind of intelligent brain with life characteristics.

But it now seems that it wasn't the crystals who made them, but the crystals that used them. They were originally one of the beings born in the universe!

Although Cheng Yuan's question is very exciting, but he is still unable to answer it. He groaned: "I don't know yet. Look at the results first. If this body is really transformed into a similar life form, we may not It really can be a biological intelligence. "

For them, pure machinery can no longer satisfy them who have entered the interstellar age, because pure machinery has many disadvantages, and Jingling has only temporarily found no solution.

I really let them find it, which is very bad for Cheng Yuan.

Without the advantages of the mechanical army, Cheng Yuan could not compete with Jingling at all. After all, he doesn't have a billion people like Jingling. Even if it is made by assembly lines, it is impossible to create billions of mechanical armies in a short time.

Therefore, if you want to solve the disadvantages of pure machinery, then the combination of biology and machinery is a very ideal state, but Cheng Yuan has never been able to find a suitable biological material.

Without the right biomaterials, even his nanobots can't replicate.

Now, there is a lively applicable material in front of them, or they can use it!

Can survive in the cosmic vacuum environment, and will not receive the erosion and interference of most of the cosmic environment. This kind of perfect biological material, Cheng Yuan could not figure out that Jingling has not considered using it?

不是 Is it too wasteful to simply use the brain for auxiliary purposes?

Maybe Jing Ling has also used it, but he doesn't know yet.

But this has nothing to do with him, both he and Zero are very excited to watch the changes in the observation room, watching the little changes in the body, their eyes are bright.

Guo Xiaolian shuddered when the hungry wolves saw the fatness and thirst like the fat wolf. They could not help but carefully move away from the two, far from the two.

Especially when I saw that Zero and Cheng Yuan were still very similar, it was even worse.

"I said, what happened to the two of you, take the medicine and show this look." Guo Xiaolian couldn't help complaining.

I heard Guo Xiaolian's voice of dissatisfaction, Cheng Yuan and Zero reacted. There were not only them, but also a hostess at the scene!

When the two of them looked back at the same time, Cheng Yuanxi smiled: "It's just a little excited."

"This change is important to you?" Guo Xiaolian glanced at the blank body like jellyfish that has been transformed in both arms ~ ~, very puzzled.

For her, this is just a magical change, and she can't see anything special elsewhere.

Cheng Yuan chuckled and explained: "This jellyfish is a very special creature. It is both a separate living body and a tool capable of storing information. The two main points are not these. It can Living in the environment, this creature is simply the perfect biological material. "

也就是说 "That is to say, this kind of biological material is of great help to you?" Guo Xiaolian just realized why the eyes of the two were the same as the hungry wolves.

当然 "Of course, if this biological material can be combined with our mechanical army, our strength can at least be improved by several levels on the existing basis!" Cheng Yuanxin vowed.

Biomechanics can not only let its own army have both mechanical and biological characteristics, so that it can eliminate many weaknesses in pure mechanics.

Wu Chengyuan even thought that when Jingling thought he had only a simple mechanical legion, he came up with a more powerful legion combining biology and machinery.

He is not what Tao Jingling looks like when he sees it.

However, thinking of the green faces of those crystal spirits, Cheng Yuan felt that no expression had the depth of their green light.

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